Monday, June 29, 2020

Not About Could Have Beens

I love this quote because there have been many times when I've said I'd try to do something for
a supervisor or employer and had them respond with a version of "we don't 'try', we do." 
I wish, at the time, I'd had the courage to reply with "that's a crock of #*$*!"  There isn't a truly living person on earth who hasn't tried and failed a time or two or three.  To be shamed for it is wrong. It's a sign of courage in my book. People need to be encouraged to risk failure.  It's a superb teacher!  kas

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Wet Nurse

Wet Nurse

Dry bones of babies
Lie crumbling to dust 
Disintegrating into fragments
Feeding the soil beneath 

She holds another's child to her breast
Feeling the tug of its lips on the nipple
Of her heart…a strong current of connection
From the warm vibrant skin of life in her arms
To the desert of death where her own infants lay.

How does it feel to have the rich, fertile, vibrancy of life
drawn from the center of her own living skeleton
Now nourishing a breathing child she did not bear
Who enslaves her after stealing the life from her loins
The milk from her breasts…actual living pieces of her...
now mere memories

The sky is weeping as I write these words, 
strong gusts of grief
raining down upon this earth, 
raging in ancient
lamentation at the injustice and the trauma.

We carry the memories of these dark baby corpses…
A woman's inmost heartbreak etched in forever scars
across our psyche and our society.  
They continue to pulse and throb in pain and fury,
festering here in the future where 
those children would have been.

Kathy A Stilwell

Note:  This was prompted by this story I read recently.  

Truth Grows Gradually

This is causing me to ponder my own experience with truth.  
It's something I've taken for granted all my life.  
Now I'm asking myself what truth is exactly.  
Facts?  Belief?  Highly subjective?  All of the above!  kas

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Truth Doesn't Care

Some of the truth I'm seeing exhibited by the repulsive behavior 
of human beings toward their fellow occupants of this planet 
slashes through my optimistic belief that nearly all humans 
are more decent than despicable.  Nonetheless, I continue to 
hope the truth of decency vanquishes the truth of despicable. kas

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Severe Mercy of Acceptance

The truth these days, elusive as it seems, does seem to call for 
a severe mercy.  I'm still grappling with this.  kas  

Thursday, June 25, 2020


This sentiment fits so many relevant topics.
in particular, every patient suffering from COVID-19, 
every healthcare worker doing what they can to help them breathe, 
brutality to others, both in actuality and metaphorically,
our atmosphere, 
our water.  
Breathing is life. kas

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pay Attention

That Mysterious "Other" with many names...none of which are sufficient or accurate. kas

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

In Your Solitude

Self Awareness Can Be Painful

It's been humbling to encounter this hypocrisy within myself.  
More so than ever before in my life.  It's horrifying to realize the loathsome
behaviors and mindsets I'm condemning in others 
lurking within my own interior halls.  Mea culpa.  kas

Monday, June 22, 2020

Which End of the Needle

Sometimes you pierce the cloth and sometimes you place the thread.
No matter which, let's make it true, and make it fair, for EVERYONE. kas 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

What You Can Plan

Absolutely love how this thought shifts things around in my universe. kas

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020


Author Unknown
Hoping you're feeling your wings!  Looking forward to sprouting mine!  kas

Thursday, June 18, 2020


This is the best description of soul I've encountered so far.  kas

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Nothing Lasts Forever

This thought was completely new to me and one I'm continuing to ponder.
  Loving someone or something does take on an air of familiar which can
become what you could call boring, and therein lies the challenge of being
alive and awake enough to be alert to the opportunities for revisioning, 
discovering new depths and alternate angles.  It's bringing a fresh perspective into
a relationship, a new attitude toward the world around you.  That makes "forever" interesting. kas

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

We Guess

I want to guess on the side of fairness, dignity and decency for every living being. kas

Monday, June 15, 2020

Nature Nurtured, Tutored and Protected

A quote from "Where the Crawdad's Sing";  I am much older than the character
saying these words, however, I can say without hesitation that Nature has done
the same for me.  Looking back, I recognize the indelible marks
 left on me even without my awareness. I carry the genes of both my grandfather's--
the one who grew hops and the one who grew roses.  kas

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Journey-work of Stars

I fell in love with this idea the moment I encountered it.  If a blade of grass
is this amazing, think how astonishing a human being is?  kas

Friday, June 12, 2020

Growing Old

Not exactly uplifting but true.  It's ironic to begin to get a grip on
who you want to be in the world as this is happening.  kas

Thursday, June 11, 2020


We’ve allowed toxic pockets of immoral voices to infiltrate our society depriving vast swaths of citizens of the oxygen required to live, cohabitate, and cooperate equally with others. This deadly virus inserted into our narrative is harming our healthy cells from the inside out. These ideologies have been injected by individuals and organizations with the intention of disrupting our way of life and remodeling it for their own purposes. Those purposes are extremely suspect. They do not include the values our country strives for of liberty and justice FOR ALL. Their purposes are malignant.  Their methods are underhanded and unprincipled. This mindset of domination, disruption and denigration is ancient.  Echoed from pharaohs, pharisees, plantations, banana republics, empires, colonization and oppressive regimes across the centuries. 

COVID 19 required that we remove ourselves from the noise and frenetic activity of “normal“ life. For many, we gained a time of reflection, a chance to return to ground and center ourselves in the basic ordinary delights of simply being alive. It returned us to ourselves and our own sense of what is of value as individuals, to our families, to our neighborhoods, our communities, our country and our planet. It reminded us of the importance of connection with others, the natural world, green spaces, essential services, adequate health care, good planning, unity and many other elements of humanity. 

Witnessing the murder of George Floyd launched us into taking action in order to voice those values and demand an end to this toxic narrative leaking its deadly infection throughout our society and our global body. It’s nothing new it’s just become more visible and our eyes have been refracted so we can see more clearly. We are still in search of the ultimate vaccine that will lay this toxic virus to rest. Let it be that we find it in time. kas

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Full of Gaping Life

Its so easy to lose sight of this although living here certainly
makes it quickly and easily accessible.  kas

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Embrace Change

Its easy to get stuck in the "all or nothing", "either/or" duality where you 
pick a side and stick to it no matter what.  Change means going into
areas where things aren't always so easy to designate as good or bad.  
There's a mixture of both in any direction you look.  
It takes courage. It feels awkward and uncomfortable.  Go anyway.  kas

Saturday, June 6, 2020


The peaceful protests have given me more hope than anything
I've witnessed over the past three years.  May the gross injustice to
people of color be transformed by the love and solidarity and real change
brought about by people of all colors working together to bring it about. 
Love will win over fear.  We are witnessing it.  Let. It. Be!!  kas

Friday, June 5, 2020

The Body Knows

This has been a strong, recurring theme for me lately.  
I'm finding it wise advice even though it
often feels unfamiliar and awkward.  
The training to ignore, and/or reject my body is strong. 
"Stop crying!" "Stop yelling!" "Be quiet."  "Be good." "Don't upset anyone."
That training has been going on for a very long time. Its deeply ingrained. kas

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Still, We Carry On

If we can find the courage to be in our fragile body where the pain lives 
instead of walling it off or ignoring it as most of us are taught to do,
we can begin to heal and grow stronger from these vulnerabilities. 
We may experience the wonder of the treasure hidden in the cracks.  kas

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Silencing Yourself?

  It's so much easier to shut down rather than engage in uncomfortable topics 
where one feels insecure.  It's far easier to see things from a standpoint of either/or 
rather than navigate the potent terrain of both/and.  Learning a new way of 
doing something or being with someone feels awkward and unsettling.  
I'm learning not to avoid the discomfort but to gather my tattered fragments 
of courage and persist into unknown territory.  kas

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Witnessing thousands upon thousands of peaceful protestors all across this country 
calling for justice reform, day after day for over a week, amidst a pandemic 
it looks to me like a mighty wave of water insisting on it's course.  
My fervent hope is the necessary change will come despite the efforts to undermine 
the cause as rogue factions work against the tide and our leadership fails us.  kas

Monday, June 1, 2020

Something Stronger, Better, Pushing Back

Thanks to my sister for sending this to me yesterday as the chaos
and unrest continue across the country.  May we all focus on
the "something stronger -something better" pushing right back.  
Focus on the 98% peaceful protests, the officers taking a knee, the 
respectful solidarity of citizens of all colors gathering shoulder to shoulder
despite the dangers of a deadly pandemic to make their voices heard
in support of Black Lives and True Justice. Let It Be! kas