Friday, August 26, 2022

Art Opens The World

 This quote is well timed for me.
I'm finding this to be true 
and ever so useful when my "ship"
 seems to list toward the doldrums.

I'm thinking it's important to
pay close attention to those things
that feel spacious and expansive.
AND, to pay attention to when you feel 
heavy and dull or 
overwhelmed and closed off.
Because it can sneak up on you.

I recently had to make a lengthy drive.
My usual is to listen to an audiobook
which is familiar and enjoyable.
This day, for some reason,
I opened up spotify; shuffled
my favorite songs and listened to music.
It was such as unexpected treat.
My spirits were lifted.
I'd become so acclimated to resisting
everything "out there" coming at me
too fast and furious and frightening;
I didn't realize how closed down 
I was until the music opened 
windows inside and let in some fresh air.


Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Owl

This poem by Mary Oliver
is being shared in honor of an enchanting encounter
I had yesterday morning.

The basswood tree
With four trunks.

One for each direction

North, South, East, West

Or element

Fire, water, air, earth.

In a tiny cove

Forming a vignette-

a serene setting.

My turnaround point

For a three mile walk.

Today I snap a spontaneous shot

to record the vision

The creature appeared 

As if a dream

My breath caught in my throat

A Barred Owl alighted 

On the branch above me.

Wise eyes gazing down.

Awed eyes staring upward.

My body went still 

In wonder and appreciation,

expecting a swift departure.

Mesmerized, I stood transfixed

S/he was not disturbed

When I moved or when I spoke.

S/he even seemed to pose.

Adjusting positions

Seemingly in a mirror

Of my slow movements.

So much so I began to speak

S/he responded in silence.

Finally, I had to go.

A neighbor waiting.

Yet s/he remained

Wise eyes gazing.

I left her there

On my favorite basswood.

In the quiet cove

Now forever marked.

With a presence

And an absence.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

To Speak To Trees

This Epistemology piece introduced me to
 inosculate and osculare...
While I don't know much about tying knots,
I do feel familiar with knots in my stomach
and knots in my knitting projects.
I certainly never associated them with 
roots of words, but I like it.
Mostly I love the language of trees.
"They don't use words but they can be said to love."
"To unite by opening"
what a beautiful concept.


Monday, August 22, 2022

Age Is Beauty

 Let this be the beginning of a revolt
against the shallow minded idea 
of who and what is beautiful in our society.
Let this be a revolt against plastic dolls
and plastic looking people.
May we all admire and appreciate the 
intricate beauty of 
maps and stories
written in wrinkles 
on the faces we encounter.


Friday, August 19, 2022


Isn't this a great description 
of being yourself?
"letting the elastic powers of breath
fill and saturate your lungs
with nothing--
and with everything--
of communing with that within us
and around us 
and us ourselves."
The elastic power of this!
Happy Friday!  Enjoy communing!


Thursday, August 18, 2022

A choice

This thought joins the others from Daniel Griffith
that speak to giant change.
Shifting from controlling and dominating
to collaborating and relationship.
From objectifying to engaging with our environment.
I'm thinking this might be easier 
with the land and plants and animals
than with other humans?
It seems like a worthwhile endeavor.


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

What Relationships Require

This makes for a deeply thoughtful metaphor.
Listening for "the hope they have stored
deep within their ageless marrow" applies
not only to landscapes but to people.
My first instinct was to think in terms of
soul or spirit.  However,
in purely physical terms,
our ageless marrow is actually
the dust of the earth, isn't it?
Its the part of us that transforms
 to join the world around us
as our body decomposes.
It's ironic to me that all those years
of being taught I was "nothing more" than
the dust of the earth, 
with ashes on my forehead to remind me,
was really telling me how astonishing
I am to be returning to this amazing earth.
And, I don't have to wait until I die.
The act of breathing makes my cells
part of the world around me.
So that's where the healing of relationships begins?
Below the upper layers where the conditioning
of human factors galore have made their deep marks upon us,
to that place deep inside us
where the light gets in?


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

We Are Newcomers

Relationships are easy to fix?
Please say more!
I want to hear how to fix 
broken relationships because 
it seems there are so many.
This is one thought I sincerely
want to take in
and allow to root and grow strong.
"Relationships are easy to fix."
May my neural pathways adjust accordingly!

 (This is the beginning of a series of thoughts.)

PS: If you're receiving these thoughts through Follow It
and would prefer to receive them directly, 
let me know by leaving a comment below
with your preferred address.  

Monday, August 15, 2022

A Sun Warmed Rock in the Middle of the River

 It was encouraging to run across this quote.
The past 2 ½ years have been 
 like the wilderness for me.
As much as I crave solitude,
I also welcome engagement and conversation
with other human beings.
There may have been moments when I felt
"the power of life being lived within and around me,"
but, they were brief and made me nervous
since I didn't recognize what I was feeling.
This is why we need each other 
and why sharing your journey is important.
This writer's words give me the courage
to become like the 
"sun warmed rock in the center of the stream",
(although my stream is a river).
It gives me a new way to see solitude.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Still Growing

Such encouragement in these words.
The untangling of habitual thought patterns
and the potential for inner growth
are still possible at any age.
Not to say it isn't a challenging journey.
Keeping your focus alone 
takes herculean discipline.
So go easy and have mercy.
We're all together;
 each in our own orbit.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Locate Source of Guidance Within

 This becomes clearer and clearer 
as my time on earth progresses.
And, may I say, it's no easy matter.
She is spot on  when she says our
"relationship with the external world
is such a deeply ingrained habit
that we barely know another way to live."
I don't know about you, but I sure
didn't have anyone teaching me how
to listen to my own guidance growing up.  
Rather, I received immersion training
in how to please others and court approval.
When we know better, we do better.
It's never too late (or too soon) to begin.
And the practice never ends.
One goes deeper as one discovers and learns from
"the source of guidance within."

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Greeting With Mercy

 I'm getting better at showing this kind of mercy
except when it comes to large flies inside,
mosquitos on my skin, yellow jackets too close, 
and mice chewing on the walls.
Then my tyrant comes out.
We humans, especially here in this society
surely have been programmed
to believe we're better than other beings
sharing this planet. 
I recognize it more as time passes.
It does not make me proud.
That being said, I would appreciate
being greeted with the mercy I show other creatures,
like moths and spiders
who are respectfully escorted outside.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Sharper Senses

With all due respect to W. B. Yeats,
dare I suggest astonishing 
is a better word than magic?
I recently heard someone on a podcast
use the term "coming to our senses"
as a way to improve their living experience 
and in turn their writing.
It's helping me pay more attention
to my own senses 
as I navigate my days.
It's a helpful way to avoid
going into a trance
and taking life for granted.
Remembering to do so is key!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Collaboration in the Purest Sense

 Talk about expanding my ways of seeing and thinking!
This is not easy to absorb given my attachment
to my own personal life and my resistance to dying.
Yet, I know death is a stark fact of life, and essential to regeneration.
Since I encountered Wild Like Flowers
when a friend mentioned Mainspring's Virtual Book Club pick,
I've been captivated. 
So much of what I'm reading is beyond my imagination,
yet, it makes sense down deep in my bones.
I see it as an example of Emergent Strategy in action;
a la Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass;
with a touch of David Whyte's poetic style blended in.
I'm becoming ever more appreciative
of the voices I'm encountering.
People from the river of goodness
living their lives and sharing their bounty 
through actions and words.
It rejuvenates my faith and hope
in my fellow human beings.

Friday, August 5, 2022

What Now?

 Edith Eger survived a Nazi death camp
so I can't begin to know a thing
about her experience, however,
her words got my attention today
and I am grateful for her insight.
They helped me begin to catch where I find myself
looking for a scapegoat to blame
or a savior to rescue me from
whatever troubles I find myself encountering.
There is a part of me which curses
the way I was taught 
to look outward for solutions.  
To rely on some supreme being
 to manage everything  in my life.
I am undoing that programming.
It is no longer remotely useful.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

When the Smell of the Earth Meets the Smell of the Trees

 This is something I would not have thought
until I encountered these words.
Now that I have encountered them,
I am beguiled by what they spark in me.
I will be bringing this wolf along 
when I walk in "my" forest.
I will take note of the smell of the earth
and the smell of the trees.
It's lovely when someone gives you
a new view of your everyday world.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Bravest Love and Fiercest Hope

 Thanks to my sister for sending
this thought to me yesterday.
While Knost is focused on parenting,
I believe this applies to each of our
personal journey toward wholeness.
(I love the imagery of textiles.)
The idea of wielding our looms;
or pens or brushes or instruments; 
with the bravest love
and fiercest hope 
is exhilarating.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Shoreless Seeds and Stardust.

 There is a measure of relief in recognizing
how little control I have.
To simply experience the ride.
To recognize I choose the lens
from which to witness the unfolding.
And I can switch from macro to wide angle,
 close in or zoomed out,
still life or video.
And I can witness from outside the frame
or experience the adventure
in real time, live the action
from inside out.
A wide range of options
available for my choosing.
Mary Oliver says it best.
"You only have to let the soft animal of your body. 
love what it loves."