"Each plant alive with the mystery of beginnings."
I am reading The Light Eaters:
How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence
Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth by Zoe Schlanger.
It has me captivated as she explains and expands
the magnificent world of plant's incredible capabilities
toward evolution and adaptation.
"Observe the journey of an ant and imitate its path
of persistence in a world of bigger things."
Isn't that what each of us is doing
in whatever small way we find before us?
"The journey begins on a path made of your old mistakes.
Of which we have plenty, don't we, regarding our Earth?
It is deeply painful to contemplate.
I welcome the idea that a right path can be made from past wrongs.
"The journey continues when you call Earth by her name."
To see and honor Earth and all who live within her ...
this is what I consider as my most important purpose.
The roots of human superiority are deep and strong.
They must be altered...(as in placed on the alter of intention)
and transformed in order to grow equality and kinship with every creature.
There is much work to do. To save what can still be saved.