Saturday, December 31, 2022

How To End A Year

In honor of New Year's Eve 2022.
"a time flows into another like a dazzling river
beckoning you to drink."

Samuel A. Betiku: “During a class, a lecturer I greatly admire said: ‘It’s a dangerous thing to live in the past; don’t allow yourself to be left behind.’ This poem was the aftermath of the impression those words had on me.”


Friday, December 30, 2022

They Tell Us The Design of the World Says:

"Becoming Elder" 
was not a conscious plan
for a theme this week yet,
it seems to have presented itself.
This quote has been waiting in the wings
for several weeks.
We must write new myths
and shift our own thinking
about our own and others aging.

One thought at a time,
with unconditional love
for ourselves.
No matter how blasphemous it may feel.  
Each one of us deserves
the reverence and regard
befitting royalty. . . from ourself.
Think of ourselves as whole and holy.
This is where the ripples originate.
The ripples that form the river of goodness.
This is how we change the world.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


I had not heard the word "anti-aging" 
before reading this quote.  
However, I am intimately familiar
with the thought process.
How it permeates our world
and seeps into our cells.
There are societies where elders
are actually revered and honored.
Here, we must provide the
reverence and honor 
for ourselves and each other.
Let those ripples spread!


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Saying Goodbye

I'm still recovering from
having the wind knocked out of me
reading this poem.
(Some of you receive
I'm curious if it affects you like it does me?)
The thought behind this
is the kind of beautiful 
that makes me weep 
with an incredulous delight,
a dumbfounded wonder.
I want to wrap it around me
like a forever shawl,
 a new skin.

"it's dark and it's sweet
and it's terrifying,
this thread that reminds us
just how much we belong
to the rest of the world, 
this thread we can't untie
even if we wanted to."

I would add the fervent hope
and the enigmatic belief
that this thread can be healed,
rewoven even, in the 
frayed places where human frailties 
cause harm and suffering to others?

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The World Is A Tree

Douglas-Klotz is a "friend",
from a different time in my life.
His books changed my life.
I was delighted to run across this quote.
How well it describes the state of things.
So many years were spent
seeking the "rotten apples" of
a "success" that doesn't exist,
 a perfection that isn't real.
Once I turned around and
noticed the trees,
really noticed them,
everything changed.


Monday, December 26, 2022

Everything Ripples Outward

This quote landed with a strong thud
over the weekend and I'm taking note.
My ripples are not always as loving
as I'd like them to be.
I hope they can be spiffed up a bit
through the movement?
Treating myself with love and respect
is a surprisingly (or not so surprising)
awkward and clumsy enterprise.
The tracks for self censure,
chiseled deeply over years,
require serious sweat equity
in the sweeping away.
Thankfully, there is grace in the water
magnifying small efforts;
and generosity in the air
amplifying even weak intentions.
"Be mindful of my ripples"
is my mantra.

Friday, December 23, 2022

No Matter How Dark

 This felt like exactly the right thought
for this "dark" week.
I hope everyone is safe and warm with 
their power functioning.
The wind is fierce and there's snow on the ground.
Giving myself over to transformation
is a humbling thought.
One I sincerely want to control.
However, still growing and still living
are exquisitely worthwhile pursuits.
I'm willing to loosen the reins, as
letting go of them seems overly passive;
and ride the river.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dark Praise

 This poem has cultivated much thought for me.
With a start, I realized my entire insides 
have been operating their stunning processes
in the dark for all the years I've lived.
Bones, muscles, organs, 
blood flowing steadily through veins…
tributaries of life reaching into the sky of my skin 
to bring essential nourishment and oxygen 
to wee cells doing the work of mighty engines...
all this happening in the dark throughout my body.
The sperm and ovum which became me
came from the separate darkness
of my parents and met in the dark.
 I grew in the dark of my mother's womb.
I'm no longer giving preference to the light.
I'm seeing the dark as equally essential,
and just as beautiful and complex as light.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 "To touch with tremulous light, 
interior places it has not lit before."
There's something 
mysterious and beguiling
about what is revealed in darkness.

I'm including another poem today in honor
of our darkest day of the year.

Walking into Winter Solstice
Because it is dark
I walk in the dark,
walk with no moon,
walk with the chill
of the measureless dark.
There is peace that comes
from letting the self
be with the world
as it is, and tonight,
it’s a dark world,
a world where I cannot see
far ahead, a world
of silhouette and suggestion,
a world that seems
to cherish whispers
and relish mystery,
a world where
the invitation is
to walk in the dark
without wishing it away,
without championing its opposite,
the invitation is
to be one who learns
how to live with the dark.

Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

To Work In The Dark

How to be intimate with the dark
while holding my own light?
That is the question gently
humming through my bones today.

Monday, December 19, 2022

If Each Day Falls Inside Each Night

 I cannot explain exactly how this thought moves me;
only that it does.

To contemplate a well imprisoning clarity
is more than enough of a meditation.

"To sit on the rim of the well of darkness
fishing for fallen light with patience." ?

What is fallen light other than darkness itself?
Isn't it possible that inky, utter darkness can be light as well?


Friday, December 16, 2022

The Incremental Nature of Change

 This is such a powerful thought.
To recognize the "small victories" 
contribute to significant change
in ourselves and in our world.
"The incremental nature of change".
Each stitch, each row, each section
is a victory...
repeat, repeat, repeat
and you have a garment.
Each breath,
each thought,
each shift of perspective,
each softening of armor,
repeat, repeat, repeat;
and you have a better life,
a better neighborhood,
a better world.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

No One Person

As an introvert who has always
leaned toward a few deep friendships
gathering more friends sounds complicated.
Friendship is a treasure
not to be taken lightly.
I like the idea of 
making room at my table.
It just occurred to me 
how many poets and writers
have taken a place at my table 
recently and over the years.
I'd like to think that counts 
as friendships?
Perhaps its best to relax,
continue to treasure the friends I have,
and be open to new ones as they appear.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Gladness is Nourishing

Such a simple gesture...
to smile and greet someone
even if we see them everyday
and aren't feeling especially effusive.
It leaves a mark...
for you and for them...
one to be carried with us
making the glow stronger
as it ripples.
An invisible river of light.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Power of the Light We Carry

"One light feeds another."
Thinking about this truth
as I've witnessed it often 
renews my intention to
focus on the light 
of love and compassion.
It inspires me to be that light.
It inspires me to look for the light in others.
It makes me endlessly grateful
for those people and places
that glow quietly and consistently,
generously passing their light to me
so I can carry it onward.






Monday, December 12, 2022

Each of us Carries

This is such a potent thought.
In reading the book, 
I was struck to realize
I'm so focused 
on finding my own light,
I neglect to look for it in others.
That's a game changer for me.

Consider the thought
you also carry the love light 
of your dear ones who have
left this earth. 
Our light glows brighter
as we meet up with other's.



Friday, December 9, 2022

A Forest is a Sacred Place

The necessity of trees and forests to life on earth
is the key message of this beautifully written book.
The author shares her journey of discovery
in a story that inspires me
to see the majesty of the forest 
and the exquisite offerings
trees provide.


Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Oak is a Metropolis

 Even though comparative thinking 
is one of those things we're encouraged NOT to do,
comparing my human lifetime to the lifetime of an Oak,
is a lesson in humility and awe.
One half the design for a complex human
implanted in a sperm is marvel enough.
It's astonishing to consider what is embedded
in one acorn!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Trees Comfort

Her feelings for the trees
led her to learn more and the learning
led to observing and experiencing
a life with trees.
It's a remarkable story of how
science can enhance and expand one's knowledge
and how one's own observations
and experience accentuate academics.
She demonstrates a life lived
in connection with the Earth.
We're all richer for it.



Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Trees Offer Solutions

What if humans could learn to relate 
to the forest rather than exploit? 
To actually listen and watch?
To treat ki with respect as a living entity.
(I was using the pronoun it again.
Changed it to ki.)
That feels better.
As someone who was taught
to see trees and plants as objects,
things change when I view them this way.
There's a shift inside that feels 
so much more connected to my surroundings.

PS: Walking in the rain yesterday,
I was treated to a view of this creature.
Isn't it beautiful?
Marbled Orbweaver 
Araneus marmoreus
--sometimes called 
the Pumpkin Spider.

Monday, December 5, 2022

A Way To Save Our World

 I'm dedicating this week's quotes 
to "To Speak for the Trees" by Diana B-Kroeger.
Her story fascinates me as much as Beryl Markham's.
I confess to more than a spot of envy at her experience.
Beginning with her being brought up in the ancient Celtic way.
I'm grateful she shares it with us through her story.

"the majesty of nature calls to us
in a voice beyond our imaginations."
I am listening to her call.

Friday, December 2, 2022

You Are The Stranger

"You are the stranger."
You don't have to be alone 
in the cockpit of an aeroplane
to encounter this stranger.


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Inspiration and Impulse

As soon as I began to write something about this quote,
I began to see it's not as straightforward as I originally thought.
It certainly speaks to the ambiguity in making some choices.
When the outcome proves "bad", might there be 
cause to consider one's intention and be merciful?