Monday, October 31, 2022

Take Everything


(Using a different method to write this blog 
Things may look different temporarily.)

Some of these may be repeats.
I am betting that if I can’t remember them, others may not either.
Even so, this one seems worth a repeat as the message is important. 
I’m thinking it’s good to recognize opposites live within us,
and, it’s worthwhile for them to be aware of each other.
It’s not easy to accept the darker side of our personality,
But I like the idea of putting it "in service to the good."


Friday, October 28, 2022

accidental gods


To remember, and continue to remember
we have the capacity to imagine 
the world we long for
into existence.
To remember there are 
millions upon millions of us...
swarming, shoaling, gathering...
linking together in an 
invisible but mighty murmuration.
I'm thinking the invisible river of goodness
is flooding the landscape 
with silent transformation.
We have the power to save our home.
We have the power to make true justice,
true equality and mutual respect a reality.
Imagine! Bring it to life.


Thursday, October 27, 2022


This is one where the image
says it as well or better than the words.
If only we humans could listen
to the plants and animals.
We would learn so much
more than we can imagine.
As much good as words have done,
they have also done much harm
in conveying the idea (thoughts)
that we are better and "have dominion over".
That is religion in its most primitive state.
Savage even.
We are so much better than that this.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Citizen of Dark Times

"When you hit rock bottom, dig farther down.
Grief is the seed of singing, shame the seed of song.
Keep seeing what you are not saying."

Holy wow to these lines. 
"Shame the seed of song?"
I have never thought of it in that way.
Shame and grief...the two chambers of agony
many of us seek to avoid at any cost.
Perhaps I should change that to "I" seek to avoid.

"the songbirds only weapon is a song."

I've always told myself that I don't need to 
go looking for sorrow and pain
in the martyrdom style of my ancestors.
They will always find me.

I do confess to skirting around them.
To armoring up so as not to feel
even the lesser spectrums of loss and humiliation
happening more and more frequently
in this journey toward elderhood.

Now telling myself it's a good idea
to loosen the armor just a fraction
because when you can't feel the loss
you're anesthetized to joy.
You're a songbird without a song.

So in looking for the key
 to unlock the armor.
I hope to find myself humming.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Admit Uncertainty--Believe In Yourself


"The conviction to live in your own mind
and not in someone else's."
Aren't we all entitled to this?
Being programmed, even by well meaning parents, and churches
can be a detriment to living in your own mind.
Being taught to think for yourself 
is the greatest gift you can give and receive.
Critical thinking skills are priceless.


Monday, October 24, 2022

I Can

I have to share this as a balance to "I Can't"
from last week.
It's a more playful poem than the other.
"I'll turn up the volume with all I fail to say."
   Provokes a connection to Rebecca Solnit's,
Her essay on silence is bone chilling.
"I'll answer life's despair by rising to the call",
inspires me to focus on resilience and 
belief in the river of goodness.


Friday, October 21, 2022

Finding Joy?

"The preciousness of small things."
I'm thinking this is where I will focus my thoughts.
A "just right" cup of coffee,
a good night's sleep,
a warm home on a frigid morning,
a sister's email,
a walk with a friend.
The last blooms of summer
rescued from the frost.
How swiftly they add up and
softly close the door on troubles.
What if I introduce the troubles,
to the precious small things?
We all might learn something?


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Still, Small Voice

This is the third morning in a row I've rejected
the quotes I previously selected.
I landed on this one.

I love "when silence becomes a loom".
I've always been fascinated by looms.

I also love the idea of "reweaving the pattern".

There are patterns in today's world
that are ripe for reweaving.

Perhaps the only way is to reweave
the patterns within. . .

not to turn away or ignore
rather being open to a new way
of orchestrating my response.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I Can't

I had something written about this poem.
Which I think is exquisite.
Now I don't know what to say.
I offer it to you with my silence.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Four Unanswered Questions

I've passed over three other quotes for today
and landed on this one.

I'm thinking the only person qualified
to answer these, is yourself for yourself.
All the rest is merely someone else's opinion.  
And a simple "I don't know" is perfectly acceptable.


Monday, October 17, 2022

In the Dust of Which We're Made

 Exact QuoteAnd what they prove to themselves and to others is that man is no mere creature of his habits, no mere automaton in his routine, no mere cog in the collective machine, but that in the dust of which he is made there is also fire, lighted now and then by great winds from the sky.

This quote set my heart strings in motion.
Especially when I "fixed" the language to be more inclusive.
As someone fondly attached to my habits and routines,
it shifts things around a bit.
Formerly closed doors crack open.
Dormant curiosities stir.
Who knows what surprises could crop up?
I'm entranced with the idea of turning to dust/soil one day;
for today however, I'm focusing on the fire.


PS: Yet another version: And what WE prove to OURselves and to others is that WE ARE no mere creature of OUR habits, no mere automaton in OUR routine, no mere cog in the collective machine, but that in the dust of which WE ARE made there is also fire, lighted now and then by great winds from the sky.

PSS:  He's referring to Amelia Earhart.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Everything Contributes to its Harmony

I'm thinking of the sound
we listened to last night
on our porch. 
It was a mesmerizing sound.

May the sounds I make
join nature's music and
contribute to Earth's harmony.



Thursday, October 13, 2022

How to Alchemize

I hesitated to share this beautiful thought
when I considered those I find
almost impossible to treat
as if they are sacred.
Yet, I know this is the very 
heart of the matter.
It's also the heat of the matter.
I will approach gently,
here and now
 with myself.
By starting close in,
the ripples will begin.
and reverberate outward.

It takes consistent practice
and heartfelt focus
and dedicated intention.
I believe in the power
of fractals...small things
done over and over
increase in mass and potency.

I hold unto this thought
like a lifeline 
 when despair
hovers near.
Thank you for being on 
the other end.


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

i will not die

Every word of this is
like a gentle hand strumming strings inside.
"to allow my living to open me"
makes me feel pressure in my eyes
where I think my tear ducts reside.

"to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise"
causes a catch in my breath,
and a rise in my shoulders envisioning wings.
What torch will I carry?
What promise do I make to myself or others?


"I choose to risk my significance so that
which came to me as a seed
goes to the rest as blossom. . ."
Consider the seeds buried within.
Give what they need to flourish.
Give thought to blossomings
pass them along wherever possible.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Holy Humanness?

While I take her point and her words are magnificent, 
could it be because this "realm of rock and stream and dust"
can be every bit as "spiritual" as the "heights of spirit"?
As for me, being "pulled down and wallowing in the mud
in our own holy humanness" can be every bit as "divine".
There is great allure in the thought there is a place
to "ascend" to where everything is as we'd like it to be.
That one day we will reach this nirvana 
and all will be ecstatically wonderful.
Maybe it will be but until then,
I feel as though my time is better spent
concentrating on what is holy
right here and now.
Perhaps, for now, it is enough?


Monday, October 10, 2022

Friday, October 7, 2022

The Mind Always Wants

"as if joy weren't strewn all around"

I'm thinking what a wonderful
spot to return to when my mind
gets filled with the "stuff" of the day.
Instead of looking to tidy up the house,
take a moment to enjoy the joy
strewn across the floor?  
When dinner is done,
rather than cleaning up the dirty dishes
to notice the delight 
of preparing and tasting good food,
alone or with loved ones?
Notice the joy.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Flashpoints of Time

"Flashpoints of time. . .slipping away"
is the story of our lives, isn't it?
Walking outside yesterday
in the predawn light
and listening to owls calling
across the field to each other 
was one of these for me.
My attempts to "capture" their sound was unsuccessful
as my ears could hear them clearly
but my app could not.
I think back to recent "flashpoints"
and realize how unexpectedly they come
and just as quickly vanish into the mists of memory.
Does sharing this with you make this art? 
I've not thought of it like that before now.


Monday, October 3, 2022


I'm thinking about how the weather
affects moods and what a distinct pleasure
these early October days have been here,
especially after bracing for potential harm from Ian.
I'm thinking about "a harvest of sensation 
that both roots and uplifts."
I'm thinking about how trees
have an "antifreeze" protein
that protects cells from freezing.
The wonder of it! 
All that's going on within and beneath
the bark of those silent, stately creations.
What a marvel.

I'm also thinking about those humans who
are suffering or dead due to the violent weather
with reverence and sorrow.
May they find some solace and comfort
amidst the devastation.
