Friday, March 31, 2023

To Live Content With Small Means

These thoughts from the early nineteenth century
are potent offerings for today.
Each phrase is a meditation.
"hurry never" is especially noteworthy for me.


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Love Getting Older

 It was an unexpected surprise 
to find myself nodding as I read this.
"I can see what connects, 
I can weave stories of experience
and apply them."
This names something I've 
been noticing as I ramble
through my days.
Appreciation for what is deepens;
even when difficult.
Being softer with myself
eases the distresses 
of younger years.
"My understanding deepens."
Things I've taken for granted
become astonishing 
with expanded perception.
It's joyful to spiral back
and recognize the riches.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Nothing More Poetic Than Photosynthesis

What strikes me about this conversation
is how much I/we take for granted.
Our life force is given to us by 
the power of photosynthesis.
I'm guessing few of us truly
appreciate this monumental process.
I certainly didn't/don't.
Even though I learned about it long ago.
It didn't really sink into my consciousness.

Covid gave us a new appreciation for breathing.
Photosynthesis has been here all along.
Quietly, elegantly, simply, doing its "thing";
and here's the most exquisite factor...
we're giving it back...
by breathing in and breathing out!
We provide our carbon dioxide
back to the trees and plants
so they can continue giving us life.

Something to concentrate our attention on
when meditating or doing yoga 
or every other thing we do.



Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Before and After Picture

 This thought chokes me up.
Bringing a piece of land back to wellness
is a monumental offering to all life
and a tribute to our humanity.
And its possible!

Monday, March 27, 2023

The Good News Is

 This is from a compelling conversation I listened to
while traveling this past week.
It was one of three conversations
accompanying me on the journey.

The gratitude I feel as they weave together
through my inner landscape,
is difficult to find words for.

Adrienne Maree Brown 
spoke of Biomimicry
This conversation took the concept
to a whole new level.  
And left me wanting more.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Tell The Stories Of Our Land

I would add that the whole story is needed.
Not only the pretty ones.  
Our stories need to include
our light and our shadows;
our failures and our triumphs.
And by "our" I mean every single one of us.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Remake Our Stories

 There is a plethora of stories across the world
which need revising, rewriting
or abandoning altogether.
We need myths and stories of human dignity,
of mutual respect among all living creatures
and all elements of our world.
Nothing is insignificant.  
Everything matters.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Alchemy Comes

"the entire mesh of existence
binding us together in ways we perceive only if we listen."

I am listening.  

"Each of us is a particle of this greater entity.
Each one of us contains it all."

What this means for me is that
each and every person has the potential
to be a good and decent human.

May each and every one of us find 
our own way to the river 
for the good of each other and our planet.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023

Enchantment Came Easily

I'm stalking my memory these days
in an attempt to recapture the enchantment of my youth.
Songs of Hans Christen Anderson come to mind
for some unexpected reason. 
My parents rented a large house on a farm
which allowed us the privilege 
of witnessing the natural world.
Although a farm has a different conversation
with nature than one conducted in the wild.
Back then, we were oblivious to the
impact of our behavior on our homeland.
I marvel at how naive we/I were/was.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Small Wonder Magnified Through Meaning

"Those quiet traces of fascination found only when we look for them."
I experience this in the woods when 
encountering a tiny vignette, 
a natural composition that exudes a particular beauty;
each element simply being itself in relationship
to the organisms surrounding it.  
This entire description astonishes me.
It contains reflections for a lifetime.
I welcome this vitamin so I must get digging.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

There Has Been A Yearning

This book has me spellbound.
Distilling it down into a few excerpts
will be a challenge.
Brace yourself for a taste!
I'm exquisitely envious of her skill
in finding words to describe
 her inner terrain. 
I'm curious to know if her words
strike a chord in others 
as they do in me?


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

At The Edge of Consciousness

 I'm thinking this may not apply
to many of you reading this.
It is my perception that you
are making great strides toward
living your lives in appreciation of
and connection to the world around you.
I find it describes certain aspects
of my experience.
I struggle to be at ease and calm
as the world feels as if its fracturing.
I severely miss the easy way
we used to gather and socialize.
No one worrying about anyone 
catching something deadly. 
I'm not entirely sure I agree
with all she's saying but
it bears thinking about.

PS:  This is the first in a series I hope you will find nourishing and insightful.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Belonging So Fully To Yourself

I find this powerful enough
to revisit regularly
The "untamed, unpredictable place
of solitude and searching,"
is familiar and disconcerting.
I confess I tend to distract
myself with surface baubles
rather than face the
distinct unpredictability.
Its what feels like nothing
that is so unnerving.
I hasten to fill it with 
anything else no matter how
superficial rather than
face this enormous
space of uncertainty
and choice. 
There's a rush to name,
define, enclose, control.
I removed the pronoun
"it" which I am finding 
increasingly problematic.
"It" implies inanimate
which is decidedly
not the case.
Zoetic describes 
the animation
of this wordless space.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Find Out Who You Are

"You are made of oceans."
After several attempts,
today's thought has appeared.
Let's appreciate the
"endless depths below our surface"
without apology or explanation.
Use your name as a verb.
You are _your name  ing.
See how you fits you.

Sunday, March 12, 2023


My coffee is too strong.

Dilution required.

I don’t want to dilute my life.

I want to concentrate it. . .





Marinate it...









Friday, March 10, 2023

The Journey

This feels like a description 
of the river of goodness
I carry with me.
"waters meeting, 
kindred to travel gathered together
. . .shining or in shadows."
We are making a difference.
What we do from our hearts matters.
Who we are, and who we are becoming matters. 


Thursday, March 9, 2023


My favorite line is 
"Maybe people have to go in and out of shadows 
till they learn that floating that immensity,
waiting to receive whatever arrives with trust."
(Even though I'm thinking the comma is misplaced?)
My mind is on the river of goodness,
contributing whatever I can 
for it to grow longer and stronger,
wider and higher.
Imagining it as a river of light and shadow
where some of us do wander toward the edge
and even fall for awhile.
I love the idea that we can 
"go back and pick up the pieces."
Perhaps this is what is happening right now.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Follow What Stirs You

 This quote captured me with the first line.
It was the second one that gave me pause.
This morning it "clicked". 
(Apparently I'm a little slow 
to "see" the meaning.)
Now that I do, it makes sense.
And, it invites me to visit
any hollow places I might entertain
when my "pure attention"
gets hijacked or wanders away.
There is so much depth and breadth
to being alive and being human.
We are such amazing bundles
of glory and confusion;
magnificence and mayhem.
Aren't we a marvel?

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Pure Attention

The longer I live, 
the more I feel this to be true.
My attention is my power.
Especially when partnered with 
nonjudgemental curiosity.
(That nonjudgemental part is HARD.)
It might be helpful to ask myself
what I WANT to turn my attention toward
as I move through each day.
Right now, I am focusing 
on the river of goodness.
And doing my best to do my part
in adding to its strength.


Monday, March 6, 2023

It's Temporary


quote attributed to Joel Osteen

The more I “think” on it, the more I realize how powerful my thoughts are 

and how vital it is to be attentive to them.  

The challenge for me is to feel the feelings 

while managing the thoughts that go with them (or counter to them).  

They are so tightly entwined, it seems and they feed on each other.  

Personally, I wish my feelings could move as swiftly as my thoughts.  

However, I’ve learned feelings need time to catch up and sync 

with the thoughts that bring growth and groundedness. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could wave a magic wand 

and align them simultaneously?  


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Attending Now

Attending Now

Instead of writing,

I’m reading poetry penned by others

far more adept than I.

Perhaps my time is better spent 

marveling at their virtuosity

Wishing for a measure of their ingenuity,

a dash of their dexterity.

Listening to the Twohee 

chinging outside the window

as the sun slips silently from night.

Her brushes aren’t loaded with vivid colors

more of a sky blue pastel with an overlay of white.

Or I missed the mural.

I’d like to think this all leads somewhere

Then I remember, somewhere is here.

No other place holds its capacity.

It is real, concrete, tangible, visible, malleable.

The gentle steam rising from the deck

as the sun connects with the dew,

the shimmering light on the branches 

of ancient cornelian cherries lined along the road,

the pileated woodpecker hammering against the eaves, 

the breathing in and the breathing out.

Reverently attending to the essence of being alive.


Friday, March 3, 2023

Hear The River

This seems a fitting Friday post
following words of fly wheels and common sense
from Sharon Blackie and Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Hear the "river of goodness"
"flowing over whatever stands in its path
and turning each obstacle into a song."
May we all be singing as we 
move forward toward our vision of
a truly just world.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Fly Wheels

 This brings the "river of goodness" to my mind.
It's what I see happening in many places.
Good people going about their lives 
doing whatever they can to contribute 
to a just world and saving our planet.
They're doing so quietly and diligently.
This gives me hope 
and strengthens my belief
that transformation is occurring.
May it be so!
To echo Sharon Blackie,
Why not?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


These quotes are from an article in the NYT
in case you wish to read more.
This thought or theme keeps recurring
in everything I've read recently about indigenous teachings;
(it's a theme in christian teachings as well.)
and I'm guessing every religion.
What a concept.
Sharon Blackie uses the description of a flywheel
to describe how our world could work
It's another great article.
Combine the flywheel with 
the river of goodness
and we're talking revolutionary!