Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Who You Are and Why You're Here

I find it exquisitely reassuring to hear
"cherish my life as a process, shamelessly."
(I had to add the comma.  I think it's better now, grammatically?)
Finding myself at this age with a sense of 
having missed something important 
or done things wrong,
it encourages me to shake off the nonsense
(even though it feels quite serious)
and get on with the joy and sorrow of living
every single drop of existence.
I find duality is a criminal.
It steals all the detail, beauty 
and complexity from a fully lived life. 
Everything and everyone 
instantly and automatically 
classified innocent or guilty;   
(mostly guilty)
without consideration given to nuance,
extenuating circumstances, contradictions,
the motives behind the story,
the consequences of ancient or recent trauma,  
and a whole host of possible explanations 
for bizarre and/or extreme behavior.
Mercy has become a rare commodity.
Forgiveness is almost extinct.
May we learn to live in the richness 
of texture, nuance and intricate detail.
May we begin to appreciate contradiction.
May we allow our hearts to crack just a bit; 
like ice in a glass of warmer liquid.
Let our often messy humanity 
be our endless treasure.

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