Thursday, September 20, 2018

First Day of the Rest of Your Life

The title may be a cliche, but, I'm embarking on this endeavor with that very thought in mind.

When I was a young teenager, I fell under the spell of a book entitled, Psycho-Cybernetics by Max Maltz.  To this day, I remember the feeling of limitless possibility opening up before me.  It was like winning a ticket to anything I wanted!

There is a thought process involved in bringing that original feeling back.  One that I have to consciously tap into in order to conjure it forth.  It's easily lost in the shuffle of daily life.  It's been tucked away for decades with only brief flashes of remembrance occurring infrequently and slipping back into the haze of memory.

This new blog is a means for me to fulfill a goal I've finally been able to verbalize. It has to do with the message of that book.  That message is that thoughts matter.  They create our world. 

My goal is to share something (hopefully) useful each day with others for the greater good.  It may be something from the past, like Max; it may be something I've just discovered, or it may be something that touched me briefly which I revisit.

Happy to have you along for the ride.


  1. I love this, Kathy — what an excellent ambition to share something useful each day, after all. And daily posts, there’s a discipline there, too, that’s revealing around the pattern of our lives.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. It's a commitment...and sticking with something is not my strongest trait but I'm determined. Thanks for your support.
