"Can we agree to be grateful for all that is given?"
Can we? I'm thinking of the wave of authoritarianism
seeking to gain control;
seeking to impose their ego
on the freedoms and choices of others.
Willing to murder and lie to achieve their wish?
Can we be grateful for that?
I suppose, in a roundabout way, we can;
IF it awakens the river of decency and dignity
flowing unseen and unheard, below the radar.
This leads me to the place I often find myself.
Holding a plate full of contradiction,
opposing forces ever present.
An endless tug of war.
For what?
Dominance? Control? A sense of security?
Does anyone else get the irony in a campaign
titled "Right To Life"
while our Earth dies all around us?
It feels like I robbed this thought of its intention.
I'm shifting my perspective.
I "choose" to say yes!
"We can agree to be grateful for
all that has been given."
That list is long and even includes
the half a dozen squirrels
gorging on the birdseed while the birds
it is meant for
attempt to get their share.
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