Monday, February 24, 2025

Take Care Of Your Animal Body

This quote is bringing some welcome calm into my world.
It helps to loosen the grip of shock and alarm.
Reminds me there are choices to be made in every single moment.

"if [I]/you can't have hope, have spite!
Spite them with [my]/your joy!

Notice where we find our joy.
No matter how small or unhelpful it might seem,
(because we all have our relentless critic nearby)
embrace it with gusto and dedication.

 "with good works and refusal."

May I humbly suggest you decide for yourself
what your good works are?
(Having been taught that "good works"
means giving precedence to caring for others
without due consideration to one's own well being;
 this point must be made.
I realize this is outdated thinking yet
 the tentacles are strong; and I must acknowledge it.)

What if I shift my calls to ones of encouragement?
What if I contact those courageous souls 
speaking up for goodness and express my gratitude?
What if I do what I can to lighten the atmosphere?
What if I resist becoming morose and shut down?

We are finding our way...



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