Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 "To touch with tremulous light, 
interior places it has not lit before."
There's something 
mysterious and beguiling
about what is revealed in darkness.

I'm including another poem today in honor
of our darkest day of the year.

Walking into Winter Solstice
Because it is dark
I walk in the dark,
walk with no moon,
walk with the chill
of the measureless dark.
There is peace that comes
from letting the self
be with the world
as it is, and tonight,
it’s a dark world,
a world where I cannot see
far ahead, a world
of silhouette and suggestion,
a world that seems
to cherish whispers
and relish mystery,
a world where
the invitation is
to walk in the dark
without wishing it away,
without championing its opposite,
the invitation is
to be one who learns
how to live with the dark.

Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer


  1. I loved that first poem. In Quebec, the winter light comes into the living room in that same sharp way. It's magic.

    1. That's so interesting. Being further north accentuates the slant? I don't notice it here so much...probably due to the mountain blocking the sun. I've only now learned the solstice only lasts one minute!
