The world most definitely feels
bewildering and frightening right now.
I've begun to believe what I hear
coming from the outside world
is designed that way on purpose;
to scare the daylights out of me.
These days, I'm doing my best
to overcome my fears
and not only survive,
but thrive in this world.
I do this by telling myself
no matter how loud and
terrifying and confusing
things look on the surface,
there is a river of goodness
flowing beneath the surface.
where millions of people
just like me are going about their lives
doing the very best they can
to be decent, fair and kind.
Loving others and themselves.
Doing everything in their power
to live in harmony with the earth,
with other beings while
seeking true justice for all.
This vision is my place of solitude.
"River of Goodness" Beautiful imagery when I feel alone and isolated.