Friday, October 4, 2024

You Aren't Aging

 I love the idea of unfolding.
Smoothing out the wrinkles.
Relaxing and releasing the creases.
Letting what's inside be revealed.
Letting it be read and reread.
Becoming softer and softer.
To our unfolding.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

We Are Held

These few words express something vast...
something beyond words which can never be named
for to name is to confine, to draw borders and boundaries
around something impossible to contain.
Whatever name we designate diminishes.
We each form our own version of this entity.
It mirrors us.
To contemplate this is an exercise in mystery.
No matter how close we come, there is always more.
We cherish the clues nonetheless.
"We are held by what cannot be held."


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

It Takes The Right Rain

We need to be reminded of the right rain these days, don't we?
I'm exquisitely familiar with the first stanza.  
Many, many seeds have been planted that did not grow, much less bloom.

"Still, the magic lies in the hope, taking the risk."
I'm still hoping seeds planted years ago will somehow show up.
And I still mourn for those who have not appeared as anticipated and longed for.

"You plant anyway...
You wait,
You see what grows."
This has been my strategy all my life.
I forecast all kinds of seeds and see what grows.
It's how my inner voice speaks to me.

"The waiting is hard,
the risk is real,
so is the possibility."
Love, love, love this...
Think of all the idea seeds we plant.
Some come to fruition, some don't.
We still plant, we still hope, we still believe.
It matters.
Believe in your seeds.



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

We All Carry

  1. Definition of haunting 
    1. to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost.
      to recur persistently to the consciousness of; remain with. 
      to visit frequently; go to often.
      to frequent the company of; be often with. 
      to disturb or distress; cause to have anxiety; trouble; worry.

    2. In typical fashion, the first thought "haunting" brought to mind 
      was the last one listed here.  
      I'm glad I looked it up because I am delighted by the first four.
      The idea of my past and future self visiting frequently 
      brings me comfort as I know they are on my side,
      showing me the way, when I take the time to listen.
      I confess to some ambivalence about visiting my past self;
      even while coming to a place of compassion for the mistakes she made. 
      Those mistakes have served to humble me in a mostly helpful way,
      although that doesn't mean they aren't still cringe worthy.
      May we all enjoy our happy hauntings.