"Life experiments and change and flourishes
in the places where bodies meet and dialogue with each other..."
I love this word picture...
the "overlap",
the "floodplains",
the "connective tissue".
Those unique, messy, random, unruly places where alchemy occurs.
When one entity encounters another and connects.
It's what I believe we need to heal...
our divided selves and our divided society.
Does it happen organically? Obviously, yes, in our bodies and in nature.
But what about our human made entities?
Do we build our communities to foster these floodplains and overlaps?
Places where our bodies can "meet and dialogue with each other"?
Or do we build walls and place checkpoints?
What if churches operated on this principle?
What if my catholic school back in the 60's had said,
"We're going to have a play date with those non-catholics across the street."
"Instead of praying for their souls, we're going to get together
and ask each other questions, have a conversation
in order to understand each other?"
How different would our world be
if our leaders, governments, media outlets and institutions
operated from this mindset? Set this kind of example?
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