My deepest hope and belief is in the vast group of people who share my dismay and horror at the abdication of our values. The trick is to endure this assault without being reduced by it or numbed out by it. The trick is to navigate the treacherous waters with courage and resolve. We must not lose sight of this. We are not alone or outnumbered. We can do this! Truth endures.
When I investigated the background on this cartoon, I discovered it's been around for a while. I found an opinion piece about it and share the following quote which is linked to the source.
Would we not be better served if the media covered with equal fervor the underlying and far more nuanced issues of race and intolerance in the U.S.? It’s not enough to focus on the extreme examples of racism but the institutional ones. It’s not enough to focus on extreme ideology but the seeds of racism and fearmongering that are drawing people in.
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