Friday, April 29, 2022

Forgiveness and Compassion

"To believe in their capacity to be transformed?"
My hope is we can hold the people in our country
accountable for their wrongdoing 
with compassion and forgiveness
rather than vengeance and humiliation.
I'm going to believe it's possible,
despite all evidence to the contrary.  
May it be so.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


This quote is part of an article I came across this morning. 
I encourage you to read it if you have time.
The comment section had this interesting "thought".

"When he finished his erasure, some folks accused him of vandalizing a de Kooning, saying he destroyed art. It wasn't vandalism, he tells the interviewer. Then what was it? "Poetry," he says. "

This braids nicely with the thoughts being presented 
by Sharon Blackie in The Enchanted Life.
(I've shared some and suspect there will be more.)
This topic is serendipitous to me right now
as "nothing" is what I feel when I 
 contemplate writing something.
It's been unnerving yet, I know
from experience, the words 
come when they are ready.

May we remember our nothing is something!


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wonder Says "What's Possible?"

This is a new aspect of wonder for me.
I've always thought of it as curiosity 
which, for me, often leads to overwhelm
as I consider learning a whole large field of study.
This gives me a different perspective I welcome.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Words Help You See

 I'm conflicted about this one.
In general, I would heartily agree but,
since currently enduring a 
"mute" spell, where no words are capable
of capturing what I'm experiencing,
I'm dubious about the validity 
in some circumstances.
Sometimes, it takes time to learn to see
especially when you're walking in the unknown.
It seems patience is needed and trust.  
Trust that what is emerging
will reveal itself and with that revelation
will come the words to describe it.
Or, one needs to write gibberish
until whatever is going on inside
forms some kind of coherence?
An experiment seems to be presenting itself.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Enchantment Grounded in Whole-Hearted Living

 There is much to take in here.  
Much to contemplate and activate.
It's a challenging and exciting invitation.
One that calls for a deep dive 
into my motivations and intentions.
One that has me revisiting 
purpose and vision for my life.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Wish I Could Photosynthesize

"Doing the work of the world while standing in the sun."  

Ok, I would prefer to sit or recline in dappled sun,
but, I certainly like the idea of floating lazily on a pond.
 What a thought! 
Imagine simply being who you're born to be
trusting the evolution of your species in the continuum.
Fulfilling your purpose without question or analysis.
You're also rooted in place
eliminating the privilege 
and responsibility
of making choices 
or trying out a different locale.
So there are tradeoffs.



Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Law of Nature

 This feels like a giant punch in the gut.
How can we, as a society, not see this?
"Systems fall apart if they try to grow infinitely."
May we be given whatever resources needed
to alter our course in time.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Land Knows You

This thought softens my hardened edges.
The land (ki) knows me even when 
I'm paying no attention to its beauty,
even when I'm caught up 
in the programming of thinking 
it is an object apart from me.
There for my use only.
Offering no respect or consideration.
It presents itself without fanfare
or "marketing".
What a giant shift 
for my mind and my spirit.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Wounded World is Holding Us

 This one is tattoo worthy. 
The idea of a wounded world 
feeding and holding us 
inspires me to gratitude
and the need to reciprocate
the care I'm receiving.

I'm guessing a bear made
a pass through here last night
leaving a path of broken,
empty bird feeders.  

Having the birds return
seeking sustenance this morning
encourages me to try again.
Perhaps bring them in each night
(the feeders not the birds)
if I can develop that habit.
Once the broken pieces 
are restored.

I hope to carry the vision
of the wounded earth
continuing to tend us
along with me.
An antidote to despair.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Reciprocal Relationship

 The Western White European mindset of objectifying the natural world 
is something I'm finding imprinted deeply into my own psyche.  
Not at all something to be proud of.  Something I want to change.
I have found that identifying plants
helps to offset this programming.
Its like getting to know your neighbors
or the people you meet along your regular routes.
It takes time, which is a whole other topic.
But it enhances the world around me
the more I learn about my cohabitants.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Ki and Kin?

In The Enchanted Life  by Sharon Blackie
she discusses how the English language promotes
the idea of hierarchy, objectification and separation with its pronouns.

Serendipitously, thanks to a good friend reminding me
of Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass, 
I came across her article published in Orion magazine
where she discusses the same thing.

I pulled out the pertinent sentences 
to pinpoint a possible solution.
A democratizing of species
through language, you might say.  


PS: Ki in Japanese means spirit.  It's pronounced kee.

Rachel's Ki has Potawatomi roots as explained 
in the Orion article linked above. 
I still want to verify how she pronounces it.  

Salt and Sand

 This comes along at an interesting time for me.
I've been wondering what part of me is "real"
as it feels like my personality has been
heavily influenced by outside forces;
such as family, church, schools and society.
In my desire to be true, it's easy to abandon
parts of myself I'm not that crazy about.
I love the image of the sea throwing herself
against the hardened cliffs.
This reminds me its all part of the picture.
Whether I like it or not.  


Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 I'm unable to articulate
why this reverberates
and echoes like a clear gong
among the chambers of my bones. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Make Yourself Feel Better

 This is a premier suggestion.
take the time to think of 
"words you've always wanted to hear".
Write the down in large font.
Post them everywhere...
mostly on your heart. 
Carry them with you.

Monday, April 11, 2022

To Live By My Own Values

I'm a tiny bit chagrined to realize
I still have sorting to do
regarding which of my values are mine
and which belong to the culture I live in.
Not easy teatime musing.
So I'll proceed gently.


Friday, April 8, 2022

To Live An Enchanted Life

 When I think that the distance between
this fragile, life giving planet
and the void of outer space
is only around 50 miles,
(less than the distance from here to Asheville),
I am overwhelmed with awe
and clutched with horror
at the thought of 
the devastation we are inflicting
on this marvel we call Earth.
My river of gold 
becomes a river of sorrow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

An Enchanted Life

"The extraordinary lying at the heart of the ordinary",
this is an enticing thought; 
one I'm eager to explore as I begin reading
The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie,
with a group of kindred spirits.

At the same time,
I'd like to share a version of Hallelujah
I discovered this morning.
I found it quite moving.

(There will be a short ad you'll have to endure)


Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 Finding myself a tiny bit ambivalent about this.
Part of me wants to say, 
nothing's wrong with me just as I am.
I believe it's important to be
mindful of the changes you embrace.
If you're changing into someone more authentic,
go for it with gusto.
If you're changing to please someone else,
or some "goal" of perfection, don't bother. 
You're already perfect.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Reveal Yourself

 "Let the power of what you love guide you..."
These words echo Mary Oliver's Wild Geese.
It's a reminder to notice, and absorb what you love
as you go through your day.
It's easy to lose sight of it when you're on auto pilot.
Commit it to memory so you can access it
in moments of confusion and stress.
Let it be your touchstone and your guide."

Friday, April 1, 2022

We Are The Words: We Are The Music.

 "We are the words;
we are the music."
I'm smitten with this thought.
Tipping my hat to Virginia Woolf.