This feels almost too large to absorb
but it feels significant and worthwhile to ponder.
It's agonizing to witness what is happening to our Earth,
and its encouraging to see and hear ways humans
are working to restore Her to health.
It's agonizing to witness the strife across the globe
and its promising to witness victories for the Good.
Bringing our attention close-in
to the ground beneath our feet,
to the minute,
the small,
to wee creatures, insects and plants,
to mycelium filaments beneath the soil,
to exquisite ephemeral wildflower blooms,
to the ruby throated hummingbird,
to our own vital aliveness in this vast universe;
is a way to steady us and guide us.
They guide us into being
the light and the river...
the best possible version of ourself.
We have each other and we have
signs of the River of Goodness everywhere.
We're rewriting the stories and myths as we go,
contributing traces of ourself along the way.