Friday, April 30, 2021

Being Who You Are Will Kill You

This set me back a bit when I first saw it.  
Being who I am, I took it metaphorically. 
The thought of being "born again" (not killed) 
is a significant spiritual concept in my life.
However, tragically, it occurs to me now,
this isn't a metaphor 
to my sisters and brothers of color.  
Being themselves is so often fraught 
with actual, real life, physical danger/death;
not to mention injustice and prejudice
as killers of a person's self identity.
All in ways I know nothing about first hand.
That realization REALLY sets me back.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Surrendering to Uncertainty

 May I find the courage to carve my path step by step.  
Even though it seems so awfully slow going.
 I'm not getting younger. Time is running out.
(Are those the "frantic voices"?)
May I trust "truth will find the way to speak"
in my native dialect.
May I trust truth has already spoken
leading me to who I am and where I am
here, right now, in this very moment.
May I remember to pause
to breathe deeply
to feel the storm 
or the desert
or the iceberg.
May I have the courage to surrender myself
in the midst of this painful uncertainty
to this "gentle current of life".
Even when the gentle current 
feels like a tidal wave.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 "Showing up now".  
In instances where my "showing up" has been tenuous;
this serves as encouragement and motivation.
Without shame.  Trying.
(I can remember being chastised for "trying" and not "doing".
Some male supervisor or employer.  Perhaps even my father.)
I am claiming it anyway.  
Trying indicates perseverance and tenacity.
May I muster forgiveness for whoever shamed me for "trying".
Let's go..."settle into our imperfect self and skin!"

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In Need of Refuge

 After reading Heather Cox Richardson's post this morning, 
Katherine North's weekly missive from Saturday seems pertinent.
 (The quote above is only an excerpt.)

I keep looking for ways I can help promote
decency, true justice and fairness in the greater world.
To fight against tyranny in any way I can.
Can devoting myself to the principles 
I believe inhere in my tiny
 (in the big picture) everyday life 
have any impact in the struggle? 
That's the question I sit with today.
May I trust in the invisible forces
to guide me.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

Today's "Pink" full moon is the first blue moon of 2021.  
"Everything is interrelated".
I love the image of "a giant, breathing quilt".
As I continue to entertain the inner conflicts
stewing around inside for decades,
this quote gives me comfort and hope.
I continue to be awed and grateful for 
the voices of poets and thinkers
who provide support and companionship
on this astonishing adventure of life.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Giving Ourselves What We Need

 It's sobering to realize just how deeply embedded
the habit of looking for what I need outside of myself is.
It's going to take time and attention 
to unravel the tangled and knotted up
ball of programming I carry with me.
There are days I swear I can't even find my heart,
much less feel what's happening inside it.
My mind has been running things for so long.
It seems a more than worthwhile mission.
Bringing more love into this broken and hurting world.
Starting right here, right now.
I have the power.
With the one and only heart I can change.
My own. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

To Be A Careful Witness

 I often feel as though everyone I know has already "gotten" this.
Like I'm the only one on earth who needs to hear it.  
(except for "those" hate filled humans on the "other" side; 
they are the ones who need to hear it most! wink wink)

I confess, judgment is well programmed 
and automatic in my inner psyche.
Harsh or dismissive judgment is
such a quick and easy way to
keep on moving along
my own self righteous path 
to what's "really" important.

When I do happen to catch myself,
it shocks and shames me.

has been highly beneficial in this regard.
The trick is to muster compassion
and even love for myself 
in the thick of my shock and shame.
I'm grateful for encountering her. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

It Takes a Powerful, Fearless Person

 I don't know about you, 
but the idea of being true to my feelings
and owning my emotional territory 
with all its messy and embarrassing chaos
was NOT something even considered, 
much less taught when I was growing up.

How deeply inscribed is the programming
where true feelings are forbidden
and we are taught
to act according to some unwritten
laws of conduct prescribed by
some faceless, nameless entity
(I'm not naming any names)
who deems some behavior
acceptable and some not?

Its encouraging to see 
our knowledge growing and expanding.
Its encouraging to witness
younger generations being taught differently.
Or learning it on their own.

It's inspiring when people break out of the boxes
holding them tightly in a place that isn't true.
May we all find our way to and through
our own messy, chaotic, 
thoroughly beautiful truth.
And come out shining.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Come To The Woods

 Earth Day 2021 seems like an appropriate day to post this lovely quote.
(May the work to heal and live sustainably
on this planet expand and grow exponentially.)
May the following of our inner streams
form an ocean of fierce and gentle justice.
Where all beings are valued, respected and treated honorably.
Where fear is vanquished and hope is the focus.
Let. It. Be.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Here And Now Exactly Enough

This can be challenging in the odd moments when all is quiet
and I'm not exactly sure what to do with myself.
(Note the verb "do".)
We are so well trained on doing,
we often miss what it means to be.
To simply be alive...
In the here;
and now.
I regularly have to challenge myself on this.
I find its not for sissies.  
I've found myself welcoming
the task of folding laundry
as protection against the sheer majesty 
of being alive. 
Full stop. 


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Power in Subtleties

 I'm thinking there is a fine line here.
Not talking can lead to the land of numb.
Sometimes, its beneficial to hear yourself
speak of things you're working through.
Not to just anyone, of course.
Choose your audience wisely.
Perhaps your mirror is best?
That being said, (how ironic)
I wholeheartedly agree,
radiance is its own power.
Fierce and gentle simultaneously.

Monday, April 19, 2021

More To Come

1000 stories yet to come...that's an uplifting thought 
for someone who feels on the down slope of life?  
Why?  Why do I feel that?  
Is the story over because life is quiet?
Is the story over when the days seem blessedly routine?
I'm contemplating my "more to come."
May it come gently, even with tenderness.
May I appreciate the drama in the dailies.
The growth occurring in unseen regions.
May I continue to grow up.
Open myself to myself
for clues and guidance 
on the story of now.
Try something new.
Revisit something "old".
Seek out my version
of beauty.
Live gratefully 
in the Land of Plenty.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Moon Swells and Time Slows

Talking about love is overdone.
I'm coming to realize its better 
to simply feel for it.
Even when its deeply buried
behind alternate views
and despicable behavior.
Sometimes I find it
under my mistaken assumptions
or lightening fast judgements
made in the nanosecond 
before I see it coming.
I'm slowly learning to pause
and check those quick quirks,
those habitual thought patterns,
and automatic responses
laid down by ancient beliefs
and modern day conditioning.
(Some might call it brainwashing.)
I want to see where I'm using
short cuts of bias, labeling
and categorizing.
That's how I'm feeling for the love.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Important Realizations Come Gently

It pays to quiet yourself enough to hear these gentle discoveries. 
They can so easily be suffocated by the cacophony 
of the outer world as well as from the inner din of programmed voices.

"You're ok just as you are right now."
"Go ahead and feel where it hurts.  You won't disappear."
"It's ok, even rejuvenating, to weep uncontrollably." 
"Take care of your heart like you take care of your hair and skin."
"Some things are super heavy and extremely difficult.  You can do it.  
One breath, one thought, one feel at a time."
"If you look for joy, you will find it.  
If you look for sorrow, you will find that, too.
Stir them together often as 
great sorrow and exquisite joy travel together."

An assortment of whispers from my quiet place.
New to me as I wrote this.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Not Always A World For Hearts

 How do we make this a world for hearts?
What if it WAS a world for hearts?
Think what a difference it would make.
Money is currently heartless currency.
But it doesn't have to be.
Think what could happen if our hearts
had the power of the lifeless dollar?
What if the power is already here?
What if we can access it?
What if it means letting go of
armor and defense...
toward ourselves first
where it ripples outward
toward others?
Think about it.
What would your world look like
if your heart was leading the way?
(Thoughts matter.)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Enchanting Empathy

 What is more valuable than your own empathy?
(Unless you're a narcissist or a psychopath.  That's complicated.)
It's a rare commodity in the world I inhabit.
To discover it when I'm at my lowest...
depressed and weighed down,
drowning in loneliness or treading in despair,
It's priceless and available
with the right thoughts, gentle attention, 
and tenderness in my heart. 
While often just behind hard emotions
like anger, pain and/or grief,
it's worth every bit of effort,
to catch even the tiniest glimmer.
Reach for it...sink into it...surrender.
We are worthy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Or Maybe You Shouldn't

I feel fortunate to encounter those humans whose words move me.
Those who craft marks on the page, (or the screen)
and propel them from invisible to visible...

They convey their unique presence
into the ether 
with or without intention,
being who they are,
expressing themselves
with their fingers on the keyboard
(or the pen).

Their presence lands on us
through grace (or skillful marketing)
 connection happens, energy flows.

A thought reaches outward, 
takes on life of its own.

Isn't it remarkable? 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Trust the Water

How would life be changed
without constant evaluating and critiquing;
comparing and contrasting?
To be so daring as to relax and float?
Trusting the water, trusting the tides,
trusting the doors whether closed or open?
Living out the quiet glow of what you love?


Monday, April 12, 2021

Getting Older or Growing Up?

These words made me take a very long pause.
They made me ask myself if I am growing up.
They made me ask myself if I've taken responsibility 
for the "time I take up" and the "space I occupy".
It raises tension within me as I feel the oh so familiar tug
of the "you're not good enough" refrain.
Who defines what it means to grow up?
Whose call is that to make?
That's where digging down into my own
wilderness and writing my own definition
of growing up comes into play.  


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Going Gently

 Flower buds open silently,
leaves burst forth without a sound.
Giant roots form in quiet time.
Grass offers itself up wordlessly.
Wondrous things happening
without a whisper of announcement.
No expectations.
Few followers.
No fanfare.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

To Live The Earth As Poetry

What a quietly splendid thought!  
I'm grateful to have encountered it 
as it confirms something heartfelt inside
which I hadn't assigned words to.  
"To know the earth as poetry."
Wisdom indeed.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Where is Your Wilderness?

 Are you encountering your own particular wilderness?  
If so, may you discover whatever you need to find your way.
I raise a glass to you and your wilderness.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Rock, the River, the Tree, your country

I was searching for this quote:  
"I am that Tree planted by the River, Which will not be moved" 
 when I ran across more of the poem by Maya Angelou, 
"The Pulse of the Morning".
I was moved by this excerpt as it encourages new beginnings...
the lines, "do not be wedded to fear or 
yoked eternally to brutishness" seem especially pertinent.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

At Home In Our Bodies

 May we all feel this love, like the sun, affirming our value,
our potential and our light.
May we feel it and pass it on to our children
and all those around us.
Welcome home!


It seems we benefit

by seeking out,


and living our truth,

as best we can.

Making mistakes,

learning from them

and beginning again.

It’s a lifetime’s vocation.

May you find your truth.


Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Celebrating this day of rebirth, 
this day of reawakening,
this day of new beginnings.
No matter our age, 
we can start fresh,
fine tune and recalibrate.
We can rise.
In spirit if not in body.
May our hearts break open in wonder.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Stick Around

Powered by failure!  What a novel and inspiring idea.  
It motivates me to step up and risk failing.  
Or step inside and confront awkwardness and discomfort.
What's to lose?  I'll stick around.
I'll still be here, living and breathing 
after any setback or stumble. 
Right up to the moment of disappearance.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

Letting Go of Comparison

 Yesterday, I caught myself saying someone in our family 
had a “better” relationship with my mom than I did.
When I “heard” myself say that, I was taken aback.
“Why is it better?  Isn’t it simply different?
The fact is, I have a wonderful relationship with my mom.”
The comparison disease is obviously 
alive and well in my inner world.  
I’m grateful to have been given the insight.
Constantly comparing myself to others 
drains the vital out of life.
Being different with style is much more fun.
So is celebrating our differences.