Monday, November 30, 2020

Time in the Forest

 "Time moves in circles and events are linked."  The more time I spend on this earth, the more I realize this simple and profound truth.  Something which moved me deeply years ago, faded away, seemily buried in the layers of living, returns today as a tender reminder, made vivid again, made powerful once more. kastilwell

PS: Sending love to a special friend on her birthday.  

Sunday, November 29, 2020

There is No Path

 These words resonated deep within me...a part of me I've not paid much attention to and find myself becoming more familiar with as the years advance and the path becomes less certain and more inviting.  Now I'm learning how to welcome what is unexpected and unexplored;  to engage rather than label, to be curious instead of bound in certainty.   kastilwell 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

And Then The Voice Grows Still

In today's world, a minus sign signals a negative Covid test which is welcome and positive.
My automatic reaction to Gluck's words is a sense of rejection and aversion to the minus sign.
It feels like the snuffing out of life.  However, connecting it with the "negative" Covid test gives it
another flavor.  It moves me out of "automatic" into a more thoughtful response.  
If a negative or minus sign can be positive in one circumstance, can't it be so in the other?  
Merging with the infinite becomes a cause for celebration.  kastilwell

Friday, November 27, 2020

Like A Fountain

Where are my gray and numb places?  My hardened places?  May I envision the contours and colors beneath the gray veil and detect the sensations they carry.  May my hard places begin to soften, melt and liquify.  May the throbbing of life around me be mirrored within my own beautiful blood and sinew.  kastilwell

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Simple Invitation

 What simple invitation do I hope to receive?  What invitation do I wish to send?  kastilwell

Monday, November 23, 2020

Being Powerful in the Service of Your Vision

 What small step can I take toward something powerful in the service of my vision? 

My vision today is a democracy which withstands assault and grows in ways to provide liberty and TRUE justice FOR ALL.  I will continue to hold that vision in my heart and mind and wait in joyful hope for the beginning of a new chapter in our story.  May those afflicted with Covid-19 find healing and may those working to help them find the strength and endurance to continue their brave and powerful efforts. kastilwell

Friday, November 20, 2020


 We continue to work for the common good.  TRUE liberty and REAL justice for ALL.  kastilwell

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Full of Yourself

May we all follow the knowing deep inside ourselves and act accordingly.  kastilwell

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Radical Self Love

 It's about trusting who you already are beneath all the superficial programming and 
turning away from those who benefit from keeping you confined.   kastilwell

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Peel Away Toxic Messages

Women are beginning to wake up to this.  It's mighty work to disentangle ourselves from the programming we've been swimming in since birth.  When I think back to my teen and early adult years, I cringe at the indoctrination into the world of "beauty" and "fashion" and "thinness".  My mother spent my childhood seesawing between diet pills and tranquilizers.  It wasn't until years later, I realized how unhealthy and tragic the messages were she was responding to and unintentionally passing along to her daughters and to my daughters!  What a crock of nonsense we've been sold!  kastilwell

Monday, November 16, 2020


 It seems to me, the world has turned many reasonable things into "trends" and "shoulds" and "money-making opportunities".  I'm weary of the commercialization of everything.  kastilwell

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Natural Intelligence

 What a relief!!!  The compulsion to "improve" is so embedded, it's going to take the rest of my life to untangle the knots and trust who I am becoming.  kastilwell

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Been Waiting My Whole Life

 How faithful my body has been in spite of being taken for granted for decades.  
I joke that my body is there to carry my mind around and it's true most of the time.  
It's a new experience to befriend this body with it's miraculous functions. Sacred territory.  kastilwell

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Science Is

And it's ok to be wrong.  It's a great way to learn how to do better.
I hope we can learn to accept failure as a stepping stone and ease up
on ourselves and others. kastilwell

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Human Heart--Democracy

"... Once again, false claims, half-truths, hateful rhetoric, fear-mongering and demonization of the opposition dominate our civic space, driving out the genuine issue-oriented debate a democracy needs to survive and thrive. We need citizens with chutzpah and humility to occupy our civic space and call American democracy back to health. There is no reason, at least no good reason, why our number cannot be legion." Parker Palmer


Monday, November 9, 2020

Key To Moving Forward #2

Thanks to Leo Babauta for these thoughts today.  

#2-- "I stopped being a quiet peacekeeper and started being a loud peacemaker."

Glennon Doyle, Untamed 

This phrase ignited me as I listened to Doyle's "Untamed".  Becoming a peacemaker is different than keeping the peace or acquiescing to something I know in my heart is wrong.  These are not normal times.  That doesn't mean Leo's words aren't helpful.  I believe they are a key to moving forward toward TRUE justice FOR ALL


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Built To Work Together

 With our country as divided as its become, this is vital. The forces
working against this are fierce. May we find a way
to heal the wounds and move forward 
in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.  

Friday, November 6, 2020

Feeling Has Departed

I scheduled this quote a while back.  Reading it this morning made me cringe at it's darkness, especially on a day when the news is looking more hopeful than it has in awhile.  I started to apologize but will not as it was honest at the time I originally posted it.  I'm slowly learning feelings cycle like the tides.  Accepting and allowing them to do so, makes for a much more harmonious existence.  kastilwell

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

There is Your Fear

This brings home to me how prevalent and pervasive fear is and has been in my life.  It is a reminder of how it takes over from every direction and a gentle invitation to loosen its grip.  Hope and courage can take its place.  kas

Sunday, November 1, 2020

For Those Who Suffer


To Those Who Suffer

May you feel encircled 
with tenderness in your distress.
May you be gathered close enough 
to detect soft breath on your cheek.
May you rest against a kind chest 
where you can sense 
the steady rhythm 
of a warm heart 
sustaining you in your suffering.
May you recognize you are not alone.
May what is beyond naming, 
beyond knowing, 
beyond measuring, 
comfort you.
A legion of invisible souls 
extend their hands 
sending comfort 
like sound waves.
May your physical body know 
beyond all understanding 
you are accompanied.  
May your human body 
register this immeasurable 
touch of compassion. 
