In The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie
she discusses how the English language promotes
the idea of hierarchy, objectification and separation with its pronouns.
Serendipitously, thanks to a good friend reminding me
of Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass,
I came across her article published in Orion magazine
where she discusses the same thing.
I pulled out the pertinent sentences
to pinpoint a possible solution.
A democratizing of species
through language, you might say.
PS: Ki in Japanese means spirit. It's pronounced kee.
Rachel's Ki has Potawatomi roots as explained
in the Orion article linked above.
I still want to verify how she pronounces it.
in the Orion article linked above.
I still want to verify how she pronounces it.
Love this, Kathy. I'll have to read her Orion piece. I subscribed to Orion happily for a number of years, but dropped off when it just seemed like one more magazine that I needed to read!