Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What Hope Is

This is a gigantic shift of perspective for me.
Hope has always been a nebulous abstraction.
Similar to faith and hope and love, even.
What do they really mean in organic 
and messy human terms?  
They are like some faraway galaxy 
we can only gaze at from afar and 
HOPE to achieve.

This turns it into a concrete, actionable power.
This thought has produced a seismic shift
in my understanding and in my reality. 

On this note, I wish you everything you hope for.



  1. I listened to Krista Tippett interview a poet this afternoon (I guess last Sunday's episode). The poet said the "poetry watered hope" -- or something close to that. What a remarkable thought.

  2. I love that thought! I'm thinking it must have been Jane Hirschfield.
