Thursday, February 13, 2025

You Cannot Escape Beauty

After an enchanting tea with friends, 
we stepped outside and were treated to another feast.
Everywhere we looked there was beauty 
even when the land was dressed in its winter brown wardrobe.
Greens under the tarp in the garden,
hellebore blossoms, a handsome cat...
an American Hornbeam/Ironwood/Blue Birch tree,
 multi trunked, strong muscled and rugged with age,
glorious in its shape and character.
Not to mention being in the company of
beautiful humans.
This is one view of the sky
which doesn't come close to capturing
the vast and mercurical colors, form 
and light drifting quickly across the mountains
dazzling us as it passed. 
Each moment more gorgeous than the last.
"You cannot escape beauty and you
cannot stop being attracted to it..."

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