Recently, when J. Drew Lanham asked
"what inside of you needs to get out?",
I discovered on first round that it was rage.
This quote reflects how it operates very well, doesn't it?
The question this raises in me is
does this rage want to be out so it's gone,
or does it want out because it needs to be expressed and heard?
Or is the getting out about revealing something
so its no longer in the shadows of denial?
(Who wants to hear someone else's rage?)
Don't we have more than enough of that around?
It doesn't sound like a good idea to add more into the atmosphere, does it?
discovered the way to overcome discord was to laugh together.
I'm going to view this recognition and naming of the rage
to be a lesson for me...a discovery and an invitation to listen.
As I contemplate it being "out", I think about the cycle of things.
How what I throw into the compost pile changes into nourishment
for the soil, the plants and trees and creatures living on and in earth.
Then there are the things I throw "out" that go somewhere else
to remain intact for a very long time.
I don't want these feelings of rage to become
like plastic containers polluting our waterways and oceans.
As I think on this, it feels like anger and revenge and hatred
can be similar to the trash that contaminates things indefinitely
until someone comes up with a way to transform them
into something that doesn't cause harm.
It's professed that love and compassion and understanding can do so.
I believe this to be true with every fiber of my being.