Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Power to Change the World

“What becomes clear, when we look to the past with an eye to the future, is that the discouragement of women’s anger — via silencing, erasure, and repression — stems from the correct understanding of those in power that in the fury of women lies the power to change the world.”
Rebecca Traister-Good and Mad

The objective, I believe, is to find a way to channel the anger into constructive action.  This action is different for each individual but needs to be cohesive with the common cause.  I feel as though I'm having to marshal forces within myself like never before.  It's new terrain requiring new skills and self-awareness. What small step can I take today to further the cause for true justice and to preserve our democracy?  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post — I’m really having trouble thinking about what I can do. Just small steps.
