Thursday, June 30, 2022

The World We Want To See

Never before have I read a book
where I found myself highlighting
nearly every passage.

Is it the initial thrill of discovery?
Is it the resonance I feel with what she is articulating?
I do not know.
I only feel the pull of the thoughts,
the ideas and the words conveying them.
And it ignites my imagination.
And makes me want to share it with everyone.
To envision a different kind of world. 
To release the old ways of thinking
and develop new neural pathways.
To appreciate that the time spent alone,
contemplating and ruminating
is valuable and perhaps revolutionary.
What if we get it right?


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

A New Order Emerges

 It's like a potentially deadly game
is being played right now.
Two forces at odds with each other.
One sees only binary. 
Black. White.
Right. Wrong.
Dominate and control.

The other seeks to grow and evolve,
sees and appreciates complexity and nuance,
erosion and evolution,
is willing to engage and create
innovative ways of solving problems.

Change is inevitable.
How do we bring about change
for the enhancement of living systems?
Can we imagine a world where 
the dream of democracy is actual reality?
Where the earth is restored and 
all beings are treated with mutual respect?
Where humans learn from each other,
engage in conversations, 
and grow in understanding?
What we can imagine, 
we can bring forth.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Thoughts Inspire Our Making

This thought will inspire me when
the tedium of a long, repetitive stitching pattern
provides plenty of time for thinking.
I will connect the movement of my fingers
with the transformation of the yarn
from a skein to a shawl;
and I will think of that shawl
as symbolizing the knitting together of
everything in the universe.
I will think of the astounding
complexity and beauty contained
in the seemingly ordinary, 
such as dandelions or grass
and rejoice to be a part of the intricate web
 containing and connecting me 
to such a dazzling system of existence.

Monday, June 27, 2022

What A Time To Be Alive

 On Being's last podcast was well timed and the boost I needed 
given the recent SCOTUS decisions.
Brown's thought here and the ones she lays out 
in what I've read so far in her writings
feel like lightening rods of truth.
She voices what I've been feeling 
but unable to articulate.
She echoes the theme of Mysterial Women
from what I witness 
as a more organic and inclusive perspective 
and asks the questions 
we need to ask as we navigate
this incredibly complex evolutionary time.

Friday, June 24, 2022

What Do I Think Of My Country?

Democracy is about the will of the people not the will of the privileged.  
It's about what is best for most, not for a few.
It is civil and just and dedicated to a rule of law...
laws which are intended to promote truth and justice
dignity and fairness to everyone.
Democracy is about giving equal voice to 
the weak and the strong;
the affluent and the disadvantaged; 
the insider and the outsider,
the powerful and the powerless
and all gradients in between.
We have far to go 
and the forces of opposition are relentless.
Let all decent hearted people stay the course
and preserve and promote 
the democracy so many
have fought and died for.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Dream of Democracy

My belly clenches when I consider 
the state of our democracy.
We must find a way of 
talking with each other.
Respecting each other.
Listening and understanding.
Our country cannot be only about
division and derision.
We can overcome the forces
tearing us apart.
The river of fair minded 
quietly courageous citizens
continues to flow.
May it gently dilute and disperse
that which separates. 
May it restore parched hearts
with common values.
May it drown out what is detrimental
to dignity, decency and democracy.



Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Your Looks

 These wise thoughts don't need any additional commentary.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Blaze of Astonishment

Thanks to Maria Popova for bringing this to me.

This thought,
about the incredible luck of circumstances
contained in the fact we exist at all,
is one I want to keep
front and center,
alive and alert,
at all times.

I find when I do think of it,
my appreciation for life increases,
and helps me navigate
the more challenging aspects
of being human.

 PS:  I hope my insertion of feminine pronouns isn't too distracting.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Shy As Magnolias

This thought motivates me
to reconnect to the child inside,
the one who is still innocent
and shy as magnolias.
Especially since I caught sight of
a surprise magnolia blossom
just recently which
was there and gone 
like the flash of a lightening bug.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Evolve a New Consciousness

This caught my attention immediately.
about using our imagination to help create
a world where we get it right.
Where we save our planet and our species.
This comes from Suzanne Anderson's session on her 
Mysterial Murmuration Community website.



Thursday, June 16, 2022

Questions that Cannot Be Answered

Quote by Mark Kidel

I'm intrigued by this thought.
I've not thought of art as a "refusal to bare everything".
However, upon reflection, I've certainly
witnessed my share of "a certain impenetrability".
This causes me to shift the way I see art. 
I'll ask myself what is hidden from view;
or what is not being said.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Back to Basics

 This is an intriguing thought.
The only hesitation I have is
"contributing something meaningful to the world".
 I remind myself that each of us
gets to decide what is meaningful for ourselves.
Which raises the question, 
"What if it's contributing something meaningful to me,
but not necessarily to the world?" 
How does "the world" judge the merit?  
My reply to that is, "Lose the judgement!"
My own AND "the world's"!


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

It's Still Possible

 This follows yesterday's post.
The idea of "how much possibility remains"
is one I want everyone to give 
far more consideration and action to going forward.
We are bombarded with gloom and doom.
It's easy to despair and give up.
But, what if we're not destined for extinction?
What if we humans focus on what's possible
and save our planet and our species? 


Monday, June 13, 2022

Following Love

 I heard this on an episode of On Being and it blew me away.
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a marine biologist was being interviewed.
She is working on a book titled "What If We Get It Right?"
Her statement that we have a failure of imagination gripped me.
It got me wondering what a truly eco-friendly world
would actually look like?
Let's start with airline travel. 
Will we finally harness the power 
of human teleportation like on Star Trek?
What about my trip to a grocery store?
Solar panels on the roof?  
What will our highways look like?
Our farms?  Factories? 
The ocean?  Our landfills?
What if we get it right?


Friday, June 10, 2022

Always Says Yes

 I confess, this quote jangled me at first.
It dramatically shifts the perspective out of 
my rote belief about death. 
The "true Yea-sayer"? Wow!
And yet, it is such a consoling thought.
In combination with the earlier
thought that when we die, 
we become a part of everything.
That's something I can live with.


Thursday, June 9, 2022

I Can Hear Her Breathing

 Thanks to Suzanne Anderson 
for posting this on the Mysterial Murmuration website.
It's such a powerful thought,
and fills me with hope and confidence.
I am listening for her breathing.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Every Moment A Gift

 Being the recent recipient of
unasked for and strangely wrapped gifts;
this thought seems timely.

It's a good reminder to cherish
the small, slow measures of my life
as well as the swift, chaotic stanzas.

All is gift.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Hungry For Your Beauty

 Your deepest gifts are often
seemingly invisible,
especially to you.
Trust yourself
to bring them forth
in whatever you 
happen to be doing.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Joy in Relation...World In Abundance

 Two things caught my attention on this thought:
"nowhere grasping"
"earth enough".
It awakened me to times when I grasp
at things I think I want instead of things as they are.
A human tendency, I believe
but it is worth thinking about.

Earth enough?
That is a loaded statement
and one I can only
contemplate in 
small, hopeful
May it be so.


Friday, June 3, 2022

If I'm Known

 Daniel Siegel didn't actually say this.
One of his patients whose first name was Tommy did.
That being said, it was like an arrow
straight to my heart when I heard it.
I can handle becoming a part of everything.
What a spectacular place to be.

PS:  Mindsight is an excellent read.  Highly recommended.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Weaving Gratefully

This is a long-lived and long-loved quote of mine.
I am glad to have it resurface as a reminder.
It is especially meaningful 
as I spend my days knitting pieces of "unmatched threads".
William Shatner's quote from the documentary about his 
trip into space fits nicely into this theme.
Everything is connected. It’s like a knitting.  A shawl of life. 
May we drive the loudmouths from the hall
and let the mighty river of the "Silent Majority"
(I'm referring to them as the Mindful Majority)
"clear it for a different celebration."


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Whole Against the Sky

 I love this thought 
as it opens up wide vistas of potential 
at a time when it's more common
to see each other as fixed
in set patterns, sizes and modes of being.
Reducing each other to only 
what is familiar and habitual
keeps both of us small.
It gives growing 
a whole new perspective
as the years taper down.