Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Interior As Well As Exterior

  There no longer appears to be a way to make the image larger.  Just yesterday, I was noticing how vastly different the terrain in my mind was from the exterior landscape I was sauntering through.  One was lovely and calm and peaceful while filled with the sights and sounds of spring.  The other was a study in contrast filled with anxious, fearful images marching through in a chaotic jumble.  It was a relief to notice this and focus on the exterior world. kas

Monday, March 30, 2020

Building A Wall

This is a reason to build a wall, a living wall of well-made children which happens with well-intentioned adults doing the best they can, setting the best example possible and raising them honorably, with integrity and wholeheartedness. May it come to pass. kas

Sunday, March 29, 2020

See The Best In You

It's easy to criticize and find fault with others and with ourselves.  The challenge is to shift from automatic default thinking into being alert to this and shifting into an unfamiliar thought pattern where you are seeing the best as well as the worst and all the layers in-between.  This is an especially useful exercise now.  Learning to carry the tension of being awake to the reality of this horrific situation while also seeking ways to be calm, resilient, kind and helpful. kas

Saturday, March 28, 2020


This.  Just this.  May I gather the scattered shreds of my kindness and piece them back together into a loving wrap of softness and gentleness for all...even those who tempt me toward unkindness.  May this wrap also provide fierce and fiery light to what is fair and decent and just.  kas

Friday, March 27, 2020

Let Us Remember

Let us confront hatred and remember the dreadful harvest it produces.  May we gather strength to carry the tension of opposition without resorting to either/or thinking.  Rather, let us learn to bear witness to the shades of gray and the play of shadow and light.  Our Better Angels must lead us.  kas

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Seeing Shades of Gray

We aren't standing in the ashes of this Coronavirus war just yet but it will be here.  May the result be a rededication to the hard work democracy and resistance to authoritarianism.  kas 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Stroke of Luck

Not getting what I want is large these days as I miss out on being together with family and friends, along with many other delightful social activities in the effort to prevent the spread of contagion.  It helps to think of it as a stroke of luck as it reminds me that as solitary as it might feel, we are all in this together.  My isolation bows to your isolation with love.  kas

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ecology of Awe

I wanted to use common, lay words to visualize the size of the COVID 19 virus in an effort to convey how small the object is that has captured the attention of the world in a way few of us have witnessed in our lifetime.  In my mind, it is similar to the grizzly.  Instead of two legs, it has spikes.  Instead of roaring, it silently invades on air particles.  I can say with certainty that it has returned me to an ecology of awe.   As far as the language used to visualize its size...that calls for a deep and detailed study.  Microbiology and virology are two of the topics I ventured into on a hunt for the right words.  What I encountered there caused me to quietly tiptoe back out more than a bit overwhelmed and impressed. kas

Monday, March 23, 2020

World of Our Own

This fascinates me as I've witnessed it through movies and read about it in various stories.  Thankfully, I've been spared the real-life experience due to my ultra sheltered and white/blind status.  This is from "Water Dancer" which I recommend if you haven't already read it. kas

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Love Isn't Rest

When you've been together a long time and you're accustomed to each other and  to the expected routine, this is a challenge.  The thought is both electrifying and terrifying at the same time.  Rip up your soul and replant it?  Wow!  kas

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Evolution's Masterpiece

A masterpiece indeed!  May we move ever closer, especially during this time of uncertainty.  May we continue to choose love again and again.  kas

Friday, March 20, 2020

Three things

Fitting words for the times we're living in.  May I love with all I am knowing we are in the process of passing through.  Especially when fear and uncertainty abound, may love and kindness be what I bring to this here and now.     kas

Thursday, March 19, 2020


I've never viewed doubt like this before so it's new territory.  Makes for an interesting inner dialogue.  kas

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hidden Royalty Among Us

Thank goodness they are no longer as hidden and still royalty among us.  Although things still aren't colorless (nor genderless) for that matter, we are making progress despite current evidence to the contrary.  kas 
Note: from Secret Life of Bees

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Willing To Be Dazzled

Casting aside the weight of facts is not something I recommend as we're currently experiencing the reality of actually doing so.  Mary Oliver's speaking metaphorically and in that context, I understand and resonate with floating a little above this difficult world.  Interesting how the intention behind the "casting aside of facts" can alter the meaning and the outcome so dramatically.  kas

Monday, March 16, 2020

Truth Telling

And sometimes, you're not even sure what the truth is until you've seen the data, sifted out the misinformation, adjusted for your own bias and gathered the courage to face it before saying it.  May we all continue to seek it and speak it anyway. kas

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Being a Woman

The MeToo movement has shed much-needed attention on this but there's still work to do in bringing true justice and equity to equal treatment of women.  Misogyny is deep-seated and pervasive.  Elizabeth Warren's campaign is a study in this.  kas

Saturday, March 14, 2020


As things become more and more unsettling, it's challenging to remain hopeful and optimistic but we are resilient and we can do this.  May you find the resources you need, on the inside and on the outside to weather this storm.  My heart is with you.  kas

Friday, March 13, 2020

In Our Pursuit of the Truth

May this current crisis reveal the depth and breadth of our humanity, our decency, and our resilience.   Truth matters.  Science matters.  People matter.  Healthcare matters.  kas

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Is That Art?

I suspect, anyone who has ever been inexplicably moved by a book, a poem, a sentence, a movie, a painting:or anything created from the heart of another, will resonate with this. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Never Lose Hope

I'm holding this close to my heart and trying to catch myself when I veer from the path.  kas

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Scared People Hiding Inside Scary People

This is helpful to remember, especially in light of a certain resolution regarding the 2nd Amendment being considered in our local community.  kas

Monday, March 9, 2020

It Was The Land That Caught Her

In "One Woman's War", the movie, there is a scene where the main character is lying with her cheek pressed against the earth in a gesture of love and tenderness to the land.  I loved that image and I love this image from "Where The Dragonfly's Sing".  In both, someone "gets" the treasure of the land beneath our feet. kas

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Holding it Sacred

I always cringe when the pronoun "he" is used to represent all of us but the message of this is worth that irritation.  It is such a tragedy to be where we are in relationship to our home.  kas

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Large Amount of Gratitude

It doesn't take long, especially when I'm feeling out of sorts, to remember how enormously fortunate I am.  I marvel at what people are able to endure and it puts my own troubles in stark perspective. kas

Friday, March 6, 2020

It Does Nothing but Be Itself

This gives me such comfort and joy.  "Like all profound mysteries, it is so simple it frightens me." I'm going to go sit by the creek. kas

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Building a New Life

I love the irony in these works by Susan Mrosek from The Pondering Pool.  Go build your new life or cherish the one you are living with all your might. kas

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


I don't know what I'd do without my friends.  I treasure them as if they were family because they are. kas

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monday, March 2, 2020

Do What You're Afraid To Do

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?  That's a question my father asked us many years ago.  It's a worthwhile exercise.  Once you answer that question, go do it!  kas