Monday, January 31, 2022

Consistency over Intensity

 After reading The Notorious RBG last week and Heather Cox Richardson's update this morning, I am feeling agitated and frustrated at what seems to be a relentless and ruthless attack on democracy and just plain fairness.  I don't want our country broken.  

What do I do with this time and this silence?
Fear...ever present, hovering like giant predatory wings
in the wings...
Not only the fear for our country,
but the often muted (and silenced) persistent and desperate
pleas sounding from our Earth, our planet, our home.  

If there is no god to help us,
There is the spirit of goodness and fairness.
A spirit of dignity and decency for all.

Providing calm, steady pushback 
of the persistent, consistent kind
that does not give up or give in.
That is not boisterous or grandstanding.
It may seem to be lying dormant.
Lying dying.  Awaiting treatment.

I choose to believe it is alert 
and alive; standing ready.
Smoldering with banked ashes, 
poised for ignition, 
for lift off.  
An ocean rising 
in fierce and furious 
A strong storm brewing to
douse the flames 
of hatred, greed and domination.

We are the storm...

Renewing and improving the legacy of
true freedom, true justice and true equality
for all living entities on this good earth.
Let. It. Be.


  1. I can only believe in hope for the future.

    I worry about all of the same things, but without children and grandchildren, perhaps I'm able to blot the climate change issues out of my mind a bit.

    But nature is resilient and Doug Tallamy's call for a Homegrown National Park is a hopeful movement, indeed.

    Political stuff is worse, in my mind, but I try to be hopeful there, too.
    We're privileged to be in Canada now, again, for part of the year, but frankly, the political troubles here are evident as well, even as it seems a lot more coherent than our country.

  2. I must look into Tallamy's call, thanks for mentioning it. From the history I've been studying recently, it has brought home to me how much of a struggle it has been to maintain democracy from the very beginning and onward, even with it's many flaws. What is hopeful is that each generation moves us toward more dignity and more decency. May we continue to see that unfolding. I'm currently in a place where I attempt to "allow" the negative feelings of fear and anxiety as a way to off load their potency. Jury is still out and the learning curve continues. LOL
