Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ranked Instead of Linked

It's beyond distressing that we have not healed the inequities in our 
society after decades and decades of knowing how much it is needed.  
I offer my sincerest, heartbroken, and deeply inadequate apology to
my brothers and sisters who are affected each day by this failure. I will do better. kas

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Like A River

As turbulence rages across the country, I'm seeking a way to be which
will support and promote the evolving of humanity toward a
more just and fair society where all beings are treated with dignity
and respect.  Where democracy operates as it was intended to...
with liberty and justice FOR ALL  Together, we can do this!  kas

Friday, May 29, 2020

Superiority from Birth

We are again witnessing the darkest side of this mistaken sense of superiority.
May true justice prevail now for those who have suffered for so long.   kas

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

That Matters!

It matters that so many, many people have died and are dying from a virus.  
It did not have to be this way.  
My heart is full of sorrow for those whose loved ones are no longer visible on this earth.  kas

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Make The Whole Earth My Altar

"Raising beyond the symbols to the pure majesty of the Real itself"...
powerful words as they point to the invisible energy operating
beyond our capacity to articulate or even fully comprehend.  
Making our damaged earth an altar to offer 
labor and suffering offers a poignant, ironic image. kas

Monday, May 25, 2020


(War and deadly viruses)
Remembering those who gave all.  
May we not squander their ultimate gift.
Let It Be.  kas

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Not Cancelled

May we enjoy the bounty not cancelled, mitigated, ignored or defied. kas

Saturday, May 23, 2020


It does feel like a spell has been cast over a percentage of the "kingdom of listeners".
However, silence doesn't seem to be the origin.  
Seems more like the noise of the marketplace is causing it.  
It's relentless drumbeat demanding our attention is definitely not silence. kas

Friday, May 22, 2020

No Ordinariness

Thinking about others who go through unimaginable horrors, helps me
when things get ugly around me.  It gives me perspective and
helps me know what needs to be done in the face of tyranny and power run amuck. 
Let us remember the horrors of our humanity and do better.  We are better than this. 
Let's remember we are all in this together and fighting each other is not the answer. Namaste' kas

Thursday, May 21, 2020

As Much Below As Above

This haunts me.  Caught up in the surface soup of life 
I pass over the deep down rumble where things are veiled and murky 
and far from immediately gratifying; no matter how enticing.
Pausing long enough to unclench and connect is key. Namaste.  kas

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


My preference is to share family memories with those we were there with curiosity.
It's fascinating to learn how different everyone's version 
can be when we all witnessed the same event.  
It's important to remember the "victors" have been writing (and teaching)
the "memories"/history since the beginning of writing. 
Many, many memories have been sanitized and/or lost. 
Let's make sure this doesn't happen to us.  Leave your story for the future generations.  kas 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


I find this to be quite comforting.  It gives common, everyday, routine "stuff" significance. kas

Monday, May 18, 2020


Your Name

It's up to you to supply the name.  
It can be your own best self, the wholehearted part of you closest to the invisible world 
from where we came and to where we will return. kas

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Interdependence of Parts

We're seeing this in stark relief these days.  
Think about how invasive the virus is to every sphere of humanity.  
It's interesting to me, and rather ironic that even when we're saying nothing happens in isolation, 
that is one of the tools used to overcome this disease.  
Talk about holding the tension of the opposites!  kas

Saturday, May 16, 2020

I Want The Truth

We all want this.  Without the spin.  Without the rhetoric.  Without the bias.  
Without the manipulation.  We can handle it.  It's what we do best.  kas

Friday, May 15, 2020

Do Whatever Brings You To Life

Following your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions can feel uber self absorbed.  When I do so, I immediately see the fingers of shame pointing in my direction exhorting me to take a more "selfless" path and do something "for others".   What I'm coming to realize is following those IS what I'm doing for others. It's taken several decades to realize, but it's finally coming clearer.  Go. Be. You! kas

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Real Man

It's deeply unfortunate that so many of those in power do not fall into the category of real men. In my opinion, the reason we need government and laws and morals and ethical codes is due to this fact.  May real men and women find a way to heal our society and our planet.  Let It Be with all my heart. kas

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Dearer than Truth

As this travesty of dropping charges for a man who confessed to lying under oath about conducting acts of betrayal to our country, this seems pertinent and relevant.  May we citizens of this great country have the courage to choose truth rather than living a lie.  For, no matter what is written, your heart knows, deep down, what is real and what is true. The rule of law is for justice not for vengeance. kas

Monday, May 11, 2020

Why Mothers' Day Began

"Mothers' Day actually started in the 1870s, when the sheer enormity of the death caused by the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War convinced American women that women must take control of politics from the men who had permitted such carnage. Mothers’ Day was not designed to encourage people to be nice to their mothers. It was part of women’s effort to gain power to change modern society." Thanks to Heather Cox Richardson 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Thousand Mothers

Happy Mother's Day to the mother who carried me and delivered me to life. 
Happy Mother's Day to my daughters who raised me and astonish me every day with joy.
Happy Mother's Day to women (and men) without children who nurture people, plants &/or animals.  kas

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Forsake Bad. Embrace Good.

There is a tone of dualism in this which makes sense given its source, but after pondering it, I believe it encourages us to acknowledge the contradictions within ourselves. It also fits nicely with previous posts. kas

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Each of us carries marks of ancient ancestors.  This article gives a sampling of how we are connected to trees.  It is inspiring and distressing to contemplate.  May we find the courage to save our wild. kas

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Feelings matter

The orchestra in my head is playing the music of emotions.  This podcast led me to this book, "The Permission to Feel" by Marc Breckett.  Yes, it's also marketing, but in this case, the tune I'm hearing is enriching growth and well-being.  kas

Friday, May 1, 2020

Walking In Mist

We are indeed walking in the mist these days; as individuals and with others.  May we hold true to those ancient values of truth and justice and liberty which served as a beacon of hope for our ancestors and a guiding light for those of us living in this moment of time. May we renew our dedication to mutual respect and empathy for ourselves and all who share this journey.  kas