Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Everything, Anything

"that imagining, 
is a starting place."
What would a world of
true liberty and true justice for all
look like?  
What would it feel like,
in my bones?
What would we be hearing?
I'm trying to imagine it.

Floating on a river of goodness
where everyone and everything
is treated with respect.
Where no one is ever considered
"less than" or undeserving.
This is what I'm imagining.



Tuesday, May 30, 2023

If We Want To Have A Sense of Belonging

My mind has been chewing on this
since I heard it this weekend.
Listening to someone 
from an indigenous lineage
describe the impact of colonization
and the subsequent healing from
recovering their sense of belonging
and cultural identity was moving.
It seems to me, so many threads weave
us back to the land...
to the ground beneath our feet...
our actual barefoot feet,
and our relationship with our
physical body interdependent with
this earth, each other, and with all 
who live upon it with us.
Entanglement indeed.

Monday, May 29, 2023

There is Something Infinitely Healing

Oh, this thought
induced a deep release in me
when I read it this morning;
in light of my keen anticipation 
of high octane days ahead.
Instead of armoring myself up,
I am letting go and trusting
in the flow whether it be 
 choppy or slow or all speeds in between.
It brought me back to roots.
Reminding me there is room
for all of it. 

Friday, May 26, 2023


I've read this several times and still need to pause and absorb the word evening
"for the balance it implies". The "end of the day" is so deeply embedded in my brain,
thinking of it as evening, as in evening things out, as in equilibrium...
takes somewhat fierce concentration.  Even so, I love the way this contemplation
has changed the way I see evening and will from now on.  
"Surrendering with grace to the evening" matter what time of day it is.  


Thursday, May 25, 2023


It makes sense to rejoice in
all the things we often take for granted.
Waking up in the morning, for example.
Lights coming on, hot beverage in your cup,
legs to walk on, eyes to see...
the list is long.
Ticking these off is a grand way
to brighten your mood anytime.

I love the thought that my
"life is delivered even though I can't read the address."


Wednesday, May 24, 2023


"The faces that you love are chalices."

What an exquisite way to describe those faces.
Even when far away, their voices and photos of them
provide a sip of wine.

"Belief is as hard as a hickory nut that cracked, 
holds many mansions."

What mansions does my belief hold?
I explore the many rooms within.
They continue to offer solace 
as well as tender encouragement
to rearrange and freshen up in places.

"Hush.  Slow down."
Let yourself feel. 
Let yourself luxuriate
in the wonder of your existence.



Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Good Bones

We have good bones...they are meant to
 "provide shape and support for the body, 
as well as protection for some organs".

I'm concentrating on 
making this place beautiful.
Turning my gaze to the good.

Silently encouraging all decent folks
to push wherever they can
in whatever way they can
to root this world into dignity.

If each of us made one small, brave gesture
toward big kindness and honest truth,
couldn't we restore balance?
Couldn't we ignite a chain reaction
that spread throughout the lands?

A small seed of mutual respect
growing and spreading into
a giant forest of common sense
and reasonable collaboration?

We have good bones.
Let's realize (real eyes) our fullest potential.


Monday, May 22, 2023


I'm enchanted by this.
"Even imprisoned, they open
. . .exploding, wanting out. . ."
"Set off the alarm."

Many of us are seeking
to "break the glass"
and free ourselves from
the grooming we're receiving
making us compliant and

We are venturing into the wilderness
with courage enough to be weird and wonderful.
Brave enough to burn softly 
wherever we are in whatever way we choose.


Friday, May 19, 2023

Feeding the Worms

Delicious is the word that
comes to mind when reading this poem.
I didn't know worms have taste buds
all over their bodies.
Suddenly, I'm wondering
if they taste the fish that catches them
as they go down the throat?
Seems disrespectful until
I recall all of life is a cycle
of creatures passing through...
literally...coming in and going out.
I rather enjoy the thought of 
becoming a feast for worms.


Thursday, May 18, 2023


May the breathing,
the mindfulness,
the meditation,
the Yoga,
the gardening, hiking, photographing;
the writing, painting, cooking, quilting...
every creative, nourishing thing
so many of us are doing
to bring beauty into this world,
to bring love and dignity and equity into this world;
may it bring a hurricane,
an outpouring, an avalanche of change 
for the good of our planet, each other,
and the non human world living with us.



Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Does the Story Make Sense?

 I love this explanation of making sense.
It brought a worn out phrase to life...
made it sensual, gave it breath.
Not only stories need to make sense.
Wouldn't our life be enhanced by it as well?
Shifting awareness from mental to physical.
Letting the body take the lead
rather than the mind.
Let them be equal partners.
Playing a duet.
Although, if you take each sense 
into consideration,
it would be at least a septet!
A sensual septet.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023


As lovely as this is, 
it propels me into some disagreement.
I believe there are times resistance is required.
For example when you see someone 
abusing themselves or another. 
Or grave injustice is being visited upon others.
Discernment is required.
We are not without agency.
As a famous saying goes,
there are times when we need
"the wisdom to know the difference". See Note

NOTE: The Original Serenity Prayer*God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things that should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Reinhold Neibuhr

Monday, May 15, 2023

We Are Cups

 Noticing the 
constant and quiet
filling up 
easily gets overlooked.

 It's like playing
Hide and Seek.
I am the Seeker.

Funny how finding the hider
is best achieved while being very still
and listening.

Next comes the tipping over
which often calls for
a delicate dance of revealing yourself
minus a makeup artist session.


Friday, May 12, 2023

The Intuitive Mind is a Sacred Gift

I love the idea of the intuitive mind
being "faithfully" served by the rational mind.
It is comforting to know 
they are working as a team.
I only wish Intuition would 
speak with more clarity...
(like I'm a fourth grader!)
Or maybe it has to do with my listening skills?

Thursday, May 11, 2023

I Invite You to Redirect Your Awareness

"No content and no container",
I've never thought of space in this way.

It's a "trip" to step out of deeply entrenched ruts
and move into "spaciousness".

It's like seeing the light as in the opposite of dark,
AND seeing the light as in the opposite of heavy.

I didn't realize how much
my judgments and assumptions
were weighing me down
and keeping me confined.  



Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Your Mind Is Making Judgments

 I'm discovering how challenging it can be
to distill pages of words down to succinct phrases.

My judgmental mind is booming in the background.
"No one has time to read all this!"

I'm practicing my "I don't know" mind
and sharing it despite all the objections. 

The more I tiptoe into this,
the more interesting and provocative it becomes.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

You Are Not The Story In Your Head

I am someone who most definitely
feels at home in my thinking mind
where mostly everything is how I
assume it's going to be; and
 everything unfolds as expected.
(Could we call this a rut?)

Where things get unsettling 
is when I am faced with something
that doesn't fit my expectations
or my assumptions 
and I am required to deviate
from the comfortable
story line running inside. 
The story line I'm composing unconsciously
so I can remain comfortable.
"Comfortably numb"* 

This is my delta...
my wilderness.

* David Waters for Pink Floyd

Monday, May 8, 2023

Living In A World of Abstraction

The thoughts from this book
are proving to be quite helpful
in managing the programming
laid down from various sources
throughout my lifetime.
It's helping me see how
amazingly skillful my "mindless"
thinking affects reality.
It's also renewing my desire
to practice mindful breathing
as a way to experience 
the absence of abstraction
however briefly.
I know my thoughts matter,
what I didn't fully recognize
is how they can also be lying to me.


Friday, May 5, 2023


 Here is a catchy name
for our practice. 
It's about giving ample attention to
what is small and awe-full.
Noticing the wee delights,
the quiet chorus,
the tiny treasures tucked 
into shadowed corners.
Keeping a running list,
carving new brain pathways,
rewiring our mind from 
surviving to thriving.
Seeking out what is humbly arresting,
or previously unnoticed,
hidden in plain sight
and oh so worthy of attention.
I love to know so many of us
are connecting invisible threads
into a mighty web...
from rivulets to brooks,
to creeks, to streams.
Each of us tributaries
moving relentlessly
into the River of Goodness.



Thursday, May 4, 2023

Not A Day Goes By

"The Gift of an Ordinary Day"

"When I am able simply to be with things as they are."
In a world, with its often relentless hounding
for your attention, these words are
helpful reminders.

"able to accept the day's challenges
without judging, reaching or wishing for something else."
This took almost no effort to type onto this page.

Meeting those challenges with awareness and grace
calls for a lifetime of practice to put into action.
Most days, I would call my "ordinary" 
a sloppy mess of scared and sacred humanity.



Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Falling In

 "feel how naturally the body softens,
how simple it is in this moment to forgive myself
for thinking I should be anything but what I am."
This so beautifully follows yesterday's thought.

"To say yes to the body". . .
even when it's irrationally irritable,
and embarrassing to be connected to.
What does the mind know anyway?

It's operating on its own programmed
set of assumptions and judgements.
Churning expectations, motives and conclusions 
out of simple, mostly innocent circumstances.

I choose to stick close to the heart...
even when it feels heavily guarded,
even when its skipping beats, or racing.
It's movement is poetry.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

It Is Possible

 I was in a mood shortly after I woke up,
frustrated with myself for not
welcoming each moment with cheerful curiosity.

I'm grateful I'd left my screen open 
and found this there when I sat down.
Facebook has its usefulness. 

This poet is from Scotland.
Chances are I wouldn't 
meet her walking in the woods

I continue to "plant the seeds
deep inside my head".
May they naturalize to my heart.

Now, I "water them with words
from inside other's mouths".
May I find them within my own.

I'm now going "to prepare the table 
for what has not yet arrived."
Or consider that its already here.


Monday, May 1, 2023


This seems to sound just the right note
for welcoming May 2023.

"yet theirs is the deepest certainty
. . . that everything . . .
is as good as a poem or prayer;
can also make luminous
any dark place on earth."

May your dark places become luminous.