Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Just Another Square

 "Let all be flooded by the shimmer of present mystery."
Another beautiful way to say enchantment, I'm thinking.

There is so much here. Even my pericardium* is a revelation.
Forgiving myself...for all of the above.
Touching the darkness, feeling my smallness, exposing my fear
and my pain and let them all be flooded.
Sunday, after the torrential rains, the river was running
high and swift...full of heavy flotsam...stunning in its speed and power.
The thought of being flooded with forgiveness for myself
and everything else brings moisture to my eyes
and a catch to my chest. 
From now on, when I think of forgiveness,
I will remember the mighty river, 
speeding past me, carrying those giant logs and branches 
 as if they were as light as fallen leaves.

"trust that our kindness matters always."
I'm thinking sometimes kindness has to be fierce.
Firm in its sense of justice and truth. 
Yet, it is never, ever cruel.
Not in my book of definitions.
May this new year bring us softer fronts, stronger backs
and wilder hearts** and enchantment at every turn.


  • *The pericardium's functions include:
    • Holding the heart in placeThe pericardium's outer layer of connective tissue holds the heart in place in the chest. 
    • Protecting the heartThe pericardium protects the heart from inflammation and infection. 
    • Preventing overfillingThe pericardium prevents the heart from stretching too much and filling with too much blood. 
    • Reducing frictionThe fluid between the pericardium's inner layers reduces friction as the heart moves. 
** thanks to Brene Brown

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