Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Second Half Of Life

 I find this to be truer as each day passes.
 I hope to die with only my robe and sandals 
as possessions;
Loving and human, 
and I would add living, 
(as in plants and trees)
are most deeply desired
but cannot be collected.
We are bestowed with those...
treasures beyond measure.

Monday, August 30, 2021


 Deep gratitude for those 
"free and imperfect scattered souls.
Those mighty and steadfast champions of light."
Right now, in celebration of fields and ditches filled with
Joe Pye, Ironweed, and Goldenrod bouquets.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Courage, Strength and a Sense of Humor

True wisdom.  
May we all find
courage, strength and humor
amidst the suffering.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Benevolent Skilled Communities

 I'm in!  Let's do it.  
Who wants to join me?


Never Stop Loving

 These words are what I aspire to, with all my heart.  
While slippage does occur from time to time,
I will continue to make being brave and kind
my practice and my goal.  
I will continue to seek real unity
even when it seems hopeless.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hard Work = Wealth?

She is barefoot. 
Riding a bike with at least one flat tire;
while stabilizing three small children;
plus a load of wood tied to the back;
and a giant bucket of water;
perched atop her head.
Talk about a balancing act!
(I'm certain there's no 401K.)
I've seen people juggle priorities
but this goes way beyond.
Next time you hear someone say
they just need to work harder, 
and it will pay off,
think of her.  


Monday, August 23, 2021

Packing Light

Arundhati Roy

Ready to imagine another world?
Another invitation to practice the power of imagining.
This is a dose of motivation.
Can we rectify the mistakes we humans have made?
Can we reverse the course we're on?
May the answer be yes.
May we all "see" a new way.


Friday, August 20, 2021

The Environment

One shot of yesterday's daybreak sky.
I have a whole series of the magnificence
on display overhead for us yesterday.
And, as I suspect every photographer knows,
there is no way to give justice to the splendor.
May we all remember 
who we are and where we are.
May we remember how precious
and fragile life is.
May we honor all that 
gives us life
in particular,
this astonishing universe.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Willingness To See

 I've always admired people
who are gifted with wild imaginations.
(J.K. Rowling comes to mind.)
Although its not something
automatic for me, as I tend toward "realism",
(with a touch of somber or melancholy)
practicing the art of imagination
to see things more playfully
feels like a helpful endeavor.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Artist

 Overcoming resistance 
and ignoring the voice of doubt
are two worthwhile ambitions.
It is encouraging to remember
art is in the soul 
(however you define soul)
of the artist and NOT in
the eye of the beholder.
It's not about production.
It's about self revelation.
It's the discovery you
make about who you are.
That's what matters.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Don't let it get inside you

 I should tattoo this on my forehead.
Allowing water into my boat
happens more often than I care to admit.
However, I am bailing it out
and not letting it sink the vessel.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Swallowing Music


I was so happy to encounter this lovely gem today.
Swallowing music, 
knock out roses with one-two punches,
and/or pulling the sinking sun into your solar plexus.
Exquisite eloquence.

Friday, August 13, 2021

How Our Needs Shape Us

 This quote has been in the queue
for quite some time 
waiting for what feels like the right time.
Not sure why that seems to be now.
It has ignited much inner reflection
on the needs I am aware of,
as well as those that remain hidden.
It seems like something worthwhile
to carry along with me as
life unfolds.  

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Opening of Eyes Long Closed

It occurs to me this is 
another way to describe
a "catastrophe of grace".


Catastrophe of Grace

May you be bestowed with
many "catastrophes of grace".
May they become memories,
strung like pearls, 
sparkling around your heart;
May they be touchstones
for the difficult times.
And remembrances of joy.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Moments of Extraordinary Clarity

 The idea of finding extraordinary clarity 
beneath the surface of things, intrigues me greatly.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Taking Your Somewhere You Never Thought of Going

I love the idea of art "taking me somewhere I've never thought of going."
It changes the way I look at the empty page in front of me.
Where are we going today?
Then listening for the answer instead of imposing
my "to do" list upon the matter.


Friday, August 6, 2021

Fitting Together

I am finding that regardless
of how far afield I may travel
searching for meaning and usefulness
as I inhabit this terminal terrain
called being alive,
I spiral back to poetry.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

So Much Depends Upon

 "So much depends upon paying attention...
Solitude knits itself round you,
Silence is stitched to your bones...
Gorgeous words 
"One breath leads to the next"...
The ebb and flow,
the warp and weft,
the waxing and waning.  
The gathering in; 
and the letting go.
The relentless slash 
of letting go.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Earth Music

 "Between heart-pulse and light's shadow-touch, 
I will lead you to the quiet abundance of silence,
the wide emptying of voiceless things; earth's pulse,
seamless and somewhere beyond absence."

Oh, the exquisite astonishment to
see/hear someone find the words
to describe something I
haven't been able to articulate.
That is the wonder of language.
The "magic" of translation.
Though it can't be captured completely,
it's close enough to bring me to tears.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I Have Waited-Binn E'adair

 "This moment is already time's fugitive."  
Isn't it so, how the precious, significant moments
steal away so swiftly, you question their existence. 
In retrospect.
Joy is like that.
Fleeting and astonishing.
A spark among the gray clad, ordinary hours.
May we learn to harbor it with care 
and supreme gratitude.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Thin Places


Oh how delightful it is 
to encounter a poetess
who makes my heart sing!

It fills me with awe and wonder
and puts me into
"the quiet whispering,
the unspeakable tenderness."