Friday, January 26, 2024

Let's Go Small

"We are all pinpoints of light among 
billions in the universe of space and time."
Growing up as one of twelve, I'm exquisitely familiar
with the feeling of being "lost in a crowd".  
So while this idea is "disconcerting", it isn't new to me.

I'm also keenly steeped in the belief:
"if I just work hard enough I can be or do anything
and that I should do and be something important, meaningful
and that distinguishes me from others."

It's interesting that it was close to the time I turned 50
things began to shift and I slowly let go of the need to achieve
this great purpose I was supposed to discover and live out.
(Not that I have let go of considering it frequently 
and questioning myself on its merit. I still find myself wrestling with it.)

It's deeply refreshing to hear someone else say:
"I don't have to do my caring in some big, unique,
changing-the-world kind of way."

As I write this, the thought of how stars are born
and live out their lives as "pinpoints" in the sky
doing their time, wherever they are and fading away
without fanfare or great purpose other than lighting up
their small area in a vast universe. 
I'm ok with being like a star.


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