Thursday, December 31, 2020

Building A Queendom

 This sums up the past year as it inspires me for the future.
Sayanora 2020.  Farewell injustice.  Adios inequality.  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

There's Music...Call It That

The absolute luxury of walking in silence in the woods is a priceless treasure. 
Anyone who has experienced this knows of which I speak.  
It is one of those rare activities the carries secrets within it.
Happy Birthday to a very special 9 year old today.  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 I'm practicing a new way of conducting my life.  Rather than being ruled by habit and "getting it done", I'm taking a slower pace.  One where I'm listening to the under current.  
Although I receive an email from Rattle with a poem every day,  I don't always read them.  
Today, I felt compelled by the undercurrent to do so and felt rewarded.  
I recommend reading it in its entirety.  

Monday, December 28, 2020

Looking Directly At What's Threatening

Man oh man, this is strong advice.  Seeing the threat is fairly straightforward.  Finding a way to 
live with it and do what is mine to do about it, requires equally strong reflection and ample courage.


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Sharing The Flame

 There seems to be an over-abundance of pain in the world today.  
Envisioning us gathering to light a fire with this pain while singing together feels comforting.  
So I'm tenderly placing my logs of grief, pain and loss onto the pyre and softly humming 
so as not to frighten the children with my less than melodious singing. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas is a State of Mind

May you enjoy the real Spirit of Christmas every single day.  
Sending out warmth, peace, and goodwill from my heart to yours.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Live The Questions Now

 The questions I'm living with these days are mighty and mundane.  Is love strong enough? When will we see true justice and real liberty for all creatures?  Will we gather the forces necessary to heal our planet? What goodness are we leaving for the next generations?  These questions fall under the mighty category.  What will we fix for dinner?  Where are my keys?  Did I take my vitamins?  
These are some of the mundane.  kastilwell

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Wild Dilemma

 And still, I believe we will make it, despite our fear.  kastilwell

PS.  Happy Birthday to a very dear long time friend.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Sweet Darkness

May the Winter Solstice bring you alive in the sweet darkness. kastilwell

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Let Them Not Say

I had to post this even with the huge pit in my stomach at the truth of it.  
May we find the way to heal our planet and each other.  I believe in the power of us.  kastilwell


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Let The World Stay The World

 This brings to mind all the work we have to do to save our precious planet.  kastilwell

Friday, December 18, 2020

Gratitude for The Uncertain

 I'm posting this as something to aspire to.  Frankly, I'm rather attached to the certain so being
grateful for the lack of it is a stretch.  Practice.  Practice.  Practice. kastilwell

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Field Beyond Harsh Judgment

 In quiet times, my habit of imposing immediate, and often harsh judgments on another's behavior surfaces and invites me to become more aware and more compassionate toward others as well as myself. It's challenging to rewire those deeply laid tracks and great practice for my brain's elasticity to do so.  Namaste' kastilwell

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Those Places Where Lines Are Perceived

 Questions came to mind as I contemplated this quote.  Where are the places my lines are perceived and am I being programmed unconsciously to draw them?  Why are two things colliding interesting to watch?  Is this true?  If so, is it because I'm addicted to drama?  Is conflict so enticing because it carries with it an invitation to another way of looking at things? I find myself withdrawing from conflict.  Is the energy required to draw away as potent as the energy it takes to sit in the discomfort and forge a different outlook?   kastilwell

Monday, December 14, 2020

Wait Without Hope

 "So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing."  I find myself waiting in joyful hope regardless of what Eliot advises.  kastilwell

Sunday, December 13, 2020

When All Else Fails

This seems to fit the recent shenanigans perpetrated by some in the public sphere.  If your goal includes harming fellow creatures on this earth, failing is preferable on any level. kastilwell

Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Bowl Held In Both Hands

 This thought has caught my attention and continues to reverberate inside.  kastilwell

Friday, December 11, 2020

To Hear Love

 An antidote to all the noise and chaos not to mention anxiety and fear due to the ever increasing pandemic death count. May we all listen within ourselves to hear love in our silence.  kastilwell

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 And sometimes, rules are necessary for the good of all.  Life is complex and contradictory and confusing.  It's also glorious and miraculous and utterly astonishing.  That's what makes dancing vital to a person's well being.  Even if it's sitting and clapping your hands.  kastilwell

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

She Knows

 As I sit here, seemingly separated from "normal" physical connection to the outside world of a year ago, it is helpful to remember how complex reality is and how deeply connected I am to all that matters. This is true even without internet or phone service!   kastilwell

Monday, December 7, 2020

Temporary Stuff

 How lovely to consider my own thoughts as glorious and temporary.  Glory is always temporary. Every, single thing is passing through...coming or going...there is no escaping this so I might as well luxuriate in the temporary glory of the multiple, mighty things I take for granted.  kastilwell

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Trees Are Amazing

I struggle with the image of trees "fighting" with other plants even though it is the way of certain things.  I keep in mind the many benefits they provide our earth and we creatures living here and feel great gratitude for their mighty existence.  kastilwell 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Infinite Possibilities

 At this point in my life, my mind and my body carry on a constant conversation which often leads to conflict.   Mind wants Body to do something.  Body does its best to comply and ends up failing to achieve desired results.  Mind insists.  Body objects...strongly.  Frustration, pain and grief are involved.  
It's a challenge to listen respectfully to both sides and reconcile the differences. 
I'm not sure flying like an angel is a realistic goal for a physical body.  kastilwell 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Wabi Sabi

If perfection is in the eye of the beholder, imperfection is also, right?
I love this concept although I confess, I don't always live it.  
I'm so programmed by others on what is "pleasing", it's often necessary
to pause and absorb what I'm experiencing whether it be the
visual beauty of a tiny vignette in the woods, or the 
wabi sabi of a rumpled, lived-in room.  I'm trained so 
well toward neat and orderly; a loved one's
 used socks, even if beautifully made, lying on the rug
does not invoke strong pleasure.  Not yet, anyway.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

There Is A Whisper

This whisper stalks me consistently.  I am grateful, sort of, for it's persistence.  
It brings with it a level of unease calling for tenderness and patience.  They don't come automatically.  
My automatic is to get it done or ignore and deny.  It takes practice, deep breathing and patience
to consider those tough questions and then allow the answer not to be immediately forthcoming.  
Did she really mean what I think she said?  Is it possible I'm wrong?   
Am I trying to "win" or willing to learn?  What does real love look like in this situation?  

Grace and grounding...absolutely essential.  Time in the woods is critical.  kastilwell  

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Burn Things

Sometimes things carry memories...they're  imbued with the essence, the physical energy of a time and place dear to one's heart.  However, in order to pack light, it's necessary to actually carry them by heart.  kastilwell
PS:  Happy Birthday to a treasured friend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What Would The World Look Like?

 Can you imagine?  After being steeped in the programming from those working to convince me the only way to have value is to follow their shallow path to "beauty", "success" or some other transient bauble, the thought of making no apology for my "failings" is breathtaking, somewhat terrifying and immensely satisfying.  kastilwell