Sunday, March 2, 2025

Two Huge Lies

This came up hard for me as I was writing to representatives today.
I confess, I am not feeling much compassion for certain people at this time.
In fact, what I'm feeling is a vast void of any kind sentiments at all.
What I'm feeling is a blue hot torch of revulsion.

What we witnessed in our Oval Office was
the dignity and decency of one man fighting for his people
subjected to ridicule and cruelty in our name.  

This means it is time to take a breath, and another, and another.
I will settle for wishing I could feel compassion
 for those inflicting such harm and disrespect;
while seeking the grace to use this blue hot torch 
to right what is wrong, purify what is corrupted,
tidy up what is filthy...beginning here on the inside 
in order to produce ripples flowing outward,
growing into waves, becoming gamma rays of goodness
as a creative force of repair.  

This is my wish, my hope, my intention, my prayer.

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