Wednesday, June 30, 2021

God Just Is

 As someone who is heavily conflicted about the notion of "God";
Butler's character presented me with even more material.
It's one I'm still gnawing on.
This quote is a sample. 
She has much to say on the matter throughout
her Earthseed series.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Sound of Silence


A deep reverence for silence must have been seeded in me from birth. 
(It could also be growing up in a chaotic household where noise was constant.)
Chapels and churches, reiki rooms, meditation circles and solo walks in the forest
formed me into someone who relishes the deep quiet 
of solitude, early morning, and a silent night.

These days I’m contemplating another kind of silence.  
The silence described in the Sound of Silence, 
written by Paul Simon… 
(One of the most exquisite poems I’ve encountered.) 

I was introduced to Simon & Garfunkel 
in the mid sixties when my mother
brought home their album, 
Dangling Conversations,
from a retreat she attended.
My dad and I spent many hours
playing the album over and over
in order to decipher the lyrics.
I've been a fan of their music/poetry ever since.
A friend recently referred me to
a version of The Sound of Silence
which sent shivers up and down my skeleton.

That silence is a different silence altogether. 
It’s the stagnant silence of apathy, numbness, trauma and deep fear. 
Those seeds have been planted within me as well. 

Can the silence of apathy and stagnation and fear 
walk hand-in-hand with the silence 
of the chapel, of meditation, of exquisite solitude? 
 Perhaps we are in need of two new words. 
One for the silence of well-being, comfort and solace. 
The other for the silence of trepidation, terror, and oppression.
How about scared silence and sacred silence?


Monday, June 28, 2021

Words on the Lip

This has me pondering
the shape and texture
and feel 
of words.
I confess to a certain 
lack of attention
 to the energy
of a word.
Perhaps this is because
reading and writing
is a silent endeavor.
Hearing and speaking
is not.
It's reordering my perspective
on the written AND 
on the spoken word.
Beguiling to the ear?
Beautiful to the eye?
All of the above.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Think on a Larger Scale

I checked and this quote was attributed to Cherokee Billie.
Changing perspective can liven things up.
Moving the focus closer in is also helpful.


Rooted in Quiet

I had a quote from Maxwell Maltz all ready to send
and abandoned it as it was not enhancing confidence.
This one is much better!
It brings to mind a particular teacher friend
whose quiet confidence is an ongoing inspiration.
I am grateful for her quietly rooted presence in my life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Words Describing Functions

I had to look up common scold.
The definition is here.
It's fascinating to consider
how certain words contain judgements
and stereotypes and programmed assumptions.
How some limit and diminish 
and others give undue prominence.  
Digging beneath the surface reveals much.
Who would have guessed words NOT appearing
in the dictionary carry a story of their own and a meaning?


Vulgar Word

This quote tickles me
as it is true in my experience.
(I confess to the frequent use of vulgar words;
to the horror of my daughters, 
who are raising their children 
NOT to use them.)
I'll never forget the first time 
we heard my mother 
"drop the F bomb",
as my brother chortled gleefully
upon hearing it.

The frequency of vulgarity today
in word and image has become so frequent
that it no longer carries the shock it once did.
I will do my best to be more judicious 
in my use of them.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Tools of Resurrection

 This quote hit me like a bolt of lightening when I first heard it.  
It reverberates each time I've encountered it since.
What potent words make up the recipe
for renewing one's firelight for life?
Sometimes one's symphony
is one of profound silence.
It can feel like a death
when the words aren't there.
You have to trust their presence.
Invisible marks on invisible backgrounds.
You have to trust they will return.
In their own time.
You wait in joyful hope.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Whatever Makes You Feel Special?

 While Octavia Butler's books have been around for a while, 
they're new to me.
I'm not a fan of sci fi nor of 
dystopian stories.
However, her book, Parable of the Sower,
has given me much to think about,
amidst the hard, dark details of her fiction.  
I enjoy her inner questioning
and her thoughtful comments
on matters of god and religion,
human nature and human society. 
I'm glad I pushed past my reluctance.
I wanted to dismiss her 
but find it impossible to do so.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


It's quite stunning to me how true this is.
Now the question is, what kind of change
do I initiate with my touch?   
Does it enhance the good?
Does it build up or tear down?
Worthy pondering.


Monday, June 14, 2021

Spark of Madness

Even though the fact these are Robin William's words
adds an element of sadness, I believe
it is an important thought to consider
for every human.  
Everything in balance.  

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Teachers All Around

 The older I get, the more I believe 
and do my best to adhere to this message.
It does raise a question regarding automatic responses.
Do they come from conditioning 
which calls for change?
Or do they come from innate knowing
which calls for trusting?
How does one tell the difference?

Thursday, June 10, 2021

True Confidence Rooted In Quiet

For someone who by default focuses 
on the loud and/or most active
people in a room,
(who could be loud due to 
LACK of confidence),
there's a lot to consider here.
It opens up an opportunity to practice
noticing the quiet people,
the gentle spirited folks.
Growing up in a large family
where a familiar refrain was
"the squeaky wheel gets the grease",
This is new territory. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Wear Your Thoughts

 As soon as I read this, I thought of my typical outfit...
pretty casual most days.  
What does that say about my thoughts?
I don't consider them casual.
I thought about how I tend toward 
neutral or sober colors.
Perhaps some brightening up 
is in order.  
I'm going to aim for
more "fashionable" thoughts.
It's a fun exercise.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Stop This Day and Night With Me


With all due respect to Mr. Whitman; 
I would say filter them FOR yourself; not from yourself.  
Living first hand is good advice, for sure, however, 
I want to say "feeding on the spectres in books"
has given me experiences only possible
through the written word and my imaginative reception.
I would not discount it. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

What To Do?


Even in my skepticism, 
I find this reassuring.
Not knowing which way to go
is something I'm exquisitely familiar with.
I fear stagnation.
It comforts me to consider 
the constant questioning 
as my real journey.  
Can it be true?

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Remind Them


This doesn't happen often but when it does, it unnerves me somewhat.
I often ask myself if my fierceness could be my meanness?

Nonetheless, it seems vital and necessary.
As a reminder to myself as well as to others.
Trampling on tender places
ignites the furies.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Love What You Have


This idea always reminds me of the interview I read/heard from a couple who survived the holocaust.  I don't remember their names or the exact quote but it was something about the
immense gift of sitting in their living room watching TV together.  The simple bliss of that ordinary, often mundane activity after what they'd been through.  It stays with me whenever I am feeling twitchy and unsettled about things.  kastilwell