Sunday, January 23, 2022

Incomprehensible Complexity

 This thought calls to mind Sonya Renee Taylor's statement
in "Your Body Is Not An Apology" that
we have to get rid of the ladders.
What would this world be like 
if we didn't position everyone
and everything on a ladder of hierarchy?
I think about this often.
It has opened my eyes to my own
mistaken sense of superiority/inferiority.
It's so deeply ingrained, 
I feel I carry it with me
mostly unconsciously.
Becoming mindful of it is unnerving
as it reveals how automatic it is and
how much it informs my thoughts and behavior.
I welcome this change of perspective despite
the strong discomfort and arduous attention
required to form new pathways.


  1. Kathy, as a long-time friend, I'm quite clear that you do not need to hold on to any sense of superiority/inferiority. It's mistaken, as you write. Embrace your talents and gifts, which are abundant. You bring so much to the world.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. It's gratifying to hear. I'm changing perspective as we speak!! friend, you too, bring so much light into this world.
