"Sometimes the divine is draped in darkness."
This line brings the underworld to my mind for some reason.
It connects somehow to the scary unknown
harbored in my roots from childhood.
I'm slowly growing to be open to the darkness
and the treasures hidden in its shadows.
"Expansion and contraction make creation bloom.
Sometimes the deepest gifts arrive in a box of suffering."
I struggled with this concept from a young age.
Being steeped in things like the stations of the cross...
and the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary...
(if you're not familiar, I recommend you stay that way.)
my young, tender heart translated these to a belief
that the ONLY way to become good was to suffer.
Some might call this a martyr complex?
I was well into my thirties before I realized
suffering would find me, I did not have to go looking for it.
Now I'm learning joy and appreciation and love
are present simultaneously and that's where to focus my attention.
"Love is far more deep and mysterious.
All her seasons are holy."
Suffering has found us, hasn't it?
Either directly or vicariously, we are in the deep.
May we find joy as we link elbows and traverse this wretched landscape.
May this current contraction lead swiftly to a
whole hearted expansion of goodness and reverence for all creation.
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