Wednesday, March 31, 2021

You Are Arriving


Even when there are more years behind you than ahead, this is true.  
You are arriving. 
There is much comfort and hope in this thought. 
May you remember this until you become invisible.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Open To Every Moment

 How guarded is your heart?  
I know mine has steely eyed bouncers
standing tall and strong
vigilant and poised
ready to defend the slightest disruption;
keeping everything "safe" and "correct".
Gearing up for battle 
at the slightest hint of offense...
real or perceived
These bouncers have assumed various
forms over the years.
Everything from high devotion to religion,
to "perfection", to high achievement,
to winning, to being right,
to detachment, to pleasing everyone,
to avoiding conflict or difficult conversations.
They've even been known to fib at times.
In order not to create any disturbances.
They're hyper vigilant, trigger at the ready.
Armored up.

It's exhausting.

What a relief to realize 
they can stand down.
drop their weapons
and be at ease.


Monday, March 29, 2021

Ancestral Fog

 My 94 year old mother and I discussed this recently.
We lamented the conditioning which caused us to
live so much of our lives shut down and armored up.
Grateful humanity is learning how to overcome
the ignorance of our past.
Grateful my children and grandchildren
and their children
will enjoy the benefits of all we're learning.
May the learning continue exponentially
in the realm of the human heart.
May it heal the vast wounds inflicted by
humans upon humans as well as
the wild world of nature.
My deepest hope is this will take place
before it's too late.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Heart Minded

 Having learned the art of "armoring up" my heart since birth,
Your mind wants to keep you safe.
Your heart seeks to be soft and open ... even cracked open.
Allowing them to work together is a mighty challenge.
I'm finding it a worthwhile exercise.
Yes, it often hurts to feel,
but it's how we live authentically.
May you find the courage to
let your heart and mind become
allies in living fully.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Nothing About Deadlines

Those of us on the far side of our lives, are reassured by this.
When you think you've been aware and awake during you life,
only to realize you haven't even begun,
it's refreshing to know you aren't alone.
Keep learning, keep expanding, keep reaching
for your dreams, your desires and your yearnings.
At the same time, contemplate the riches you've experienced, 
the treasures you've encountered 
unawares except in hindsight.
It's're human.  
Savor your existence.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Make Your Own Religion

 I would add awe and wonder to doubt and curiosity.
I encourage digging down deep into your own bones,
your mind and mostly your heart to
 what takes your breath away
with astonishment and amazement.
Let your questions and contradictions
be your own holy scripture.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Wild and Serene

 This seems extra appropriate on this watery, rainy day.
"Subtly powerful and open.
Wild and serene."
"wild" caught my attention as he discusses the loss of the wild
places on our globe and how we can get then back. 
I highly recommend the film.
May we humans on this earth, be the force that
drives the changes we must make to save
ourselves from extinction.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Who You Are and Why You're Here

I find it exquisitely reassuring to hear
"cherish my life as a process, shamelessly."
(I had to add the comma.  I think it's better now, grammatically?)
Finding myself at this age with a sense of 
having missed something important 
or done things wrong,
it encourages me to shake off the nonsense
(even though it feels quite serious)
and get on with the joy and sorrow of living
every single drop of existence.
I find duality is a criminal.
It steals all the detail, beauty 
and complexity from a fully lived life. 
Everything and everyone 
instantly and automatically 
classified innocent or guilty;   
(mostly guilty)
without consideration given to nuance,
extenuating circumstances, contradictions,
the motives behind the story,
the consequences of ancient or recent trauma,  
and a whole host of possible explanations 
for bizarre and/or extreme behavior.
Mercy has become a rare commodity.
Forgiveness is almost extinct.
May we learn to live in the richness 
of texture, nuance and intricate detail.
May we begin to appreciate contradiction.
May we allow our hearts to crack just a bit; 
like ice in a glass of warmer liquid.
Let our often messy humanity 
be our endless treasure.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Light The Way

How delicious to encounter a new voice...
"aging softly amid the tempest"
is certainly a horizon to reach toward.
May your scars never prevent you
from picking up your lamp.
Remember to do so tenderly,
in your own way, in your own time. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Be Alone With It All

Who knew this would be so challenging?
Refusing to talk, even to myself, is HARD!
Yet, I feel captured by this entreaty.
Determined to heed its wisdom as
restrictions are lifted by the vaccine.
The pull is strong, to hold unto the retreat atmosphere.
To preserve the silent, solitary habit
stealthily laid down over the past year.
To continue to practice being alone with myself.
To learn what lies hidden beneath the surface.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Begin to Welcome Back All You Sent Away

What is it inside that has no words...
what is knocking on the door of my heart...
patiently waiting to be let in?  
Perhaps it isn’t even brave enough to knock...
perhaps it simply stands there in trepidation 
hoping it will be noticed.  
I’m doing my best to let go 
of the conversations I’ve been having 
to allow room for growth and expansion.  
I want to hold onto what matters,
release what needs discarding
and grow inward and outward toward 
To be fully alive.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Slowly Proclaim Your Voice In the World

"Learning the way things hidden and unspoken SLOWLY proclaim their voice...".
Something I want to become much better at noticing,  
So much of my life feels like skimming over the surface of things.
Taking the time 
to pause,
 touch down, 
sink into,
soak up,
and allow the absorption
to provide refreshment; 
solace, even
What a novel enterprise.
Well worth the awkwardness 
and repeated failed attempts.



Thursday, March 18, 2021

Subtle Remains

 An invitation to reflect upon those quiet pieces of individuals we carry with us.
Their impact may have been brief and memorable 
or long-lived and taken for granted.
Whatever the circumstances, they left their mark.
It's worth a pause to let your heart remember.
To offer a nod or a silent salute
in way of recognition and gratitude.
It's these seemingly small gestures
that give significance to a human life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fires for the Cold

These words touch my heart today.
May our lives be filled with poetry.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Raise Your Voice

 Found this sitting in a folder where I'd saved possible quotes.
Having just finished another reading of Gatsby, it seems appropriate.
Honesty, Truth and Compassion certainly are 
noble reasons to raise your voice.  
May our noisy voices not be lost 
in the cacophony of the marketplace. 
May they echo and reverberate
against the walls of injustice, lies and cruelty.
Human dignity matters. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Song We Were Born For

At this age, it feels awkward and somewhat embarrassing
to consider wholeness as an embryo.
Yet, it's exactly where I am.  
May the singing start before time runs out.


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Product of Our Thoughts

Obviously, this had to be tweaked a bit.
Other than the pronouns, I agree wholeheartedly.
The trick for me is conducting those thoughts.
Which involves ushering out many 
who slipped in when I was unaware.
It also involves becoming deaf
when hearing fresh new ones
when they do not contribute
to the person I wish to become.
It can be exhausting 
and exhilarating!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Dirty Feet

I'm having hesitation about this quote.
I don't think anyone can avoid having "dirty feet"
walking through their mind.  
Can a person live in this world 
without encountering dirty feet from time to time?
I wonder if it makes more sense to 
learn how to clean up after them?
Actually, upon reflection, I'm the one
most often walking through 
with the muddy footprints!!


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Take A Deep Breath

Will I make this true by posting it here?  
That is my hope and my desire.
Where beauty and bravery meet?
Hope to discover that, too.  
To resuscitate the numbness inside
and "feel" the intoxication of life.
My wish and my intention 
this fine March morning.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Everything You Ever Need To Know

This time of solitude and silence has led me
to a sense of softness and a desire for starlight.  
The vaccine allows me to enter the delta
where the singularity of the river
flows toward the generality of the ocean.
Where silence meets sounds.
And solitude merges into society.
May I trust the heart guidance of grace
and the wisdom of water.


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Who Cares?

My automatic response to this is:  "I do".
Then the question becomes: "Why?"
 "I want people to think well of me."
"What does "beauty" have to do with that?"
"Good question!"
"What is beauty, exactly and who decides?"
"I do."


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Just Stall

 I needed things to lighten up a bit.  
So I went to Tina Fey for inspiration.
Lighten up could mean bring on more sunshine or
it could mean, let go of what's weighing you down.
Both seem useful and appropriate.
contemplative skeptic

Thursday, March 4, 2021

True Sense of Belonging

To "inhabit the silent depth within me".
These words present an invitation
to view this time of "social distancing"
as a time of retreat...
a time to explore
this inner world.
It's been a strange and interesting endeavor.
I sincerely hope it leads to being more
"flexible, open, and challenging" 
in the days ahead. 
May we all find within ourselves,
the courage to be "free and creative."


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Contemplating in Circles

I promise this is the end 
of the string (or river) 
of comments on infinity.  
For now anyway. 
(Could this be the
definition of overthinking?)
I will say that the IDEA
of this three pound mass of jelly
changed my entire world
a decade and a half ago.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Awareness Is Everything

Following the infinity thread ... 
sharing more thoughts 
which strike a chord 
as I "river" along.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Awareness Is Everything


Infinity has been the topic on my mind 
and in my goggle searches
over the past couple days.  
Listening to mathematicians, philosophers,
physicists and cosmologists
discuss it from a variety of perspectives
with a multitude of words
and an air of sheepish confusion
has been a trip.
Multiple pages of quotes on the word
is another exercise in amused bafflement.