This country, belongs to all of us.
We enjoy Democracy today because our brothers and sisters, husbands and wives,
fathers and mothers, sons and daughters and loved ones gave their lives for it.
How can we even consider turning our backs on it?
Giving away the freedom to disagree publicly without fear?
To debate openly and vigorously in order to reach a reasonable outcome?
To live peacefully with our neighbors regardless of their politics?
To be a leader of dignity and decency in the world?
To be able to learn about every aspect history so we can work on
improving things in the present for the future? To have our privacy respected?
To live by the rule of law and work to improve existing laws for the benefit of the many.
We are all entitled to live on this planet at this time.
Let’s not let the sacrifices of our ancestors be in vain.
Let's address what is unfair and unjust together.
Let's make the changes needed to bring dignity and decency to everyone.
What if we all leave cards with our own version of this wherever we go?
Just a thought.
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