Thursday, July 29, 2021

You Know That

 This has been sitting in my "pending" file for some time.
I wasn't sure how I felt about it.
It seems contradictory when she says,
everything yields yet, 
it can be focused, diverted
and shaped by anyone at all?
(Isn't that the truth?  I see folks "shaping" God all over the place.)
Perhaps, what is true, lies in the midst
of the contradiction?

Can You Be Astonished?

 The question for today.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

More Life In Our Time

This week has been unusually hectic 
throwing off my regular schedule of posting.
I'm attributing that to the sentiment above
although there's no question
posting these sentiments 
falls in the "life" column for me.

(The author, unfortunately, is unknown.)



Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 I stand in awe and admiration 
of the women I am fortunate to know
who fall into the category of super heroines.

I hope you know who you are and
know how much you inspire me every day.

Take a bow!  


Friday, July 23, 2021

Let Them Judge You

The infamous "them".
Often they're my own voices
murmuring in my own mind,
whispering behind their palms,
pointing fingers surreptitiously. 
But nothing is secret because
I can hear them loud and clear.

(Of course I can, I'm the one
working the controls.)

And there are those outside hecklers.
Who brandish opinions like sabers
and shoot out words like bullets.

They cannot douse your light.
Keep shining your unspeakable beauty,
be aware of your own warm glow,
spilling over into this broken world.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Design Your Own Mind

This concept keeps coming around
from various sources,
said in somewhat different ways.
Even Octavia Butler's "God Is Change"
notion puts forth
the same idea.
We have agency if we can 
see how our mind operates
and make some adjustments.
It continues to intrigue and inspire me
although, I confess to less than satisfactory
results on developing 
consistent habits in acting on it.


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Trusting Yourself

 This is referring specifically to visual art,
but I believe it applies to other creative endeavors.
A garden creation, for example,
can take years of allowing
it to "just be" and see
how it communicates itself
back to you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

When Friendships Grow Closer

This is true for all kinds of relationships.
I remember one of the first "conflicts"
my partner and I had.
There came a point 
in the midst of the upset
where we realized simultaneously
we were going to remain
and work through things
rather than abandon ship.  
It has served us well
over our many years together.

Habits Are Powerful

My mind is focused on habits 
and how limiting my inner monologue might be.
Contemplating ways to expand
possibilities and expectations.
Reaching for horizons
beyond the scope of
my current imagination.
Looking at my habitual thoughts
and behaviors is a beginning.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Our Real Journey Begins

 How's this for encouraging when you're in the thick of an ebb period?
David Whyte says even standing on solid ground means movement;
solid ground is tidal.
Something to ponder and flow with, I think.
To be fluid.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

It All Matters

Talk about encouraging words.
Those tiny events and brief moments
which often slip away unnoticed
are the threads of life.
They all come together into
a beautiful tapestry
for those with the eyes
to notice and appreciate.
May this day be about

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 I love the idea of the gentle, quiet humans
showing loud manipulators and bullies
the fire in their hearts.
Blazing fierce reminders of
what fairness and justice,
truth and equality REALLY
look like.  

Truth Breaks Through Lies

 This seems extremely poignant as so many in our country 
fall under the spell of a Great Lie.
May the rest of us, rise up in strong numbers
to "break through the dams of artifact and adaptation."
Bravo to Texan Representatives for their courage.

Monday, July 12, 2021


 I love the idea of contributing my cells
to the natural world upon my absence.
The wings of an owl would be sufficient.
Or the roots of an oak? 
It really doesn't matter cause it's all matter.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

If You Want Something...Nurture It

It seems this is the only way to go.
Create your path one moment at a time.
Step by bumbling step.
Sometimes it means doing "nothing".
Living deeply into where you are and who you are.
Sometimes it feels like nothing is happening.
Something is happening.
You are becoming You.
And you are the one composing and conducting.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Find Yourself

This is a quote by Sarah Gale and I love it.
It gives hope and inspiration
especially when one finds herself
in a dark woods
attempting to create
one's own unique path forward.
I guess detours, delays and stalled traffic
are part of the lesson.
Don't stop believing in yourself. 
Happy Friday...Welcome Weekend.


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Speaking of Shame

 Posting this was exquisitely difficult for me. 
The default voices were in high gear 
telling me no one wants to think about shame,
much less talk about it.  
I had to remind myself that the resistance
to speaking of it is exactly the point.
The goal is to find the courage to 
grow away from the shame
and the best way to do it is to think about it,
 allow ourselves to FEEL it, and talk about it.
It's the only way to neutralize its power.
It brought to mind a very recent event
at a table with good friends (thank goodness)
when I found myself visibly drooling
while I as talking.
I was mortified.  
Completely and totally mortified.
It felt like a preview of what's ahead
I. Did. Not. Like. It. 
Thankfully my friends laughed about it
which took away some of the horror.
If they'd gone silent or 
pretended not to notice,
it would have been so much worse.
Ok, this is my awkward, sort of brave
attempt for today.
I may need some recovery time. 
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Anybody You Need Me To Be

 Even though it gives me a giant pit in my stomach,
this is spot on for me as painful as it is to realize and admit.  
How I wish it weren't so.
The work goes on.  

Our Culture Causes It.

 Brace yourself for a revisit of Brene Brown's words of wisdom and encouragement.
Her "Unlocking Us" Podcast is covering The Gifts of Imperfection with Brene and her two sisters conducting a walk through the principles of wholehearted living.  It's good stuff, in my opinion.  It's hard stuff.  Sigh.  But even as a rerun, I feel it's worthwhile.  Especially when her definition of midlife says " it begins somewhere around age 37 and goes on for the rest of your life".  If you are interested in a discussion of the principles, let me know.  kastilwell

PS:  I'm curious to see if/how this lands in your email box now that google is no longer using Feedburner.  

Friday, July 2, 2021

Extracting Sweetness and Comfort

Let's all mimic the bees (and butterflies) searching for honey! 

Honoring Democracy on this 4th of July weekend.


Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Story?

 This is the crux of Butler's concept of God described in her series.
When a nonbeliever asked why she named
her idea "God";
she replied that by doing so,
she felt it would be taken more seriously
and would endure longer 
then if she called it an idea or concept.

What if God/Allah/Jehovah/Buddha is a story? 
A long-lasting, far-reaching story 
very loosely based on actual circumstances, 
written by many different authors
at different times,
in different places,
for different purposes. 
A true collaboration. 
One that has endured 
throughout the centuries 
and across the globe?