Monday, January 31, 2022

Consistency over Intensity

 After reading The Notorious RBG last week and Heather Cox Richardson's update this morning, I am feeling agitated and frustrated at what seems to be a relentless and ruthless attack on democracy and just plain fairness.  I don't want our country broken.  

What do I do with this time and this silence?
Fear...ever present, hovering like giant predatory wings
in the wings...
Not only the fear for our country,
but the often muted (and silenced) persistent and desperate
pleas sounding from our Earth, our planet, our home.  

If there is no god to help us,
There is the spirit of goodness and fairness.
A spirit of dignity and decency for all.

Providing calm, steady pushback 
of the persistent, consistent kind
that does not give up or give in.
That is not boisterous or grandstanding.
It may seem to be lying dormant.
Lying dying.  Awaiting treatment.

I choose to believe it is alert 
and alive; standing ready.
Smoldering with banked ashes, 
poised for ignition, 
for lift off.  
An ocean rising 
in fierce and furious 
A strong storm brewing to
douse the flames 
of hatred, greed and domination.

We are the storm...

Renewing and improving the legacy of
true freedom, true justice and true equality
for all living entities on this good earth.
Let. It. Be.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Taste Every Moment

I was treated to one of these "tasty moments" this morning.
It was right before daybreak when I ventured outside.
There was a swirling layer of new snow on the ground
forcing me to walk more slowly and carefully toward my destination.
Rounding the corner, I was greeted with a crystal clear view
of a slivered waning moon floating large and close just above the horizon 
with Venus sparkling like a small crystal lake in the sky nearby.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bees and Trees

 This is an excerpt from a podcast I listened to this morning while I walked.
I'd been finding myself in a "blah", uninspired kind of mood.
This perked me up and uplifted my spirits. 
Here's the link.    
It's Katherine May interviewing Michael Pollan 
on "The Future of Hope" via the OnBeing website.
I hope it does the same for you.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Incomprehensible Complexity

 This thought calls to mind Sonya Renee Taylor's statement
in "Your Body Is Not An Apology" that
we have to get rid of the ladders.
What would this world be like 
if we didn't position everyone
and everything on a ladder of hierarchy?
I think about this often.
It has opened my eyes to my own
mistaken sense of superiority/inferiority.
It's so deeply ingrained, 
I feel I carry it with me
mostly unconsciously.
Becoming mindful of it is unnerving
as it reveals how automatic it is and
how much it informs my thoughts and behavior.
I welcome this change of perspective despite
the strong discomfort and arduous attention
required to form new pathways.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Infinite Perspectives

This follows an earlier post about the significance of an ant.
Although I believe it stands alone in its message.
"One of Infinite Perspectives"! 
This is where this story came to life for me.
It gave me a new perspective similar to what it gave Ms. Miller.
It was a joy to participate in the shift 
of my inner lens to a different way of viewing.
Tomorrow's quote will be connected.  
I'm enjoying the excitement of possibility
and creativity in the idea of "infinite perspectives".

Friday, January 21, 2022

Something To Say

 Which half of the world are you?  
I suspect many of us would put ourselves in the first half category?
Of course, we all know nothing is so simple as this.
Only two categories for millions of people?
I'd say a good percentage of us have something to say
and do our best to convey it in whatever medium
works best for our personality.
My daughter calls her cooking her
"love language".
I think we can speak several love languages.
Growing flowers is one of mine.
Sharing thought provoking quotes is another.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

No More Significant Than An Ant

 I wish I could remember how I discovered this delightful book.
The excerpt above is a small sampling.
It is helpful for me to remember 
how extremely tiny my "little life" is.
Even though it feels gigantic 
from my macro lens viewpoint.
It reduces the pressure of 
"what am I here for?"
and changes the question to
"how did I get lucky enough to exist at all?"
I do believe the critical piece is how
we treat each other, 
including the ants.

PS:  I recommend treating yourself as if you matter, too.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Behind Your Image, Below Your Words

Seems unnecessary to add anything to something
already thick with richness of thought.
May your day be filled with
the news of your inner world.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Complex and Contradictory Stories

It reassures me to be reminded of 
the complexity and contradictions
contained in my humanity.
I so often get trapped 
into the easy thinking
that I am either one (bad) way
or another; but never both.
This thought requires zooming out
and seeing a more spacious version of things.
It invites a new way of thinking and seeing.
I'm calling it "both/and" mindset.
Yes, there may be flaws here and there,
(flaws=areas of invitation)
but the whole view is astonishing.
I'm practicing this every day.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Once The World Was Perfect

 Ok, cynical as this may sound, 
I'm not sure the world was ever perfect.
Every venture I've made into history
has erased any idealistic vision I've carried.

However, "taking it for granted" and 
"all manner of demon thoughts"
I'm familiar with.  
And I know for a fact that
"fear, greed, envy and hatred
put out the light."
We're witnessing it in real time.
And I also know that "sharing a blanket"
creates a spark of kindness
which makes a light 
to make an opening in the darkness.
So I'm concentrating on creating sparks of kindness,
and sharing blankets, and reaching out 
by text or phone or email
or whatever method suits you
to make openings in the darkness.


Friday, January 14, 2022

Choosing to be Curious

 As I give this quote consideration,
it occurs to me how unconscious my own curiosity is.
I have witnessed the dazed face of someone
I am firing questions at and 
instinctively tampered down my enthusiasm.
I've not given this much thought until now.
I've also been on the receiving end of 
someone's barrage of questions.
It can be intimidating and exhausting.
There's something inside me
that feels like I should be able to answer
and it's distressing when I don't know.
(Notice the "should".)
Sometimes so distressing, I feel anger
toward the person for exposing 
my lack of knowledge.
Geez.  New learning can be arduous.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Green is Good

  1.   "If the most sidereal drink is pain, the most soothing clock is music."  and 
  2. "The trees are anxious to be included." My two favorite lines.  

  3. Two new words for me.
  4. Rutilant:  
    glowing or glittering with red or golden light.
  5. Si·de·re·al: of or with respect to the distant stars (i.e. the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets).
The author of the poem pictured above is C.D Wright.


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Give Them Something To Do

 I'm smitten by this idea.
Bring on the helpers!
"Give them something to do."
I confess its challenging to
marshal their marching orders 
into anything resembling coherence.
The question then becomes,
can I trust them to find the path
with scant directions?
I will wait in joyful hope.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Light Our Way From Here

 This piece struck me like lightening this morning.
(Thank you to Deb Woodham)
It reminded me of something I wrote 
when I was in my 20's. 

I stand amidst the wreckage of my dreams.
Staring in disbelief, I see jagged pieces
Of “happily ever after” scattered wantonly about.
My ship of wishes—ravished by the storms of reality;
Flung carelessly against the rocks of life.
Ah, but all is not lost—for I am still breathing.
I was not swallowed.
I lay spent and bleeding from my wounds—but alive.  Yes, alive.
And as I look about,
the shattered pieces catch the sun’s rays,
Create diamonds of light
Slowly I reach out
Hesitantly touch a starry object
Holding my breath for fear it will disintegrate.
Much to my wonder and surprise,
it remains whole.  I squeeze; gently at first,
then harder.
My dreams exist amidst the debris
Now I see them, feel them, choose them, and cherish them.
The plate glass is gone.
No more “display window” life for me.
In its place is fresh air, warmth from the winter sun,
Hawks screeching, seasons changing.
Again I smile.
When opening my hand,
I find the diamond of light is part of me—
Radiating like star-cells from within.

circa 1975

Thursday, January 6, 2022


On this one year anniversary of the barbarism borne out of lies, fear and manipulation at our capital, it seems appropriate to share this poem I encountered by accident just this morning. 
We must not let ourselves grow numb and apathetic.  We cannot forget the injustices.
We must hold our values dear and guard them in whatever way we can.  Each of us can do our part from our heart.  We must.  I believe in who we are at our core.
May we find the way to turn the page from division and fear toward mutual respect and true justice for all beings.