Friday, April 23, 2021

It Takes a Powerful, Fearless Person

 I don't know about you, 
but the idea of being true to my feelings
and owning my emotional territory 
with all its messy and embarrassing chaos
was NOT something even considered, 
much less taught when I was growing up.

How deeply inscribed is the programming
where true feelings are forbidden
and we are taught
to act according to some unwritten
laws of conduct prescribed by
some faceless, nameless entity
(I'm not naming any names)
who deems some behavior
acceptable and some not?

Its encouraging to see 
our knowledge growing and expanding.
Its encouraging to witness
younger generations being taught differently.
Or learning it on their own.

It's inspiring when people break out of the boxes
holding them tightly in a place that isn't true.
May we all find our way to and through
our own messy, chaotic, 
thoroughly beautiful truth.
And come out shining.

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