Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sit With The Freedom

Freedom inside myself?
This is taking getting used to.
I've not thought of this before and I love the concept.
My body is more than well acquainted with limits.
"Galaxies inside my fingertips"?
I'm definitely needing practice to embody the universe.
I'm eager to replace my fear with awe.
Freedom can do that.
That's why I'm willing to fight for it 
with every fiber of my being.



Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 I enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek sense of humor of this.
The letters of recommendation were a highlight.

Who wouldn't want a "copless land where no one hoards anything"?
A copless land because cops weren't necessary?
Who wouldn't prefer not to multitask?
Not to feel so pressured that one had to?
I'm wondering if there is a way of life
where people thrive without being driven to excess.
It occurs to me that the drive to survive 
can lead many to wondrous creativity.
However, it also appears to lead to the need to accumulate
and that's where things get tangled and knotted.
"I can end on any day that ends in why not,
for real, I don't need this...
I'm with the people."

Monday, January 29, 2024

Memento Mori

"All things escape as if leaving me when I am the one leaving."
Each time I read this something strikes me anew.
As my time grows shorter, I consider all
I've accumulated with a wince and a vow to "cull my life."
Leave only my robe and slippers behind.

"If I try to remember it all, I'll go mad."
Perhaps its a mercy to forget...
all but the love and awe and wonder?
I want to make sure there's enough of those
to carry me over the threshold.


Friday, January 26, 2024

Let's Go Small

"We are all pinpoints of light among 
billions in the universe of space and time."
Growing up as one of twelve, I'm exquisitely familiar
with the feeling of being "lost in a crowd".  
So while this idea is "disconcerting", it isn't new to me.

I'm also keenly steeped in the belief:
"if I just work hard enough I can be or do anything
and that I should do and be something important, meaningful
and that distinguishes me from others."

It's interesting that it was close to the time I turned 50
things began to shift and I slowly let go of the need to achieve
this great purpose I was supposed to discover and live out.
(Not that I have let go of considering it frequently 
and questioning myself on its merit. I still find myself wrestling with it.)

It's deeply refreshing to hear someone else say:
"I don't have to do my caring in some big, unique,
changing-the-world kind of way."

As I write this, the thought of how stars are born
and live out their lives as "pinpoints" in the sky
doing their time, wherever they are and fading away
without fanfare or great purpose other than lighting up
their small area in a vast universe. 
I'm ok with being like a star.


Thursday, January 25, 2024

When I Feel Lost And Afraid

Feeling "lost and afraid" is familiar territory, it seems, these days
if I'm honest with myself.
As much as I yearn to stay upbeat and positive,
and can manage it reasonably well, 
the lost and afraid moments are always nearby.  

"There are roots far deeper than anything I can see."
What lush and reassuring words.

A recent walk in the woods brought me the
beauty of ice sculptures on rocks 
posed on swirling waters of the creek.
The silent trees, naked and gray 
watching over the scene.

When I think of you
"others reaching for the light",
its a dose of strong medicine
like heartfelt laughter and singing,
altering the scene and the story
into something unexpected and remarkable.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Kinder Than Man

"Let death be kinder than (hu)man."
It might be the case since none of us has any inkling of what death is like.
The condition of our world now makes me understand why our forebears
might have resorted to the idea of heaven and hell? 
They could see the horrors humans are capable of?
Maybe they were trying to find a way to end
being killed for simply living.
Goodness will prevail.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Loneliest Job In The World

I thought this was a hard truth
spoken in a creative manner.

"to be an accountant of the heart"

I often ask myself why everything has to be about money?
This quote echoes that question.
Can I even imagine, like in a fantasy novel, 
a world that isn't centered on money? 
What would that look like, feel like, be like?

This is my thinking exercise for today.
Indigenous societies pulled it off long, long ago, didn't they?
It's not so much the fact of money,
its the worship of it, the adoration, 
the supreme focus it evokes.

Perhaps it comes down to your attitude toward it?
Refusing to let it dictate the accounts of your heart?


Monday, January 22, 2024

Markers of Success

What a tantalizing thought.

How well you sleep at night is certainly
a worthy token of success.

However, I find that counting the books I've read 
takes away some of the joy of reading books.
How many books have you read that you 
carry around in your bloodstream and bones
might be a better way to assess? 
Or, how many books have you reread more than once?

Otherwise, especially these days, 
laughing and telling stories...or listening to them and
"feeling warm in the arms and homes of people I adore" 
seems a more than worthy pursuit.

May your sleep, your reading, your storytelling,
your laughing and warmth fill your days!


Friday, January 19, 2024

Life Occurs In The Overlap

"Life experiments and change and flourishes 
in the places where bodies meet and dialogue with each other..."

I love this word picture...
the "overlap", 
the "floodplains",
the "connective tissue".

Those unique, messy, random, unruly places where alchemy occurs. 
When one entity encounters another and connects.
It's what I believe we need to heal...
our divided selves and our divided society.

Does it happen organically?  Obviously, yes, in our bodies and in nature.
But what about our human made entities?
Do we build our communities to foster these floodplains and overlaps?
Places where our bodies can "meet and dialogue with each other"?
Or do we build walls and place checkpoints?

What if churches operated on this principle?
What if my catholic school back in the 60's had said,
"We're going to have a play date with those non-catholics across the street."
"Instead of praying for their souls, we're going to get together
and ask each other questions, have a conversation 
in order to understand each other?"
How different would our world be 
if our leaders, governments, media outlets and institutions
operated from this mindset?  Set this kind of example?


Thursday, January 18, 2024

When I Say I Forgive You

 Talk about shifting my view of a hatchet.

"I am building myself a new house."

As my time grows shorter, I'm renovating mine.
A few adjustments here and there.
A new alcove or two, each with a different view.
A skylight in every ceiling,
to watch the universe drawing its patterns at night;
and wild migrations throughout the day.
Expand the porches, throw parties for the warblers,
feasts for the monarchs, sipping spots for hummers,
picnics for all winged travelers.
Masses of flowers...nectar everywhere...
fragrance, sounds, color, textures.
Cozy corners where darkness is befriended
its teachings received.
Lots of space for making messes
on the way to becoming masterpieces.
Time may be growing shorter,
yet, I'm just getting started.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Water Lies Low

"Water lies low and does not compare or compete.
I felt swamped by these words.
Especially as I was deep in the weeds 
of comparison and competition at the time.
I catch myself there often, I'm afraid.
In this respect, I would so love to liquify every
brittle, hardened patch within.

"Be the water and flow easily."
My first reaction to this thought is how passive it sounds.
And I have no desire to be passive.

Yet, water is capable of creating dramatic change.
Watch any creek bed before and after a rain storm.

I like the combination of this thought with yesterday's 
"But water always goes where it wants to go, 
and nothing in the end can stand against it."

It seems to me that as a human who is half water,
I have the potential to combine the qualities of water 
with the power of attentive intention
and participate in creating 
dignity and decency wherever I go.
Planting seeds along the way for those who come after.
Cultivating the soil with elements
that nourish and sustain a continual harvest
for all creatures inhabiting the landscape.



Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Water Does Not Resist

"water always goes where it wants to go"

I'm thinking of dams as I write those words and 
then "and nothing, in the end can stand against it."
Now noting how water will eventually wear away the dam
when I think in Earth time.

("If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it." 
I dare say that's the way of most women, isn't it?)

The last few days have been overwhelming in 
a most wonderful way. 
Giving witness to the beauty and power of 
young love and its amazing impact on 
everyone within its sphere is cause for ongoing celebration.
Add in the enduring love between generations and you're 
riding a wave that has no bounds! 
I recommend regular doses of it.



Monday, January 15, 2024

The Perfect Way?

Is this even possible, I'm asking myself?
It feels like my entire existence has been about making choices,
"picking and choosing, liking and disliking."
How does one go about becoming "never for or against."
Isn't this the very thing that makes us who we uniquely are?
I'm honestly not certain I can accept this but for some reason, 
I feel it bears reflecting upon as there may be at least a seed of usefulness?
Perhaps an experiment is called for in which I allow myself
to be in a place where I am not for or against?
The first thing that happens is a HUGE NO
 comes up when I consider certain things going on
in the world right now. 
It feels incredibly passive and complacent not to take a stand.
It's a surrendering of the agency I've tried so hard to foster.
Letting others steamroller my life, my spirit, my soul.
So this sounds like I am making a choice, doesn't it?
That's a pretty distinct fail in following this mindset.

Perhaps if everyone lived from this premise?

Is that even a realistic experiment?

I'm leaving this with you with a large amount of ambivalence.
Would love to hear your thoughts. 


Friday, January 12, 2024

Life After Death

 An uplifting thought as my days grow shorter.
I like to think the seeds we sow--actual seeds as well as
seeds of kindness, mercy and mutual respect will reseed...
continually bringing new life into the world.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

If You Slice Me Open

 This image captured my attention before the words did.
 I like to think my "rings of regret" and "circles of sorrow"
are braided tightly into "growth in grace and wonder".
I believe we all send out ripples 
vibrating throughout imaginal time and space,
leaving behind invisible as well as tangible rings of impact 
creating change within the intricate and astonishing web of life
we are privileged to play a part in.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Close The Door

What if I don't know what I have to say?
Much of my thought process leans toward what cannot be contained 
in these small marks on this fragile and temporary page.
What I have to say hovers just on the other side of the shoreline between here 
and there, wherever there is.  I meander along the edges hoping for connection.
Discovery of some tidbit I can pick up and carry with me feeling it vibrate 
reminding me of its existence and its companionship. 

Waking up to a snow covered landscape was not in my expectations this morning as we embark on our journey south for Laney's wedding.  It's beautiful.  
May I remember to take strong note of every beautiful fleeting moment 
letting it sink into my harbor of memories to accompany me through my days.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Be The Person Who Still Tries

These words cause rumbles for me.
I'm someone who has lived according to the rule of: 
"if it's not working, go on to other things, it's not meant for you."
This rule has served me well to an extent
but in retrospect I can see some cracks in the thinking.
Some things require trying and failing, often many times.
Is it an illusion that when something is "your thing"
you will feel it to your bones and enjoy the process?
For someone who has relinquished many goals because
my bones weren't digging it, this is an important question.
The more important question might be,
what is it I want to still keep trying as life grows shorter?
Loving in spite of my feelings to the contrary is uppermost
in my mind these days.  

Monday, January 8, 2024

Be Ground

Be crumpled, so wildflowers can grow where you are.
A lovely thought but I'd rather be crumpled so berries can grow
to provide nourishment for creatures crossing my path.

"Surrender" as in Let It Be.
Accept what is and turn it into gold.
Be who we are and respect our magnificence and our shortcomings.
We are all crucibles of clay becoming astonishing.
Rephrase that...we already are astonishing.

Friday, January 5, 2024

For Those Who Accepted Non-Violence

Powerful words from an icon of fairness.

"the desire to redeem the souls of our brothers and sisters who were beguiled
by the illusion of superiority

I'm uncomfortable with his term "redeeming souls".  
Perhaps if he had said, the desire to "expand their perspective"?
I would also use limited beliefs instead of false gods but who am I to edit John Lewis?
The spirit of his words is evident and I'm in complete agreement with him on this.
The "illusion of superiority" is the key factor in the current divisive climate.
Where I find myself wincing is when I recognize how easily I don the illusion
when considering those I have relegated to the "other" side.
I am chagrined to recognize this "illusion of superiority" in myself.  

How to vehemently disagree without adopting a superior stance?
How to develop mutual respect while trying to understand an opponents viewpoint
when I know in my deepest core they are deadly wrong?

This is where I stand in awe of the work of Braver Angels
and others who are working to promote understanding and overcome division.

"It will not be over until we talk Colum McCann, Apeirogon

We are in this together and there's serious work to do 
starting with ourselves and working outward!! 


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Love Is

"to hold up another's well-being and dignity regardless of how you feel about them."
This, my friends, is the challenge of my life.  And it doesn't only apply to people.
It applies to animals, insects, pests, even poison ivy. All of which make great practice material
for the really difficult undertaking of those humans who ignite disdain.
It's a lesson in equality.
The hardest part is recognizing that no one and nothing is higher or lower in stature.
They all play their part in this amazing, diverse, multi faceted world.  
I don't know about you, but I've been DEEPLY programmed to apply value and "worthiness" in varying degrees to everyone and everything around me.  
It does not make me proud.
All of this has led me to the realization that love, real love, is HARD.
My intention and desire is to rise to this challenge. 
In a down moment yesterday, I found myself belittling my own sharp flaws.
Remembering to hold up my own well-being and dignity was called for.
I doubt gold medals will ever be handed out for this. 
That doesn't mean we couldn't imagine it as Olympic game material, does it?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Communication is a Miracle

"It is not surprising that we misunderstand each other;
it is shocking that we ever communicate effectively at all."

I confess, I'm someone who focuses pretty much
only on the conversation and communication going on inside
my own head.  I seldom do a sound check to see if
my interpretation of any given situation is anywhere near
rational, open minded and based on actual evidence.
I also confess to sometimes being influenced by what I see and hear
without giving an ounce of examination.  Mostly because it lines up with 
what I want to hear or a lack of awareness.

This is why silence seems so important. 
Silence and gentle questioning of myself (and others)
to find the heart of the matter.  To face the contradictions.
To consider my own motivations and incompleteness.
To be attentive to what I don't know yet.
To be willing to make mistakes, to fail, to learn and to keep going.
Emphasis on gentle. Emphasis on heart.
Emphasis on understanding...myself and others.

We're in this together.