Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Not Going To Be Silent

Still working on the development of my voice.  The intention is to use it to learn and understand and testify to the truth as I see it.  To build up rather than tear down and to speak for the oppressed and rejected among us.  As I write these words, I am struck by how easy it is to write them on this page and how difficult it is to live them out in daily life.  The practice is the process.  Onward!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Power to Change the World

“What becomes clear, when we look to the past with an eye to the future, is that the discouragement of women’s anger — via silencing, erasure, and repression — stems from the correct understanding of those in power that in the fury of women lies the power to change the world.”
Rebecca Traister-Good and Mad

The objective, I believe, is to find a way to channel the anger into constructive action.  This action is different for each individual but needs to be cohesive with the common cause.  I feel as though I'm having to marshal forces within myself like never before.  It's new terrain requiring new skills and self-awareness. What small step can I take today to further the cause for true justice and to preserve our democracy?  

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Other Way Around

This quote on the morning after finishing Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver seems well timed. My take away from that book is the sense of painful expansion from an enclosed structure holding the illusion of security into one where you are standing outside in the open air--"unsheltered". 

Sunday, October 28, 2018


 I read somewhere recently that grumpy people live longer and earn more.  Well, upon further research, I discovered that study may have had some problems with the design.  So, go forth and be happy is my take away.  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Be Who You Needed

Someone who didn't worry about what other's thought. Someone who didn't constantly second guess her decisions.  Someone who operated with wholehearted courage and always from a place of love, love, love. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Holding unto Hope

Leon Kwasi Kuntuo-Asare

Living with the unknown is excruciating.  It seems especially so at this time.  I know how I want the story to end, and I know what it is I fear. The hard part is, this story is a collective one.  The outcome depends on others.  I can't make it happen alone.  I can only do whatever I can to contribute to the desired outcome and maintain my inner equilibrium by living true to my values and holding onto hope with all my might.  Onward.  

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Before the World Got It's Hands on You

It's up to us to write the description.  If you find yourself, as I do, searching "out there" for meaning...a U-turn is called for.  What matters lies close in where our heart beats.  Sometimes buried so deep it can barely be discerned.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


That includes shifting your weight from one foot to the other in some sort of fashion.  Helps to play some catchy music.  Hope you're smiling. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Make a Difference

May the difference you make contribute to what is just and good in this world. Everyone counts and everyone matters.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

This is Still Our America

“The greatness of America 
lies not in being more enlightened 
than any other nation, 
but rather in her ability 
to repair her faults.”  
Alexis de Tocqueville
I believe this nation has some deep faults, ones that have come into the glaring light of day in recent years. I believe many who have been more marginalized in our society knew those faults were there, even while so many people were blinded by privilege. But I believe that many millions now are clear-eyed about the challenges ahead. 
You are determined to fight and VOTE. To repair is not easy work. But I believe it is already underway. This is still your America."
Excerpt from Dan Rather's post.  

Saturday, October 20, 2018

You are the Love You Need

The following poem, by one of my favorite poets, seems to fit well with this.  

"I penned ‘loneliness’ over silence’s doorway and finally entered in. 

She was waiting there for me. 

Seemingly staring at nothing and yet everything. 

She held darkness with earned ease. 

Her eyes were a trilogy that read me clearly.“What is it that you need?”

I summoned quiet as if that would comfort the conflict resting on soaked eyelashes; but, you see, sometimes we must find the courage to read from our heart’s open sleeves.

“If I could, I’d write a love note but right now, my words have become feathers and there’s a storm rising inside, and my spirit has given out because I can’t bear another love note gone wrong because of me.”

She nodded knowingly. “You have a great gift of loving but to those who can’t see. Now, please start writing a love note that begins with:

 Dear me: You are the love you need.”"

Friday, October 19, 2018

Stay Strong

Even though it feels as if decency is being assaulted from every angle, I drew some degree of comfort from seeing this cartoon.

My deepest hope and belief is in the vast group of people who share my dismay and horror at the abdication of our values.  The trick is to endure this assault without being reduced by it or numbed out by it.  The trick is to navigate the treacherous waters with courage and resolve.  We must not lose sight of this.  We are not alone or outnumbered.  We can do this!  Truth endures.  


When I investigated the background on this cartoon, I discovered it's been around for a while.  I found an opinion piece about it and share the following quote which is linked to the source.

Would we not be better served if the media covered with equal fervor the underlying and far more nuanced issues of race and intolerance in the U.S.? It’s not enough to focus on the extreme examples of racism but the institutional ones. It’s not enough to focus on extreme ideology but the seeds of racism and fearmongering that are drawing people in.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Gratitude.  For what is.  Right now.  In this moment.  What are you thankful for? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wander, Break your rules, "all of a sudden" moments allowed

I woke up way too early this morning.  My "all of a sudden" moment was seeing this spider web right outside my front door...the photo doesn't begin to do it justice as the spider was a gorgeous golden hued color which is washed out by the flash.  Isn't that the way of things?  A multidimensional moment cannot be contained or captured adequately by a two-dimensional photo.  But it can remind me of the magic when it happened!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Love Intentionally

At this time in our world, it's extremely difficult not to feel cynicism when I read these words.    This is hard, hard work we people of good will are doing to preserve our democracy.  That is when I reach way down deep where my hope and confidence are buried and reactivate the energy stored there. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Be good to yourself

Brene' Brown's newest book "Dare to Lead" is shifting many of my thought patterns and helping me to see how often fear drives my thoughts, words, and actions. While being good to myself may mean getting a massage and curling up with a good book, it may also mean picking something scary and doing it without requiring it to turn out flawlessly.   Needing things (and people) to be "perfect" is a superb killer of joy.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


May we use our power for good...for real liberty, and true justice FOR ALL.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Braver, Stronger, Smarter and Loved

Sometimes, when words are familiar, the tendency is to skim over them and move on.  Sinking down into them, and pausing to absorb their meaning, making them part of my bloodstream changes things in a positive way.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Live in Love

When things are going ferociously wrong, it helps to gather giant waves of thoughts about people and things that warm your heart, make you laugh, put you under a spell of joy.  Keep those feelings close in where you can touch them often.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Red and Blue

And that bird is being torn apart by the current atmosphere.  Ask yourself.  Who gains from all this discord?  What are ALL of us in danger of losing? 

Believe me when I say my head wants to believe this.  My heart wants it to be so.  But my belly is in knots over the differences.   I struggle with my emotions of anger and fear. I would go so far as to call them outrage and terror.  I'm wondering if we all are feeling the same? 

In mediation, when two individuals or groups or parties are in conflict, we focus on the "gems".  Gems are points of agreement no matter how small and insignificant they may seem. I don't think I'm speaking out of turn to say; we all care about our families; we all want to breathe clean air and drink pure water and eat poison-free food.  We all want to be able to rely on expert assistance if/when we are injured or ill.  We all want to be respected.  We want to be free.  Please let me know if you disagree with these facts.  Are there others?  I'd love to hear them!

I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast yesterday which provided a new way to think about this.  It's called Red Brain, Blue Brain

I also discovered an organization called Better Angels which I'm still in the process of reviewing although its goals seem positive and worthwhile.

Resolving conflict and hammering out agreements between opposing parties is hard, hard work which starts inside. 

 Further Reading

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I despise losing.  Being weaned on sibling rivalry and marinated in a competitive spirit, losing is really, really hard.    It's why I wish I'd had the chance to play team sports back in the day when I was growing up.  It would have given me more practice in losing and I think I'd know how to handle it better.  Maybe. While this may be a game for some, it's not for me.  Real, living, breathing, human beings are affected by the fights we are losing.  That's why we cannot be defeated.  KAS

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Close In

Having a tough time coming up with positive thoughts today.  Everything in me wants to DO something to fix this. NOW.

Reminding myself to focus my attention close in, in my own heart and soul where it is possible to do something, perhaps small and seemingly insignificant that can begin the journey toward the change I seek.  Sitting in the silence and feeling the emotions rather than keeping them frozen.  Rage.  Anger.  Disbelief.  Fear.  Deep, deep grief. 

Trusting by doing so, I will find the path forward with hope and renewed determination.   Onward.


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Positive and Transformative

What is going on right now surely feels like the "end of the world".  Literally.  That's why this message felt relevant and timely.  No matter what happens we cannot lose hope.  We will grieve.  We will tend to ourselves as best we can.  And then we will continue the work for what we believe in.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Tell Me About Your Joys!

This is a supreme shift for me.  Focusing on what needs to be changed or what isn't right takes such a dominant place, I neglect to dwell on those things that are good and decent and healthy.  Simple things.  True things.


Thursday, October 4, 2018


To survive and to thrive.  In the face of the misuse of power, we must keep focused on true justice, true equality, and true freedom for all.  We continue to work toward these goals without wavering. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Wise and Holy Crowned with Respect

This is a new day and things are changing for the better.  People see how off balance our world is.  Men and women everywhere are stepping up and speaking out to the injustices woven into the fabric of our society by a warped sense of power and privilege.  It is time. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Butterflies and Caterpillars

 I love butterflies. And I love caterpillars.   So as "cute" as this quote is, I'm not in agreement with it's message.   Butterflies and caterpillars share the same DNA.  

The caterpillar carries the butterfly in its cells so they can't be distinguished as separate, can they?  

Isn't the butterfly already conversing with the caterpillar?