Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Allowing Goodness its Own Speech

This quote builds on yesterday's post.
I love the idea of "allowing goodness its own speech."
It seems a natural progression from the river of goodness.
Now the river is speaking in gestures of kindness.

Going forward, I'm going to focus on
"ordinary humans doing amazing things."
This makes me realize how many "amazing" things
being done by ordinary humans every day often go unnoticed.
They carry the weight of physical difficulties, and serious illness;
they suffer extreme loss; and supreme emotional distress;
yet they meet each day to the very best of their ability
with quiet grace, without fanfare or recognition.
To me, this is ordinary humans doing amazing things and
it's awe inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. I’d heard interviews with him before, but really enjoyed the recent OnBeing segment. Interesting to thread the science with the “awe” and how it can transform our experience. Thanks for prompting me to listen in yesterday’s post!
