Thursday, October 31, 2019


Always a good reminder even when you're in the "fine wine" stage of life.  Aged to perfection!  KAS

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Go Back

“Where I came from” is a collision of worlds so violent it tore magma from the Earth to coalesce into the Moon. "Where I came from” is the sky, the ground, the sea, the very air we breathe.“Where I came from” is the infinite..“Where I came from” is the Universe. And one day, when I am good and ready, I will go back." What a splendid rebuttal to "go back where you came from"! Hope you enjoy as much as I do. KAS

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Inside My Heart

Even though my first instinct is to pull away from this sad thinking, upon reflection I realize a search for light does not turn away from sadness and grief. Rather it acknowledges the truth of it. This quote on tears comes to mind as it helps me see weeping in a more uplifting light.  KAS

We're stronger when we weep for and with each other.  KAS

Monday, October 28, 2019

Take a Deep Breath and Smile

So, we'll take a deep breath and smile.  I guess it beats wringing my hands and cursing as I've been doing.  KAS

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Streams of Light--New Book available

In case you haven't seen the announcements--my new book, Streams of Light is available on Amazon.

Trust Your Own Power

  The darkness is becoming a familiar place.  Trusting my own power.  A novel and welcome thought. This will be interesting. I wonder who unknown is.  KAS

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Embrace What Is True

Geez, this is no fun.  Give me what feels good!  Of course, his point is important but it's not for the fainthearted or weak-willed.  I'm wondering if I can even locate my "big girl" pants.  KAS   

Friday, October 25, 2019

Listen to the Universe

Your thoughts are the pathway to understanding and interpreting these messages.  Listening to your own body's messages is another useful practice.  KAS

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Love is not thinking but being

I'm pondering this.  As someone who does a great deal of thinking, being love is worthy of contemplation.  After 30+ years of marriage, being IN love has many different facets.  Being love itself has even more! From my perspective,  it most often calls for stretching beyond my comfort zone (think a child you adore throwing a tantrum in a public place) into wilderness territory. Just saying. KAS

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mingle Starlight

Since we are all made of stardust, we have an intimate connection with starlight.  May I also mention that the destruction of democracy is not a trifle.  Nor are tyranny and lawlessness.  KAS

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Everything that Rises Must Converge

The image of humans from every direction rising toward more love and greater consciousness is of great comfort.  One I will focus on this when discouragement comes to call.  KAS

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rest In The Grace of the World

I sorely need these words after a night spent confronting numerous gremlins of varying shades of fear, doubt, and anxiety.  Next time I'll remember to climb out of bed no matter what and go outside to witness the star-filled sky and listen to the symphony of the night.  KAS

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Into the Unknown

I confess, most days feel fairly predictable so this raises some interesting questions about where I am stepping into the unknown.  Every time I open a new book, meet with someone, try anything new or in a different way ... all reasons to celebrate.  KAS

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What's in the Elevator

I'm hoping for the courage to let those doors slide open.  Sending out the same.  KAS

Friday, October 18, 2019

Be Water

Be as strong as you need to be.  Even though my preference is to flow, are we at the point where crashing is called for?  KAS

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Matters Most

This wilderness is difficult.  Risking revealing yourself is difficult.  Risking being who you are without requiring approval or even acknowledgment is difficult.  May you be resilient in your wilderness.  KAS

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Free To Wear Yourself

A supreme description of what happens when I'm not paying attention.  Other people's emotions and opinions circumvent my own and things get disorienting.  It pays to pause and identify what is truly mine and what belongs to "them".  KAS

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Include Women In The Sequel

This quote from Hamilton reminds me how very long the fight for equity has been going on. It's difficult to understand why.  But then...  Sigh.  KAS

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

If You Can

First of all, I'd say, "woman, you've got it half licked".   Since I'm seeing hints of sour, surly, bitter and cynical, I might want to pay close attention.  KAS

Friday, October 11, 2019


Ok, I had to ponder on this for a minute.  Frankly, attention is something I tend to appreciate.  But then, I'm not Pink, so I get her point, which seems like an important distinction for the "Pink's" of the world.  KAS

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Make A Difference

Finding words is difficult today.  May we be strong enough for freedom, democracy, and simple human dignity.  KAS

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Go For Another Walk

Now I know why it's called the Hippocratic Oath.  My "go-to" therapy has always been to walk, (or run in earlier times) preferably in the woods.  KAS
PS:  I'm walking ALOT these days. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How Is It Possible?

I truly don't know how we can continue to allow it to go on. I hope, with everything in me, humanity figures out how to right this wrong.  KAS

Monday, October 7, 2019

Stay Close To Nature

This proves to be true over and over in my experience.  When feeling down, head for the outdoors.  It's a tonic.  KAS

Friday, October 4, 2019

Always A Choice

Reminding myself of this is helpful, especially when I’m in a grumpy mood. I remember if things aren’t to my satisfaction, it’s up to me to change things; either internally or externally. KAS

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


To move through life as yourself without puffing up or cowering down; that's the target.  I never anticipated it would be so challenging.  Streams of Light was published on Kindle yesterday.  KAS

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Deep Down Path

Ok, I confess, I veer toward the high road automatically. My default is to avoid difficulty if I can get away with it.  That's what makes this a very powerful thought as I seek the "hard journey of truth." KAS