Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Human Well-Being AND Ecological Flourishing

I'm thinking about how 
"deeply destructive"
binary, dualistic,  
either/or, and us versus them mindsets, 
are to ourselves as individuals
as well as to the entire universe of beings.
I catch myself often.
We've been programmed
and the programming attempts continue.
We will not be hooked.
We see the complexity, 
the multi-faceted dimensions,
the continuum of beliefs and principles.
We won't be simplified into submission.


Monday, February 27, 2023

Our Attention

 I feel most fortunate to 
be in the company of
people who are paying attention
to the natural world.  
I am honored to have them 
as friends and mentors.
Dare I say I feel the tide turning?
The river of goodness continues
growing and flowing.
May it revolutionize our world.

Friday, February 24, 2023

The Winter of Listening

 Pregnant with a shout of joy?
There's a thought to carry
for whatever period of gestation
required to be born healthy and wholehearted.

"Everything has its own voice
to make itself heard."
"everything is born from
an opposite and miraculous
I will contemplate these lines
going forward as
I listen deeply for the great shout of joy.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

You Are The Sky

To say so much 
in so few words,
is a marvel.
I will remember sky
when unpleasant weather
kidnaps me with
 thunder and lightening,
 dreary drizzle,
 scorching heat,
or drought.
As sky,
I will revel in 
weather's miraculous performances
and be patient with her shenanigans.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Quiet Teacher

 "To hush everything that is somewhere else."
I sincerely hope the Quiet Teacher
is with me when I'm in the midst of the dailies.
When I get caught up in mind movement
and "worthy worries".
I respectfully request a gentle nudge,
or a firm push to help me remember
I carry this special place--
"where the sand meets sea, 
meets sky, meets setting sun" 
within me.
I can "be there--here" anytime.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Final Destination


Perhaps you can recall the scene in To Kill A Mockingbird
where all the people in the balcony stood
as Atticus passed by? 
That's how I felt when I heard the news yesterday...
that George Ellison died.

So I offer his words here as a tribute.
And again here from 2020.

Monday, February 20, 2023


I must listen closely as
"trying to save the whole world"
and "doing something grandiose"
are giant impulses with large feet
walking all over my inner landscape.
I try to curb their enthusiasm
by reminding myself of the power
of making small steps close to home.
It just occurred to me that they 
also need to be close to my heart.
Which is where the clearing comes in.
And the "cupped hands"
and the "waiting patiently
in the dense forest."

Friday, February 17, 2023

Live Each Day As If

I love when a thought twists things around.
Why not as if it were the first?
What does that change for you?
For me, it adds a sense of adventure
and an invitation to wander/wonder
into places I wouldn't consider
if it were the last day.
That would be reserved for saying farewells.
The first would be about saying hello!
Seeing with fresh eyes
and an unencumbered heart.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

No One Is Coming

This is hard reality 
and freeing at the same time.
I find myself wanting to add:
No one is coming to hurt you either.
This thought feels like a specter (fear?) 
carried subconsciously.
"Love yourself fiercely and fully."
That's where to focus.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Conflict Isn't the Adversary of Connection

Fear of it is alive and strong in me.
(Unless its someone else's.) 
Unfortunately my rage can overcome my fear.
That blast results in hurt and harm.
I spend a lot of time reading and studying conflict.
And I believe it can be done with mutual respect,
resulting in positive results.
I've witnessed it in mediation rooms.
And I have a very deep desire for it to be this way.
That's why it was good to run across this quote.
These days many of us have retreated 
into our corners, in what is currently 
an us versus them world.
Binary thinking in its extreme.
My deepest hope is that the river of goodness.
 gathers the power from both sides of the river
showing us how we can work together, 
Especially when there is conflict. 
Because we are all connected.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Light The Way For Love

 What a beautiful thought for today.
"Light the way for love".
Plus, aging softly among the tempest.
I will pick up my lantern
and carry on.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Happiness Turned To Me And Said

"It is time to forgive yourself for all the things 
you did not become."
What a giant jolt to my heart...
in a good way. 
In a way that makes me see
I need much more time with happiness.
Less time with scanning for trouble,
or preparing for whatever challenge
may or may not lie ahead.
Focus is key.
Focus is everything.
Move the lens until happiness appears.
(Even, or especially when wrapped 
in gut wrenching sorrow.)
Tack sharp and filling the frame.
Lock in on it and hold steady.
Take it with you everywhere.
It's the worthiest kind of companion.
and life enhancing friend.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Go Out and Expand Your View

What I love about this quote is:
"go out and expand your view of things."
Perhaps this is a way to begin to heal
what is plaguing our world?

NOTE:  This may need a bit of context unless you've had a chance to hear the interview.
Here is a blurb from this article which describes his book: "Keltner has made a career of studying and teaching positive emotion.  But after the death of his brother Rolf Keltner 
in 2019 from cancer, he turned his attention to a tricker human emotion: Awe. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Wonders of Life

 As down as I am on churches these days,
I agree that AT THEIR BEST, this can be true.
I confess to being deeply enamored with the
music, rituals, ceremony, service to others, 
and sense of belonging I experienced as a "believer".
Is it possible to navigate so as to absorb the positive attributes
while avoiding the less desirable aspects?

Nature is my alternative.
Nature has no agenda other than being real.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

We Are Part Of An Ecosystem

I love how this beckons back to Sand Talks  from last week.
And I love how other people provokes even more awe than nature.
If you think about it, we are living in an awe filled world.
It only requires our attention to reveal it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Allowing Goodness its Own Speech

This quote builds on yesterday's post.
I love the idea of "allowing goodness its own speech."
It seems a natural progression from the river of goodness.
Now the river is speaking in gestures of kindness.

Going forward, I'm going to focus on
"ordinary humans doing amazing things."
This makes me realize how many "amazing" things
being done by ordinary humans every day often go unnoticed.
They carry the weight of physical difficulties, and serious illness;
they suffer extreme loss; and supreme emotional distress;
yet they meet each day to the very best of their ability
with quiet grace, without fanfare or recognition.
To me, this is ordinary humans doing amazing things and
it's awe inspiring.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Everyday People Bring Us Awe

 The quotes this week are from an OnBeing podcast with Krista Tippett
and Dacher Keltner, the author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder
and How It can Transform Your Life which some of you be familiar with.

The sources of awe revealed in the study were surprising in some ways.  
For example, this quote about how the one mentioned most often was 
observing other people doing amazing things or "moral beauty"

I find it fascinating, and uplifting to read about 
how seemingly insignificant these sources can be.  

What is most encouraging for me to hear is how 
the studies show that we humans, despite all efforts
to separate and divide us from each other, 
are actually wired for unity.

Friday, February 3, 2023

In The End

This quote puts to rest any residual hesitation
about attending to one's own needs.
It scrubs away any guilt, 
for not living up to perceived expectations of others
and the unrealistic ones we put on ourself.
It's helpful to turn a deaf ear to those voices anyway.
There's only one person who knows best
what you need and its you.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Remove the Unspoken Dread

"Allowing myself to have authentic feelings?
What a concept.
Allowing others to have them?
There's a meaty question.
Now for a trip to the subterranean regions
of inner space to excavate what those are!  
The "training" in "self control" 
is seasoned and mighty, yet 
placid will not be the street where I live out my time.
(I'm ok with serene and content.)
I'm looking for property in "unvarnished reality".
I'm eager to be taken by surprise.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

You Can't Make Amends

 There is much to appreciate here.
For someone who has always felt responsible
for fixing every single "shortcoming",
hearing you cannot fix your DNA,
archetypal forces, or your unconscious,
is pretty remarkable and severely freeing.
That's plenty to consider already.
Then, the realization that becoming
who you truly are, is going to create
responses and opinion and judgements 
from others and you can't change that either.
So get on with your life!!  
The trick is to view it all with a loving gaze.
We are as spacious and complex and dazzling as the Universe.

Happy February!!