Thursday, June 11, 2020


We’ve allowed toxic pockets of immoral voices to infiltrate our society depriving vast swaths of citizens of the oxygen required to live, cohabitate, and cooperate equally with others. This deadly virus inserted into our narrative is harming our healthy cells from the inside out. These ideologies have been injected by individuals and organizations with the intention of disrupting our way of life and remodeling it for their own purposes. Those purposes are extremely suspect. They do not include the values our country strives for of liberty and justice FOR ALL. Their purposes are malignant.  Their methods are underhanded and unprincipled. This mindset of domination, disruption and denigration is ancient.  Echoed from pharaohs, pharisees, plantations, banana republics, empires, colonization and oppressive regimes across the centuries. 

COVID 19 required that we remove ourselves from the noise and frenetic activity of “normal“ life. For many, we gained a time of reflection, a chance to return to ground and center ourselves in the basic ordinary delights of simply being alive. It returned us to ourselves and our own sense of what is of value as individuals, to our families, to our neighborhoods, our communities, our country and our planet. It reminded us of the importance of connection with others, the natural world, green spaces, essential services, adequate health care, good planning, unity and many other elements of humanity. 

Witnessing the murder of George Floyd launched us into taking action in order to voice those values and demand an end to this toxic narrative leaking its deadly infection throughout our society and our global body. It’s nothing new it’s just become more visible and our eyes have been refracted so we can see more clearly. We are still in search of the ultimate vaccine that will lay this toxic virus to rest. Let it be that we find it in time. kas

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