Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Your Own Deep Sense of Truth

This is coming on the heels
of the quote about compassionate
attunement as I believe
its sometimes challenging 
to clear away 
deeply embedded beliefs
that can feel like one's truth.


 This is an important thought reminder
for those moments when our quiet time
becomes less than compassionate.
"An attunement to the self
that is supportive and kind".
That seems worthy of strong consideration
and dedicated practice.

Friday, May 27, 2022

How Do Habits Contribute ?

 I have mixed feelings about this thought.
However, I do like the last two questions.
It has set some contemplation in motion.

I question embodying an identity.
I prefer to discover how to embody
my truest, best self
as defined by me and me alone.

Truest and best does not mean
without human flaws and quirks.
Truest in the sense of real and authentic.
Best in the sense of growing and evolving.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

This Is The River

 On a day of downpours with few breaks, 
this seems appropriate.
It reminds me of the river of goodness 
I am determined to believe exists beneath
the surface cacophony of tragic events
mixed with frightful reports of 
impending catastrophe and takeovers.
I choose to believe in the river.
Let It Be.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Love Is A Tree

Not surprising that Richard Powers is the author of this quote.
It conjures up metaphysical properties to trees,
inviting contemplation. 
I've not thought of trees in this way 
until reading this.
"A trunk that is nowhere at all?"
Love is a notoriously difficult concept
to describe in words.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Small Everyday Blessings

 The first quote I found today said, 
"You Take Your Footprints With You." 
Then I found this image of 23,000 year old footprints!
I was already reconsidering as I believe
we are leaving footprints, 
albeit mostly invisible ones,
that mark the path 
we're making for ourselves 
and the legacy we are leaving behind.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Belong To This World

 "...so much to admire"; 
It seems helpful to spend time with this.
because, "to weep over", produces rivers of tears,
and keeps things out of balance.
Leaning into the loop of doom comes automatically.
Admiring what/who is fair and decent
requires some mind muscle building.
It's possible to hold the heartbreaking
and the heart warming at the same time.
Isn't that the nature of life?
Tragedy and Triumph 
tightly knit within a
multifaceted fabric
of variants and tiny details?


Friday, May 20, 2022

To Be Alone

This thought alters the idea of being alone quite dramatically, I think.
To "live in my body as a question rather than a statement",
invites much contemplation right off the bat.
Then, I've never thought of "the permeability of being alone".
It sounds luscious, especially 
if it leads to reimagining 
those constricting aspects
which keep me from evolving and expanding.
I'm eagerly awaiting the "parallel ears"
and "hearing the story in a different way"!


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Rearrange Doubt and Fear

 I am enchanted by the idea 
that doubt and fear can be 
rearranged for transformation. 
My life long habitual response
has been to avoid, dismiss, and deny.
Now I can accept and redesign the energy
to something optimistic and positive. 
I delight in thoughts that inspire me
to see things in a more constructive way.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Nothing But Mystery

 If you're awake and aware, 
you know this to be true.
Even though the rhythms and routines
of our lives cause us to forget.
Or we realize it in hindsight.
Like when I'm trance walking
in the woods and notice I'm
almost home and haven't
really "been there" 
during much of the saunter.
Fortunately, I believe
mystery is not offended
and welcomes our presence
even when it's distracted
and disengaged.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Everyone's Name is Stillness

 This is an excerpt from a longer poem. 
 All of it beautiful.
I continue to believe when enough of us awaken
to our own goodness and dignity,
we will change the trajectory of this world
evolving toward something incredible
beyond our current imagination.
If you have the time, 
revisit John and Yoko's Imagine.
It's a great place to start.
In the words of Terry Tempest Williams,
"We are eroding, we are evolving."

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Magnificence Within

These words ring true for me.  
Reading them, saying them, believing them
does not convey the vastness of the inner wild territory.
And the patience and trust required to navigate 
what can feel like nothing but silence and emptiness.
I don't really know what I'm looking for
until I catch a glimpse...a flash...a fragment ,
of something I cannot truly name.
And a deep knowing I never will.
Not in this lifetime.


Friday, May 13, 2022

Appearing Calm

 I couldn't resist sharing this thought
from a favorite author's latest book.
Eating rage in order to appear calm...
I suppose sharpshooting might be
one unfortunate way of channeling that rage.
However, I am not a fan of shooting of any kind
unless its pool, baskets, or photos.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Screams and Whispers

 Here's another thought that caught my attention
and has me ruminating.
I "think" I agree but would love to hear
how others feel about this particular line of thinking.
For one thing, I'm not sure my desires scream
except in high stress situations
where the scream is about STOPPING the upheaval.
Now that I'm considering it, 
this would be a great time to examine 
what values are whispering, 
wouldn't it? 
This may be part one of 
an ongoing discussion.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

There Is A Space

 This quote crossed my path yesterday.
It's been circling around since.
One thing I notice is how minute that space is.
(Or how deeply embedded
my automatic response is.)
"PAUSE" is what keeps surfacing
as I consider one tiny step in a better direction.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Is Earth Enough?

 These are meaty questions.
It causes me to consider
the "margins of my undoing and remaking"?
I've not given thought to this before.
However, now that I am,
it brings to mind The Enchanted Life *
which has given me a glimpse
into my margins;
where new perspectives are revealed,
and expanded ways 
of being alive are opening up.
Is Earth enough?
What if it's not?
There is so much majesty
and possibility in the 
vastness of the Universe.
That does not mean we squander our planet.
It seems to me its an invitation and an appeal 
to cherish and nurture it
so we can explore those possibilities.

*by Sharon Blackie

Monday, May 9, 2022

Pledge of Interdependence

 "Can we agree to be grateful for all that is given?"

Can we?  I'm thinking of the wave of authoritarianism
seeking to gain control; 
seeking to impose their ego 
on the freedoms and choices of others.
Willing to murder and lie to achieve their wish? 
Can we be grateful for that?
I suppose, in a roundabout way, we can;
IF it awakens the river of decency and dignity
flowing unseen and unheard, below the radar.
This leads me to the place I often find myself.
Holding a plate full of contradiction,
opposing forces ever present.
An endless tug of war.
For what?
Dominance?  Control?  A sense of security?

Does anyone else get the irony in a campaign 
titled "Right To Life"
while our Earth dies all around us?

It feels like I robbed this thought of its intention.
I'm shifting my perspective.
I "choose" to say yes!
"We can agree to be grateful for
all that has been given."
That list is long and even includes
the half a dozen squirrels
gorging on the birdseed while the birds
it is meant for
attempt to get their share.


Friday, May 6, 2022

Enlarge The Box

 A giant YES to this thought.
I can get so caught up in my view of things,
I forget to zoom in or zoom out; 
Or, to move around the subject 
to look from a different angle.
Or to pretend I'm someone else
from a different place or time
and consider how they would view it.
It changes things and gives me hope.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

To The Heart In You

 It took some time to find this thought for today.
It's giving me much to contemplate--
being afraid to
feel, shine, heal, rage and break?
Hunting for my courage as I 
enter this adventure!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


 It was encouraging to encounter this thought.
I've been ambivalent about the amount of solitary time
I've been experiencing over the past few weeks
as the pandemic "appears" to be fading into history.
Yet, vigilance continues.
For someone whose lived life based on the needs,
 wishes and assumed expectations of those I encounter,
having solitude be "a support and a home"
is a refreshing and challenging endeavor.
It's daunting how deeply ingrained 
the need for approval has been 
etched into my psyche.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Mower

 My daughter and I were discussing 
finding enjoyment in the midst of the extremely 
hectic schedule she has ahead of her this week.
Sharon Blackie talks about bodyfulness
as an evolution from mindfulness.
Hearing an owl hoot and a turkey gobble
this morning when I walked outside
to spread birdseed was a reminder
to absorb the sights and sounds
and sensations of the world around me.
To be enchanted with the line of finches
feasting on the birdseed 
scattered along the deck railing.
By doing so, I activate synapses
inside of me and we are all
together instead of separate
in this microcosm of chronos time.
(thus shifting it into kairos?)
May you experience a bodyful day.

Monday, May 2, 2022


 This line of thinking has affected many aspects of my thinking, being and doing.
For I most certainly fit the description of seeing myself as "other"
from pretty much everything and (everyone) "outside" of me.
This is not intentional.  It was etched into me from conception.
Once you see "it", 
"it" cannot be unseen.
"It" becomes we 
in a whole wild, new way.
It changes the way I see the world around me.
The chipmunks are no longer those critters out there robbing the birdseed.
It feels awkward, clumsy, threatening and fascinating all at the same time.
Stepping down from a place of unconscious superiority
has its challenges, as you can imagine, 
especially when considering rodents and stinging insects,
but I will continue on this path of discovery.
However, I promise not to steal anyone's birdseed.
