Saturday, March 8, 2025

After Everything

There will always be room...
that's the marvel about inner space.
It has no limits and no boundaries other than those we create.
It's spaciousness is infinite.
Even returning to the soil returns us 
into a never ending cycle of life.
I'm more than ok with becoming lichen.
So much mystery.
So much majesty.
So much magnificence.
So go ahead and branch out!
You're due a beautiful new beginning.

Friday, March 7, 2025

The Life You Have

"but this is the one you have."

This is the country we have, painful as that is to say.
It's heart wrenching to accept at this moment.
But here's what I want to say to that...
this moment is not permanent.
This moment has enormous possibility.
We are Americans, after all.  
And we are a mighty group.
We may be knocked off track
but we are not out of the race.
Where we are is hard. 
Each of us  is doing what we can and we will prevail.

"We are at war with a dictator backed by a traitor."
Claude Malhuret

We have an opportunity to...
"Wrap our hands around the warm mug of it;
Pull the wool sweater of it closer and relish
whatever protects you from every gust of cold rushing in."

We can do this...together.



Thursday, March 6, 2025

Generational Patterns Are Woven

"Fabric can be unraveled, tears mended, knots untangled.
I love this thought in the context of healing the harm being done
to the earth and to each other across the ages.

Is it possible, the unraveling going on right now
is giving us an opportunity to reweave the patterns
that have been hurting our earth and the creatures living here?
How do we reweave this bitter story into one of transformation?
 That is the question accompaning me...entwined with the outrage and fear.
It feels like we are moving in the wrong direction.
Is it possible, the tension and stress between the mistakes of the past
and the potential for beneficial change in the future
is where evolution is happening?

How can we activate our invisible looms...
our unseen needles and commence the repairs necessary
to save our home, our dignity and true justice for all?

No one can do everything,
but every person can do something.
We're in this together. 
You are not alone.
It matters. 


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Idea of No Regrets

This resonates with me because I once heard someone I respect
remark that she's living so she doesn't have regrets.
It gave me pause as I have many...not critical but significant.
So it was refreshing to hear this from Brene'.

One regret that is making itself felt these days
is the impulse to hurry through everything.
I wonder if mom having so many children
is why this pattern is written into my "software".
Hmmmm, perhaps blaming mom for everything
is something else I might want to reflect upon?
Nonetheless, I now have a tiny voice that activates
when I find myself rushing, suggesting I slow down; 
no small feat when there's a deadline and I'm upon it and 
I'm not ready, yet, there it is staring at me with expectation.

I trust you're making friends with your regrets
and letting them open you to a
more spacious way of living.



Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Feeling Good Is Not The Only State

"Sometimes the divine is draped in darkness."

This line brings the underworld to my mind for some reason.
It connects somehow to the scary unknown 
harbored in my roots from childhood.
I'm slowly growing to be open to the darkness
and the treasures hidden in its shadows.

"Expansion and contraction make creation bloom.
Sometimes the deepest gifts arrive in a box of suffering."

I struggled with this concept from a young age.
Being steeped in things like the stations of the cross...
and the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary...
(if you're not familiar, I recommend you stay that way.)
my young, tender heart translated these to a belief 
that the ONLY way to become good was to suffer.
Some might call this a martyr complex? 
I was well into my thirties before I realized
suffering would find me, I did not have to go looking for it.
Now I'm learning joy and appreciation and love 
are present simultaneously and that's where to focus my attention.

"Love is far more deep and mysterious.
All her seasons are holy."

Suffering has found us, hasn't it?
Either directly or vicariously, we are in the deep.
May we find joy as we link elbows and traverse this wretched landscape.
May this current contraction lead swiftly to a 
whole hearted expansion of goodness and reverence for all creation.



Monday, March 3, 2025

Courage In Spite Of Despair

I resist/deny the feelings of despair passing through...
instead, they shore up my lagging trust in goodness
and renew my determination to believe
 and envision the world I long for.
I'm learning this involves the ability to see
 tiny threads tightly woven into the fabric...
sometimes hidden, sometimes invisible.
The lone man standing in a room of predators,
holding his own, showing his dignity,
displaying true decency and truth.
His courage and grace replenishes my spirit.



Sunday, March 2, 2025

Two Huge Lies

This came up hard for me as I was writing to representatives today.
I confess, I am not feeling much compassion for certain people at this time.
In fact, what I'm feeling is a vast void of any kind sentiments at all.
What I'm feeling is a blue hot torch of revulsion.

What we witnessed in our Oval Office was
the dignity and decency of one man fighting for his people
subjected to ridicule and cruelty in our name.  

This means it is time to take a breath, and another, and another.
I will settle for wishing I could feel compassion
 for those inflicting such harm and disrespect;
while seeking the grace to use this blue hot torch 
to right what is wrong, purify what is corrupted,
tidy up what is filthy...beginning here on the inside 
in order to produce ripples flowing outward,
growing into waves, becoming gamma rays of goodness
as a creative force of repair.  

This is my wish, my hope, my intention, my prayer.