Saturday, May 29, 2021

Orchestra of Books in my Head

 This quote is one I've shared in the past.
I'm doing so again because I know it to be true.
I would add that conversations, movies, videos and TV shows
often join the orchestra and provide accompaniment
to the musicale.  
Isn't it delicious to contemplate 
everyone you meet has their
very own concert playing 
just for them?  

Friday, May 28, 2021

She Will See You Through

As optimistic as this thought is,
(I do believe we are strong);
I find myself skeptical.
I fear the belief we humans
"have dominion" over 
Mother Earth 
is taking us down a path
toward our own demise.

(I sincerely wish and
fervently hope I'm wrong.)

May we find a way to
to change our trajectory.

If we don't, I do know
She will remain 
and recover
from our grave mistake.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Your Art

 I would like to think 
that my "work"...
my art...
is who I am 
not what I do 
or what I make.
(Although they 
are an expression
of a part of me.)
Let us BE our work.
Let us be our art.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021


Taking up space? 
Why is it 
 difficult for some of us
to view ourselves as
absolutely worthy 
of not only space
but of time.  
Have you ever found yourself
rushing through an exchange
with another human in the 
unconscious belief
that you're keeping them
from something important?
Well, what about this?
You are important, too.
Take a breath and


Friday, May 21, 2021


Isn't every living person on this earth,
no matter their age, in the process of dying?
While I know this intellectually,
I seldom feel it, although it gets
more noticeable as each year passes.
For me, that far off termination,
the end of this,
the end of me,
is getting closer and 
taking on more substance.
Rather than dwell on it,
while that may have it's merit;
I prefer to concentrate 
on the here and now.
The now and the not yet
of the living variety. 
I like the idea of blooming
and wilting
and blooming again...
in the midst of the dying.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Just Bloom

 What would this world be like
if humans acted like plants?

Plants don't meditate on how to bloom.
They don't "practice" or "work" at it.
They don't take courses on how to improve.
They don't "try to change" their thinking.
They don't lament their fading.
Or fear the approaching mower.

Nor do they reach out for the bee.
Or grieve a neighbor's demise.
Or fall in love.
Or swoon in wonder.


PS:  Love to a young man who turns 18 today.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Healthy Thinking

 Nothing new here, but it serves as a "healthy" reminder for me.
I'm paying attention to the stories I'm telling myself.
Many of them are silent movies--somewhat overly dramatic.
I'm learning to sit with the drama 
and gently dial things down.
I've been so programmed for
immediate (re)action; it can be challenging.
I'm always on the lookout for stagnation.
(Allowing discernment
about where that is coming from.)
Today's tender reminder.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

To The River

 Saw this quote tucked away 
where I'd forgotten about it.
I'm grateful for the reminder.

Seeing an iris blooming
where it wasn't "supposed" to
and a Turk's Cap 
I thought was long gone,
feels beautiful as well.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Our Own Lips Speaking

It's not so much about finding the words to say,
it's more about keeping them cheerful and upbeat.
That's not to say lamentation and flat out wailing aren't allowed.
They are part of our human condition.
However, I believe it's better done mostly in private...
others have their own griefs and tragedies.
It takes a uniquely special skill to be present
with another in the throes of their anger and/or their agony.
It takes self awareness, bravery and practice
to be present to another's sorrow
without drowning in it, yourself.
(In my opinion.)
To all those who sit with others in their pain,
a genuflection to your brave humanity.

Friday, May 14, 2021

New Rules

"Create your own path" and "you're not alone" are the two take away's for me.
Abby's interview with Brene Brown was exceptionally inspiring, 
especially if you have young women in your life.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Allow Your Life Naturally, Quietly Unfold

Exasperation was my experience,
as I attempted to venture away from
Victoria's work to other favorite poets.
When my expectations were not realized,
I returned to this most appropriate quote.  
I'm grateful it has led me to 
"allow my life (to) naturally, quietly unfold."
May you find the same.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Rushing River of Purity

 It gives me great hope to encounter poetry like this from our next generation.  
While I consider her "young", in my opinion, 
this poet's work carries an ancient wisdom.
I find myself sitting back in wonder and awe 
at her mastery in dancing with words.
She brings to mind Hafiz, and Rumi, (only in female form).
I confess to more than a little envy, 
however,  I rejoice in her skill and appreciate her brilliance.

PS:  This is an excerpt from her poem entitled Legless Pilgrim
in her book "Susceptible to Light"

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What Eyes Cannot Pry Open

It intrigues me to contemplate
what "eyes cannot pry open"
as well as "the infinite places
within language to hide".

The other thing that invites a conversation
is the physical limits imagination can break through.

I'll be thinking about this for awhile.


Monday, May 10, 2021

Live Alongside Life

It's notable how often I need reminding on this matter.
Whatever grooves are being formed in my brain
are still under construction, apparently.
Radiating can be quiet and gentle.
Undramatic, even.
Being wide awake and aware
doesn't have to be loud
to be fierce and powerful.
Like moss growing across rocks
for centuries.
Like boulders being
polished by the river.
Like roots cracking through cement.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


It felt magical to encounter  
this poem by Billy Collins by accident today.

In honor of my mother on Mother's Day 2021,  
(her 68th as a mother/94th as a daughter);

Celebrating Mothers in all forms.
My heart goes out to those 
for whom Mother's Day is difficult.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Reasons To Be Hopeful

 I needed to hear this today.  
After watching Wilmington On Fire,
I was struck by two things:
First: it was wonderful to hear 
about a time, a brief time, 
when equality was working!
Second: the coup d'etat of that time,
swept under the rug for decades,
could happen again.
It almost did on January 6, 2021.
The documentary says,
it wasn't as much race as it was about
political and economic power.
(I say race was a strong factor.)

Justice and equality do not enter into the equation.
That is just plain, simply WRONG.
May we see the light 
and right the wrongs
of our past. 
As best we can.


Friday, May 7, 2021

Come Home To Yourself?

 How's this for challenging?  
To embrace and befriend my innermost self
even when its extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable?
A tall order but a worthwhile endeavor
since no one but I can fulfill this mission.

I brace myself for the obstacles ahead.
The retail therapy; 
the shiny objects of distraction;
the seductive activities tempting me away
from what hurts or feels awkward 
or "icky" inside.  

Instead of donning armor 
and gathering weapons,
this calls for softening, 
widening the cracks,
gathering tenderness,
channeling a loving mother,
(or grandmother).

patient listening, 
my very own confessional,
 with absolution;
a gentler way of seeing, 
the power of forgiveness,
the elixir of a fresh start,
finding a best friend
right here inside me.

Imagine that!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Err for Audacity

 A follow up to yesterday's post.

This is difficult for me.
I've been programmed so well
to be "proper".
To behave "nicely". (seen and not heard)
To follow the rules
and never,
no. never. 
Cause discomfort or upset.
Rather the opposite of audacious, right?
Let's go be audacious!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Born From What Is Fluid

This moved me when I read it some time ago,
And it moves me again on this water filled day.
I love the thought of the sea being "surface and depth".
"What we can see and what we imagine."
What are you imagining?  
I'm imagining a future where truth and real justice 
are the norm rather than the exception.  
Where our earth is being healed 
and treated with her due respect.
Where democracy is strong.
Where diversity is welcomed.
The list goes on.



Monday, May 3, 2021

Reframe Old Notions

 Every time I hear the opponents of equality and diversity, 
I am struck by how important language is
and how skillfully it is used to divide us from one another.
I am especially struck by the appearance
of one side accusing the other of their very own behavior.
We might do well to examine 
our accusations and assumptions.
I worry about how easily it is to soak up
false beliefs when I'm innocently
 going about my business 
forgetting to pay attention
to the potential programming
being dished out constantly.
This feels like an important topic 
going forward.  

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Antidote to Perfectionism

Even though this sounds easy,
following my grief and
pursuing my imperfections
is no small endeavor.
Sitting with the discomfort 
takes endurance and dedication.
May it get easier with practice?
Hoping so. 
Otherwise, may I strengthen the muscles
needed to persist.   

Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Concert

 I love this idea even though I don't sing or play an instrument.
I love the idea of being a concert anyway.
Living my music, singing my tune.
Perhaps off key but still mine.
May we find harmony 
with each other. 